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The Best CPU Render Farm For CPU Rendering in 2023

The Best CPU Render Farm For CPU Rendering in 2023


CPU Rendering

What is CPU RenderingThe CPU (Central Processing Unit) rendering engine acts as the control center for the entire computer, with the core task of converting data input into information output. As the first available renderer in history, the CPU renderer is widely used and is essentially the industry standard for rendering. Let's look at some of the benefits that CPU render farm brings to the table.1. More RAMGPU rendering seems to be faster when rendering low complexity images, but once you add complexity to things it starts to fall apart. Now 128 GB of RAM may be enough for production rendering. But let's consider 100+ million input polygons, subdivision of input geometry into subdivision surfaces and displacements, 1TB+ textures, and render time programs. These programs can increase scene complexity exponentially as they extend the new geometry program to generate it by running subroutines during rendering, massive (smooth) curve renders for hair and grass, large particle renders for FX, clouds and explosions for OpenVDB ...... (Chan Dra) At this point, there is simply no chance of fitting all this in GPU memory, so for scenes with complex geometric, physical simulations, CPU rendering is clearly more advantageous.2. Able to Handle Complex TasksFor complex tasks, the CPU can outperform the GPU, which has been optimized for processing large amounts of data by performing the same operations quickly and repeatedly. This means that you can take advantage of the GPU's optimal processing power if all cores perform exactly the same operation at the same time. When processing different tasks that are not similar, it is difficult to keep everything in sync, whereas the CPU can perform without problems. The architecture of the CPU is therefore ideally suited to handling 3D scenes.3. Stable PerformanceThe driver may be the problem with GPU-based rendering. If your computer crashes frequently, your graphics card is the cause of the driver problem. Unfortunately, the graphics card is one of the most unstable and highly complex parts of a computer. If a driver update comes out of nowhere, then a problem can be expected later. There is no need to worry about such issues with the CPU-based solution, which is a stable and well established renderer that rarely has problems.4. QualityFor many 3D artists, the quality of the image is more important than the speed at which the media is processed. As it is an integrated solution, CPU Renderer offers greatly improved image quality. If you are someone who prefers accurate quality over time efficiency, then CPU Render is perfect for you.CPU Rendering EngineThere are world-renowned CPU rendering engines that are widely used by 3D artists. The following two brands can be considered as the best rendering engines for CPU rendering.1. Corona RendererCorona Renderer is a biased and unbiased renderer capable of outputting realistic visual effects. Corona Renderer is now only available for Autodesk 3ds Max , MAXON Cinema 4D.The development of Corona Renderer started in 2009 as a student project at the Czech Technical University in Prague, Ondřej Karlík. in August 2017 the company became part of the Chaos Group and was allowed to expand and grow further. Although still young, Corona Renderer has become a production-ready renderer capable of creating high-quality results. Corona has a built-in noise reducer that removes noise from images using data from the rendering channels and 3D scenes. This means you don't have to wait for the entire rendering calculation to be completed.2. ArnoldArnold is an advanced ray tracing renderer built to meet the needs of long-form animation and visual effects. Arnold has a quality that makes images look as close to realistic as possible. This is partly because Arnold is an unbiased rendering engine. This means it will mimic the real world as closely as possible, without taking shortcuts. It also has to do with the algorithms it uses behind the scenes to compute images.Arnold was acquired by Autodesk in 2016 as a CPU-based and was recently introduced in early 2019 to use GPU rendering. Arnold is now compatible with Autodesk 3Ds Max, Maya, Maxon Cinema 4D, SideFX Houdini and Katana.Best CPU Render FarmIn addition to the advantages offered by the CPU rendering solution described above, there are obvious disadvantages of CPU rendering. Specifically, rendering a project via CPU usually takes a significant amount of time, even hours or days. If you need to speed up your rendering time, increasing the number of render nodes that render multiple frames simultaneously may be an ideal solution. However, building a powerful workstation or your own render farm with a large number of render nodes will cost you thousands of dollars. In addition to investing in a powerful machine, you will need to pay for electricity, maintenance costs, etc. to operate these render nodes.It seems that this solution may be more time consuming and costly. Is there another way to reduce rendering time at a reasonable price? The answer is yes. Fox Renderfarm was created to solve your problem when it leverages the power of hundreds of CPU render nodes to do your job with ease.Fox Renderfarm has a team of employees experienced in the field of computer graphics. With professional services and industry-leading innovation, they provide cloud rendering services to a variety of entertainment studios and animation studios from over 50 countries and territories. Fox Renderfarm is known as a world pioneer in cloud rendering, with examples such as Mr. Hublot and Three Robots, etc..It can be said that Fox Renderfarm ranks among the best CPU-based render farms. Fox Renderfarm has a user-friendly UI/UX that makes it easy for customers to use. As a SaaS-based render farm, you first need to prepare your project on your local computer and then upload or download files through Raysync, a free application developed by Fox Renderfarm, which can be considered as a high-speed transfer solution. Users can upload any type of file format of any size through Raysync.Fox Renderfarm supports the best CPU rendering, especially 3Ds Max, Maya or C4D. Some of the CPU rendering engines that can be used in this render farm are Corona, Renderman or Clarisse. Most importantly, fast support is a plus when using Fox Renderfarm services. Fox Renderfarm offers its customers 24/7 support through live chat on their website and is always ready to answer all your questions and queries. New users who sign up for Fox Renderfarm can receive a free $25 rendering coupon.ConclusionCPU rendering has some advantages that may pale in comparison to GPU rendering, such as image quality, stable performance, and large memory. However, rendering on the CPU is much slower than the GPU. It can even take days or weeks to render an entire project on a CPU. Therefore, considering a CPU render farm is an effective solution to reduce rendering time from hours to minutes. In the cloud rendering service market, Fox Renderfarm, as a TPN-accredited cloud rendering farm, is the most trustworthy CPU render farm in terms of price and service.

