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I. How to recharge?
II. Where to find recharge records?
How to recharge?
Step 1: After logging in, click the [Recharge] button in the upper right corner, or in the [Profile] page of the user center.
Step 2: Input the recharge amount and select payment method, Fox Renderfarm supports PayPal/Alipay/Wechat. If you want to use credit card, please select PayPal.
Step 3: Click [Pay with a card].
note: you do not need to register a PayPal account.
Step4: Input your email and click [Continue to Payment]
Step5: Enter your credit card info to complete rechargement
Where to find recharge records?
Step 1: After logging in, go to the [User center].
Step 2: Click [Recharge records] to check.
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