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Industry Leading Cloud Render Farm Service


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The cloud rendering service runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux with 99.99% uptime

Automatic Detection

Automatically detects IT environment and matches cloud infrastructure service

API Supported

Production pipeline integration via API

Immediate Render

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CPU & GPU Rendering

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Massive SSD Storage

High-performance SSD storage solution that eliminates I/O bottlenecks

High-speed Transmission

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Fox Renderfarm is ISO27001 certified to keep your assets and information secure.

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The Trusted Partner Network (TPN) is owned and managed by the Motion Picture Association (MPA), a leader in third-party entertainment industry assessments.

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Fox Renderfarm Supports Most Popular 3D Software, Renderers And Plugins All Over the World

3ds Max Cloud Rendering3ds MaxMaya Cloud RenderingMayaCinema 4D Cloud RenderingCinema 4DBlender Cloud RenderingBlender
UE Cloud RenderingUnreal Engine
Arnold Cloud RenderingArnold
V-Ray Cloud RenderingV-Ray
Redshift Cloud RenderingRedshift
RenderMan Cloud RenderingRenderMan
Octane Cloud RenderingOctane
Corona Cloud RenderingCorona
anima Render Farmanima®
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Fox Renderfarm Customer Review: David Guo from Tiny Island Productionsyoutube-play-icon
David Guo
David Guo is the founder and CEO of Tiny Island Productions in Singapore, an independent production and producing/consultancy company that provides a one-stop solution for 3D animation productions.
Why Did They Choose Cloud Rendering Service of Fox Renderfarm? - Testimonials Reelyoutube-play-icon
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Including Megalis VFX, Tiny Island Productions, Filmofon Animation, Infinite Studios, Animonsta Studios, Wau Animation, Assemblage Entertainment, Student Volunteer from ACM SIGGRAPH, and more.
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Fox Renderfarm Customer Review: Tuan Haji Burhanuddinyoutube-play-icon
Tuan Haji Burhanuddin
Managing Director of Les' Copaque production
Fox Renderfarm Customer Review: Jan Míka from Filmofonyoutube-play-icon
Jan Míka
Jan Míka is the founder of Filmofon and the director of the 3D animated short film "The Goose". Filmofon is a company focused on making hybrid films and combining different techniques, their work has been awarded at many important festivals.
Why Did They Choose Cloud Rendering Service of Fox Renderfarm? - Testimonials Reelyoutube-play-icon
Some testimonials from our beloved clients
Including Megalis VFX, Tiny Island Productions, Filmofon Animation, Infinite Studios, Animonsta Studios, Wau Animation, Assemblage Entertainment, Student Volunteer from ACM SIGGRAPH, and more.
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Fox Renderfarm Customer Review: Tuan Haji Burhanuddinyoutube-play-icon
Tuan Haji Burhanuddin
Managing Director of Les' Copaque production
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Fox Renderfarm Customer Review: Jan Míka from Filmofonyoutube-play-icon
Jan Míka
Jan Míka is the founder of Filmofon and the director of the 3D animated short film "The Goose". Filmofon is a company focused on making hybrid films and combining different techniques, their work has been awarded at many important festivals.
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Fox Renderfarm Customer Review: David Guo from Tiny Island Productionsyoutube-play-icon
David Guo
David Guo is the founder and CEO of Tiny Island Productions in Singapore, an independent production and producing/consultancy company that provides a one-stop solution for 3D animation productions.
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Fox Renderfarm News Center