Top 4 Best GPU and CPU Render Farms in 2025

Top 4 Best GPU and CPU Render Farms in 2025


GPU Render Farm

Why Do You Need a Render Farm?To render a 3D project, animations and visualizations must be calculated to define light, reflections or shadows. For this computational process, time and computational performance are required in addition to the 3D application.On average, an animation of 1 second in length consists of 30 individual frames. This means that 1800 individual frames is the average number calculated for a sequence of 1 minute in length. Depending on the complexity of the scene, the calculation of individual frames can take anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes or even hours. Complex scenes with complex lighting and texture calculations require a significant amount of time to complete the calculation of frames. For example, a local computer can render a single frame of a complex scene in 10 minutes, and it takes approximately 13 days to calculate 1800 frames. Computers run at full capacity and are unlikely to be used during this time.Investing in a powerful workstation or render farm requires a lot of money, and in some cases it would be a waste of money not to use the render farm to its fullest potential. In addition to purchasing powerful hardware, you will also need to pay for electricity, maintenance costs and software licenses for each node.The use of gpu render farm or cpu render farm can therefore be very helpful in these situations. Some of the obvious benefits to be gained from using a render farm are time savings and lower rendering costs.What Factors Influence the Choice of a Render Farm?Easy to UseOne set of UI/UX platforms supports App, 3d App Plugin, Web;A set of pipelines and workflows has the benefit of easy integration of usability results;A set of upload speed/upload items, joining FTP, sFTP, Dropbox, Google Drive, One Driver, etc.;SaaS and IaaSIaaS-based render farms offer full control over remote servers and allow clients to install any software and customize projects as required (for complex pipelines and large projects).SaaS-based render farms are simpler to use, however, when rendering goes wrong, the end user cannot adjust the project (for simple workflows and smaller projects).Compatibility with Software Versions and PluginsCheck out supported software, plugins, rendering enginesPriceA set of prices, actual costs, hidden costs, estimated costsRendering SpeedHow many nodes are available for rendering your job?What CPU and GPU types are offered?OtherA set of analysis speed and data logging (reports), price and time estimates;A set of support services: fast response, multiple support options, availability of human participants, etc.), true 24/7 availability;Criteria for discounts, promotions, regularity, trials, etc.;Security standards, policies and guidelines for privacy protection;Standards for payment methods, claims and refunds;Top 4 Best GPU and CPU Render Farms in 2025FOX RENDERFARM-Best GPU and CPU Render FarmSupported programs:Pros:Offers CPU and GPU cloud services;Free $25 credit to try their services after creating an account;Supports 2 types of submission: web submission and desktop client submission (Windows, Linux OS);Supports a large number of major 3D software and renderers;Acceptable prices;24/7 online technical support;Well-documented FAQs and tutorials;Support for free data transfer tools;Cons:Complex UI/UX and scene uploads;Lack of hardware details;SaaS function only;2. REBUSFARMSupported Programs:Pros:GPU and CPU render farm services available;Free trial of 25 RenderPoints for cloud rendering for every new registrant, worth $30.01;User-friendly UI/UX interface, easy to upload scene files;Large number of supported 3D packages;Reasonable pricing and frequent discounts;Accurate online price calculator;24/7 support;Well-documented FAQs and tutorials;Strong support for CPU-based rendering;Cons:SaaS function only3. GARAGE FARMSupported Programs:Pros:GPU and CPU render farm services available;Reasonable prices;A large number of supported 3D packages;Free $25 render credit for SaaS-based render farms;Well documented tutorials and a great forum;IaaS and SaaS features available;24/7 support;Cons:Limited animation cost calculator;Complex UI/UX and scene uploads;OctaneRender via SaaS is not currently supported;No support for free data transfer for IaaS users;4. IRENDER FARMSupported Programs:The iRender Farm is an IaaS render farm where you can install any software and application on a remote server.Pros:CPU and GPU cloud services available;After creating an iRender account, try their services with a free $5 rendering credit;Allows users to take full control of the physical server's IaaS capabilities;Supports any application running on Windows or Ubuntu operating systems;Support for free data transfer tools;Support for storing users' workspaces;Support for RTX 2080Ti and RTX 3090 cards with NVLink;24/7 support;Cons:Limited FAQ documentation;IaaS function only;The Best Render Farm for Specific 3D SoftwareBest Render farm for BlenderHere are the top 3 best render farm for blender:Fox RenderfarmRebus FarmGarage FarmBest Redshift Render FarmFox Render Farm has tested and selected the top 3 Redshift render farms for Maya, Cinema 4D, Blender and other 3D software.Fox RenderfarmiRenderRebus FarmFox Renderfarm hopes it will be of some help to you. As you know, Fox Renderfarm is an excellent cloud rendering services provider in the CG world, so if you need to find a GPU render farm or CPU render farm, why not try Fox Renderfarm, which is offering a free $25 trial for new users? Thanks for reading!

