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Membership Scheme
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I. Membership
II. CPU pricing
III. GPU pricing
Fox Renderfarm user levels include Ordinary/Silver/Gold/Platinum/Diamond. The membership level system is based on the total amount you have recharged. The higher the membership level, the more discounts you can enjoy.
Membership | Accumulated recharged amount ($) |
Ordinary | 0 ≤ X < 500 |
Silver | 500 ≤ X < 2000 |
Gold | 2000 ≤ X < 5000 |
Platinum | 5000 ≤ X < 10000 |
Diamond | X≥10000 |
CPU pricing
Membership |
Unit cores (per core per hour )
16 physical cores / per hour
24 physical cores / per hour
(10% off)
28 physical cores / per hour
(15% off)
Ordinary | $ 0.051 | $ 0.816 | $ 1.224 | $ 1.428 |
Silver | $ 0.0459 | $ 0.734 | $ 1.102 | $ 1.285 |
Gold | $ 0.0408 | $ 0.653 | $ 0.979 | $ 1.142 |
Platinum | $ 0.0357 | $ 0.571 | $ 0.857 | $ 1.000 |
Diamond | $ 0.0306 | $ 0.490 | $ 0.734 | $ 0.857 |
GPU pricing
Membership |
Unit price (2 GPU cards) (per node per hour )
Ordinary | $ 1.80 |
Silver | $ 1.44 |
Gold | $ 1.26 |
Platinum | $ 1.08 |
Diamond | $ 0.90 |
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