Faith, Fear, and Fatal Secrets: Inside 'Heretic'
Faith, Fear, and Fatal Secrets: Inside 'Heretic'
In the gripping thriller Heretic, two gullible missionaries become trapped in a lethal web woven by the mysterious Mr. Reed. Hugh Grant, Sophie Thatcher, and Chloe East are the film's main stars, and it was directed by Scott Beck and Bryan Woods.The Wrong DoorImage from A24These teenage missionaries enter a world far worse than they could have ever imagined when they inadvertently knock on the wrong door. Hugh Grant does a fantastic job as Mr. Reed, who isn't your average homeowner. His dark cat-and-mouse game pulls them further into a maze of peril, lies, and secrets.Image from A24Grant does a frighteningly compelling job as Mr. Reed. Is he an evil force or just a misunderstood recluse? The missionaries learn startling facts about the nature of evil and their own faith as they fight to break free from his grasp.Image from A24Watchers are glued to their seats throughout Heretic. As the missionaries race against the clock to interpret Mr. Reed's cryptic hints and evade fatal traps, the suspense increases. The lines separating good from evil are hazy, and the stakes are great.Get yourself for a thrilling adventure filled with suspense, surprising turns, and ethical quandaries. Heretic looks to be a thought-provoking thriller that makes viewers consider their own beliefs and the darkness we all carry within.Source: A24If you're interested in animation and visual effects, you might want to check out Fox Renderfarm - the leading cloud rendering services provider and render farm in the CG industry. Fox Renderfarm has provided cloud rendering services to countless visual effects and animation studios, allowing them to get the best quality results in the shortest time. A $25 free trial is available to let you speed up the rendering of your 3D projects.
Crafting Dreams in 3D: Gaujin's Artistic Odyssey
Crafting Dreams in 3D: Gaujin's Artistic Odyssey
Meet Gaujin, the 3D concept artist who just snagged first place in Ryu XR Studio's monthly challenge, which is sponsored by Fox Renderfarm, a leading cloud rendering services provider and render farm in the industry. Known to friends as Gaurav, he's yet to step into the professional arena, but that hasn't stopped him from making waves. With a childhood steeped in Hollywood flicks and video games, Gaujin found his calling in the digital realm. He cut his teeth on Photoshop before facing his 3D fears head-on, driven by a fascination with sprawling digital landscapes. Now, he's set his sights on South Korea, dreaming of bringing his concepts to life in the land of K-pop and kimchi. When he's not pushing pixels, you'll find him on the soccer field, proving he's got game both on and off the screen.Let's dive into Gaujin's world, where determination meets creativity, and every render is a step closer to his goals.Fox Renderfarm: Hi, worldofgaur! Thank you so much for accepting our interview! Could you please introduce yourself to our readers?worldofgaur: Hello! My name is Gaujin/거진 (Gaurav). I am a passionate Concept Artist. I like creating environments and also like to play football during my free time. I haven't worked at a professional level yet, but my dream is to work in South Korea as a Concept Artist. Now, let's talk about how I got into 3D art. So, back when I was in school, I used to watch movies and play a lot of games, just like many kids. Mainly, I used to watch Hollywood movies, and they gave me a lot of inspiration.After completing school in 2012, I joined an art academy where I learned mainly about the basics of Photoshop, 3ds Max, After Effects, and a bunch of other software. Even though I learned a few software, I liked working in Photoshop and was afraid of using 3D. But I used to get amazed by large-scale 3D environments. So, I decided that I wouldn't limit myself by using only Photoshop and 2D concept art using only photos.I got skills by watching a lot of tutorials and practicing. I used to study artworks by famous artists like Dylan Cole, Francisco Corvino, Chris Stoski, Piotr Krynski, and others. I still watch a lot of tutorials and study artwork. Until now, I haven't contributed to any projects honestly. I have been working on my own projects to hone my skills and improve so that I can land my dream job in Korea.Fox Renderfarm: It's fantastic to see your work recognized as 1st place in the 4th Ryu XR Studio Challenge: Jungle, The Lost Ruins! How does it feel to be celebrated for your achievements?worldofgaur: Obviously it feels great when you win something. I took part in the challenge to test my skills and see what I could make if given a particular theme. As I haven't worked in the industry yet, I felt that taking part in a challenge like this would be a good way to experience it. And honestly, I took part in this challenge to get some recognition too haha!Winning Entry in the 4th Ryu XR Studio Challenge © worldofgaurFox Renderfarm: Could you give us a brief overview of the project that won you an award in the challenge?worldofgaur: So, the theme was that there are ruins in a jungle. Firstly, I looked up on Google what's the difference between a jungle and a forest haha! Then I looked up some references on Pinterest. I initially thought about making a story where there's a cave in a jungle and in the middle of all the jungle and the rocks sit these ruins but then I changed the idea because it felt kinda enclosed and I had little freedom. I wanted to make the ruins huge so I went with another idea where an explorer, who travels on his rubber boat through this mysterious cave and then he was welcomed by these megalithic ruins in the middle of a jungle. In that way, I got this open huge area where I placed the ruins. Got a lot of inspiration from Tomb Raider and Uncharted.Uncharted 4 | PlayStation 5Fox Renderfarm: What was the initial spark or idea that got this whole thing started for you? Can you take us through how your thought process unfolded from that very first creative seed?worldofgaur: The idea was simple because as I said I created a story in my mind already which made it easier for me to work. I wanted to create a scenic view that was peaceful and mysterious at the same time. And mainly I wanted the ruins to be huge. I love creating huge structures. The main goal in my mind was to give most of the attention to the ruins obviously, so it was easy because somehow caves make this great framing, you just need to make them dark using light blockers. Then the only thing left was to populate the scene with vegetation and finally lighting, paintover, and color grading.Vegetation © worldofgaurFox Renderfarm: How did your creative process differ from your other works? Do you have a standard working pipeline?worldofgaur: Genuinely, the creative process for all my artworks is generally the same. I think of some story or try to put myself in that situation or scene then just build it accordingly. I rarely do the sketching thing. I want to though, but with just a mouse, I don't feel like doing it. So I just make the block out in 3D and proceed with slowly adding details through modeling and sculpting and sometimes I do kitbashing. As I am modeling and building the scene, I start texturing the models and play with the lighting side by side. I use Blender for all this. After this I render it out of Blender and do some final touch in Photoshop. That's my process. Pretty simple. BTW, I just keep switching between making still renders and animation. Sometimes I want to create fan art too. But the process is always the same. Create a scenario > Look at references > Create the artwork. Sometimes looking at references or other artworks gives me ideas. Oh and I am actually into the realism side of things. I want to create artworks which look photo real mostly. But it is not easy hehe!WIP © worldofgaurFox Renderfarm: Your lighting work is absolutely stunning and adds incredible depth to your scenes. Could you share your process for selecting the lighting schemes? What kind of atmosphere were you aiming to achieve with the lighting?worldofgaur: Thank you! Well for lighting, I generally use an HDRI. And if needed I will add extra lights like the sun lamp or point or spot or area, whatever fits well. It's all about experimentation. I set a mood whether I want an overcast scene or sunset or any other. For this project, I was aiming for a greenish tone as it was a jungle. I wanted the ruins to be hit by sunlight. I actually used 2 powerful spotlights alongside the HDRI with a lot of light blockers and the background trees were covered in fog. That way I was able to focus on the ruins.WIP © worldofgaurFox Renderfarm: What was the most challenging aspect during the production phase of your work, and how did you overcome it?worldofgaur: The most challenging aspect was my own laptop. It ran out of VRAM so many times. But I overcame it by optimizing my scene better. Other than that there wasn't much which was challenging except the challenge itself haha!Fox Renderfarm: Do you find yourself regularly drawing inspiration from certain natural things or other artists? If so, how do those influences tend to show up or come through in the stuff you create?worldofgaur: Yes, of course! I observe my surroundings a lot. I look at how things work in reality, how they differ from each other, how they blend together... all sorts of things. And also I study and draw inspiration from other talented artists as well. And I watch a lot of tutorials and see how they approach different things when making their artwork. It's really fascinating. When I am out of some spark, I just randomly start rewatching some tutorials. It really gives me that boost. As I said above, I look up to Dylan Cole mainly. His way of making beautiful and surreal environments just influences me and somehow those show up in my work in very small amounts.Fox Renderfarm: Was there like a memorable moment or major breakthrough while you were working on this project that really sticks out in your mind?worldofgaur: No, I don't think so. Everything went in a neutral way.Fox Renderfarm: Are there any specific parts of your work that you're really proud of or that people might miss on the first look?worldofgaur: There are several aspects of my work that people might not notice. Firstly and most importantly, my artworks reflect my desire to move to Korea. The amount of hard work I put into those artworks shows my dedication to working and settling in Korea. That's my dream and I believe, I will unlock my full potential once I reach Korea. Secondly, it's my patience and adaptability. I am very patient and adaptable and understanding when it comes to making any artwork. Although I haven't worked with any clients or in any studio, I think that I will handle it pretty patiently. I am quite versatile too.Fox Renderfarm: Got any other exciting projects you're working on at the moment that you can tell us about?worldofgaur: Currently I am working on fan art. It's the Infinity Castle from the Demon Slayer anime. And I have other cool projects that I will proceed to work on afterward, so right now they are just inside my head haha! Also, I am currently focused on building my Instagram account and my portfolio.Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba | Viz MediaFox Renderfarm: In your opinion, with so much art already out there, how can new artists find their own unique voice and style? What advice would you give to those just starting out in this field?worldofgaur: Frankly speaking, I am not in a position to give advice to other artists. But as I am sharing that same spot with them I will say that be patient and true to yourself. There's a lot of competition out there, so don't compromise with your art, and don't waste time. From my experience I am sharing this, time is very valuable. And it passes by really fast. I would have achieved my dream already if I would not have wasted my time. Enjoy your life but with a limit. When it's time to practice, don't be careless. Practice a lot, it makes you finer. When you have this precious time in your hands, you can practice and even learn new things. Choose what you enjoy and like making the most. For me it's environments. For you, it can be something else. Study and observe nature. Participate in art challenges or set personal goals to push your creative boundaries. Once you start enjoying something, that's it, you got your style. So go for it. Don't be scared to try. Believe in yourself. Good Luck! Paiting!Thanks again to worldofgaur for accepting our interview! Wishing new heights in you and your team’s professional career!!worldofgaur’s social media:Instagram:
Report and Highlights, Fox Renderfarm at Annecy Festival & Mifa 2024
Report and Highlights, Fox Renderfarm at Annecy Festival & Mifa 2024
During the consecutive editions of Annecy International Animation Film Festival and Mifa Market, Fox Renderfarm has won the attention of the attendees with its technologically advanced, secure, and reliable cloud rendering services. Fox Renderfarm team gained unforgettable memories during the Mifa held from 11-14 June this year. We had the delightful opportunity to meet our long-time friends and establish new relationships. It was a joy to engage in conversations with all of you!2024 Annecy Festival Report and HighlightsThe 2024 Annecy Festival drew to a close on Saturday 15th June with the announcement of award winners. According to the Festival, over 17,400 accredited attendees from 103 countries celebrated this year’s Festival, with 25,000 spectators at the Open-air screenings on Le Pâquier. All with one common passion: animation!For the Mifa, there were 1,100 exhibiting companies, over 6,500 visitors and over 4,000 students, with a total of 194 professional events. During the 4 days of Mifa, more than 300 artists and students visited our booth and received the highly acclaimed Fox Renderfarm special customized pin. At our booth, we also interviewed a total of 7 beloved customers, all of whom enthusiastically recommended our render farm service to all CG enthusiasts. Watch Fox Renderfarm’s YouTube channel.Award WinnersAt the closing ceremony, Memoir of a Snail by Adam ELLIOT won the "Cristal for a Feature Film". As for Flow by Gints Zilbalodis, it won no less than 4 awards. Totto-Chan: The Little Girl at the Window by Shinnosuke YAKUWA won the "Paul Grimault Award". What’s more, they also gave awards for Feature films, Short films, TV and commissioned films, Graduation films, VR, and Special Prizes.Discover the full list of award winnersWe would like to thank all the staff and volunteers who have worked hard for the Festival and Mifa, as well as all the customers and friends who visited our booth. It was really exciting to see so many animation lovers gathered at Annecy. Fox Renderfarm will continue to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with 3D animation artists around the world, and jointly promote the prosperity of the CG industry with more innovative technologies and the determination to provide the best cloud rendering services. See you next year!
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