What is CPU Rendering?

What is CPU Rendering?


3D Rendering

With more and more CG special effects movies such as "Alita", "The Lion King" and "Frozen 2", CG production has gradually become well known. As an integral part of production, CG rendering has also received more and more attention. 3D rendering is the last step of CG production (except, of course, post-production). It is also the stage that finally makes your images conform to the 3D scene. And then, people will find that there are CPU rendering and GPU rendering. So what is CPU rendering? What does the CPU do during rendering?The principle of 3D rendering varies according to different rendering software, but the basic principle is the same: the CPU calculates the parameters set in the model according to the calculation method set by the rendering software, including: from a specific angle to look at the model, lighting, distance, blanking/occlusion, Alpha, filtering, and even paste the texture as it should, so that the digital model is transformed into a real visualization, and then the graphics card will display this picture.And 3D rendering requires a lot of complicated calculations, so it needs a powerful processor. For a simple example, a beam of light illuminates an apple, so where does its shadow face, how big is the shadow, and what does the shadow look like after a lot of complicated calculations. The CPU can solve this problem, and it only has a high frequency. CPU with more cores can get the rendering faster. So if you configure a computer for design, invest as much money as possible in the processor. The CPU is extremely sensitive to the number of cores, and features such as multi-cores have huge performance improvements. If the funds are sufficient, the more cores the better. In addition, the requirements on the response speed of memory and hard disk are also relatively high.So, does 3D rendering rely on the CPU or graphics card? It's actually very simple, depending on what kind of rendering software is used:1. Traditional CPU arithmetic rendering software: such as V-Ray, Arnold, etc. They are software that uses the CPU for rendering, and almost all CPU rendering software can well support the multi-threading of the CPU, that is, the more the cores, the higher the rendering efficiency. Moreover, the number of cores with the same frequency and cache is doubled, and the rendering speed is almost doubled.2. GPU renderers such as Octane, Redshift, RenderMan, etc., greatly reduce their dependence on the CPU. In GPU rendering software, the graphics card determines the level of rendering efficiency.For example, "Gravity" or "Guardians of the Galaxy" and "Avengers" are also produced using the CPU renderer Arnold. It can render very realistic, very high-quality, cinematic images with highly controllable results (which is important).If you use a CPU rendering software, do not hesitate, a multi-threaded, high frequency, large cache CPU is definitely a strong guarantee to greatly improve work efficiency! If you are using GPU rendering software, then GPU is the right choice! But whether it is CPU rendering or GPU rendering, the render farm is a good choice. Just like Fox Renderfarm, it provides massive render nodes, allowing you to get your 1-month project rendered as fast as in 5 min. Why not try it?

Three Aspects to See the Differences Between GPU and CPU Rendering (1)

Three Aspects to See the Differences Between GPU and CPU Rendering (1)


CPU Rendering

The fast cloud rendering services provider and GPU &x26; CPU render farm, Fox Renderfarm will tell you the difference between GPU and CPU rendering.The Background of Graphics CardProbably around the year of 2000, the graphics card was still referred as the graphics accelerator. If something is referred as “accelerator”, it is usually not a core component, just think about Apple’s M7 coprocessor.  As long as there is a basic graphics output function you are perfectly fine to access the monitor. By then, only a few high-end workstations and home use consoles could see separate graphics processors. Later, followed by the increasing popularity of PC,  and the development of games and monopoly software like Windows, hardware manufacturers started to simplify their work process,  which subsequently leads to the fact that graphics processors, or we can say graphics, gradually became popular.The GPU manufactures exist as much amount as CPU manufactures, but only three of them(AMD, NVIDIA, and Intel) are familiarized and recognized by people. To see the difference between GPU and CPU rendering, let's start with the following three aspects.1. The Functions of GPU and CPUTo understand the differences between GPU and CPU, we also need to first understand what GPU and CPU are signed up for. Modern GPU’s functionality covers all aspects of the graphics display. You might have seen the below picture before, that is a trial test of the old version Direct X - a rotating cube. Displaying such cube takes several steps. Let's think fromabout a simple start. Imagine the cube is unfolded to an “X” image excluded line shape. Then imagine the line shape to eight points without the connecting lines (The eight points of the cube). Then we can go ahead to figure out how to rotate the eight points so as to rotate the cube. When you first create this cube, you must have created the coordinates of the eight points, which are usually represented by vectors, three-dimensional vectors, at least. Then rotate these vectors, which are represented by one matrix if it’s in linear algebra. And vector rotation is to multiply the matrix and vectors. Rotating these eight points equals to multiply the vectors and matrix by eight times. It is not complicated. It is nothing more than calculation, with a large calculating amount. Eight points represent eight times calculations, so does 2000 points means 2,000 times calculation. This is part of the GPU's work — the transformation of vertex,  is also the simplest step. But there is so much more than that.In conclusion, CPU and GPU are signed up for different tasks and are applied for different scenarios. CPU is designed with strong commonality and logical analysis functionality to deal with a variety of data types, to categorize a large workload of data and to handle process interruption. All of the above leads to an extremely complicated CPU internal infrastructure. But GPU is specialized in a highly-consistent, independent large-scale data and concentrated computing external environment that can not be interrupted. So CPU and GPU show a very different infrastructure (schematic diagram).Now please follow the best CPU &x26; GPU render farm and cloud rendering services provider to our next part: Three Aspects to See the Differences Between GPU and CPU Rendering (2).

Fox Renderfarm Launches GPU Rendering

Fox Renderfarm Launches GPU Rendering


Blender Cycles

Rendering and previewing in a flash! The craze for Marvel’s superhero movie Deadpool swept over the world.As the first full CGI realistic human feature film in Asia, Legend of Ravaging Dynasties dominated the headlines once the trailer came out.These two movies were rendered with GPU rendering engines.Obviously, GPU computing card and GPU rendering engines are gradually used in film production. It is a good start!Now, as the leading render farm in the industry, Fox Renderfarm launches GPU rendering. Let’s start free trial with Fox Renderfarm’s GPU rendering. Let’s get it started!What’s the differences between GPU and CPU?A simple way to understand the difference between a CPU and GPU is to compare how they process tasks. A CPU consists of a few cores optimized for sequential serial processing, while a GPU has a massively parallel architecture consisting of thousands of smaller, more efficient cores designed for handling multiple tasks simultaneously. Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman made a painting demonstration to show the difference between CPU and GPU:Mythbusters Demo GPU versus CPUWhat’s the advantage of GPU Rendering ?In the field of graphics rendering, not only films and animations, but also CG art, GPU with its computing ability and architecture specially designed for graphics acceleration provides the users with a more efficient rendering solution, namely the GPU rendering solution. GPU rendering has great advantage of fast speed and low cost. Moreover, GPU rendering becomes more and more available now, lots of works with high quality rendered with GPU has come out. GPU rendering tends to be popular with users at home and abroad.Thinking of the CPU as the manager of a factory, thoughtfully making tough decisions. GPU, on the other hand, is more like an entire group of workers at the factory. While they can’t do the same type of computing, they can handle many, many more tasks at once without becoming overwhelmed. Many rendering tasks are the kind of repetitive, brute-force functions GPUs are good at. Plus, you can stack several GPUs into one computer. This all means GPU systems can often render much, much faster!There is also a huge advantage that comes along in CG production. GPU rendering is so fast it can often provide real-time feedback while working. No more going to get a cup of coffee while your preview render chugs away. You can see material and lighting changes happen before your eyes.GPU Renderer 1.Redshift is the world’s first fully GPU-accelerated, biased renderer and it is also the most popular GPU renderer. Redshift uses approximation and interpolation techniques to achieve noise-free results with relatively few samples, making it much faster than unbiased rendering. From rendering effects, Redshift can reach the highest level of GPU rendering, and render high quality movie-level images.2.Blender Cycles is Blender’s ray-trace based and unbiased rendering engine that offers stunning ultra-realistic rendering. Cycles can be used as part of Blender and as stand-alone, making it a perfect solution for massive rendering on clusters or at cloud providers.3.NVIDIA Iray is a highly interactive and intuitive, physically based rendering solution. NVIDIA Iray rendering simulates real world lighting and practical material definitions so that anyone can interactively design and create the most complex of scenes. Iray provides multiple rendering modes addressing a spectrum of use cases requiring realtime and interactive feedback to physically based, photorealistic visualizations.4.OctaneRender is the world’s first and fastest GPU-accelerated, unbiased, physically correct renderer. It means that Octane uses the graphics card in your computer to render photo-realistic images super fast. With Octane’s parallel compute capabilities, you can create stunning works in a fraction of the time.5.V-Ray RT (Real-Time) is Chaos Group's interactive rendering engine that can utilize both CPU and GPU hardware acceleration to see updates to rendered images in real time as objects, lights, and materials are edited within the scene.6.Indigo Renderer is an unbiased, physically based and photorealistic renderer which simulates the physics of light to achieve near-perfect image realism. With an advanced physical camera model, a super-realistic materials system and the ability to simulate complex lighting situations through Metropolis Light Transport, Indigo Renderer is capable of producing the highest levels of realism demanded by architectural and product visualization.7.LuxRender is a physically based and unbiased rendering engine. Based on state of the art algorithms, LuxRender simulates the flow of light according to physical equations, thus producing realistic images of photographic quality.GPU Computing Card Parameter Table Now Fox Renderfarm is applicable to Redshift for Maya and Blender Cycles. There are more than 100 pieces of NVIDIA Tesla M40 cards in Fox Renderfarm cluster, each server has 128G system memory with two M40 computing cards. Welcome to Fox Renderfarm to experience the super fast GPU cloud rendering!

What is the importance of video rendering, GPU or CPU?

What is the importance of video rendering, GPU or CPU?



What is the importance of video rendering, GPU or CPU? Video rendering is different from CG rendering in that they are completely different rendering methods.Video rendering, in general terms, is to combine the various models, effects, or animations that were made in the early stage in the post-production software. In these processes, complex effects and effects are inevitably involved. It is difficult to achieve real-time display with the current computer computing power, so after editing the graphic image, the final effect we need is output by adjusting and modifying, that is, video rendering.Video rendering requirements for graphics cards and CPU.For professional design work, 3D modeling / video rendering, general CPU multi-core and multi-thread parallel processing is very important, and requires a faster and larger cache of the CPU to temporarily store a large amount of computing data, this time CPU computing power requirements are very high.Therefore, the general professional work computer, the CPU requirements are relatively high, the general advanced architecture, multi-core, large cache high-end CPU can better meet the demand.In video rendering, the graphics card is more of an acceleration, 3D effects will rely on graphics cards.Take Adobe Premiere video editing software as an example. This professional software relies more on CPU multi-threading performance. The more cores and threads, the faster the video processing speed will be. In some video size compression and format conversion, transfer a certain amount of GPU graphics card resources, but the mobility is limited, ordinary low-end GPU graphics cards can meet the demand.Of course, it is not that professional graphics, GPU graphics are not important, general 3D modeling is more dependent on GPU graphics than CPU.In general, the modeling of 3D software depends on the CPU. Regarding the professional design, it depends on the CPU or GPU. The main focus is on the scene and the software. Generally, the CPU is mainly clipped, the GPU is accelerated, and the 3D special effects production depends on the GPU. CPUs and GPUs are important for professionally designed computers.In the rendering of video compression, the higher the GPU, the lower the GPU occupancy rate. At present, it is like Adobe Premiere video editing software, mainly based on CPU work, GPU is supplemented by such a state, and as long as Low-end GPU graphics can be very demanding.

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