The Guide of V-Ray Rendering Manual Model (1)

Let's take a look at the effect of rendering a picture below, which looks very much like a photo of a hand model.

How to achieve this kind of effect like a manual model is actually very simple, because the V-Ray artificial light source comes with such a huge "fake" incomparable property that can render your model. You will find that you are uncontrollably rendering your building into a hand model, and most of the time you are not willing.
Well, it's actually very simple, stemming from the contrast between the small scales actually rendered using V-Ray artificial light sources.
Let's take a look at the real manual model photo. Well, this is the final result we want to achieve.

The scale of the building is very large, and the V-Ray artificial light source will have a small sense of scale. In such a contrast, it will look like a manual model. For example, the following Siza's work Borges & Irmao Bank.

If you change an object with a small scale, you will not have this contrast when you render it. You don't feel that it is a fake model, and you are more inclined to believe that it is real. Like this camera.

How to achieve
Let's take a look at the implementation process.
The first step is to build a model

In the second step, all ambient light is turned off, and two side light sources are added at two angles. (in order to compare the effects in both directions)

The third step, rendering (wood material is only diffuse texture, no processing)

Degree of completion
The first thing you need to consider is the degree of completion. This is a state. Obviously not only manual model rendering, but in any form of rendering work, completion is the most important one. High-computation works are not authentic, but let you completely forget the question of true truth, so that your attention can be paid attention to the design or the content itself. The biggest reason for the many disturbing renderings is that the completion is too low, and the entire image is full of wear, missing, and various bugs. Improving the so-called completion is not a difficult job, just a little care and patience.
Come together to improve the degree of completion

Since it is a manual model, should it be placed on a certain booth? Then add the booth

Since it is a booth, maybe you will see the ground and the wall? Then add the ground and the wall

Usually the manual model will install a few led lights to make the model more beautiful, then fill the internal lights

Since there is lighting, we probably need to prepare a few sockets and plugs.

Add some paper people and paper trees to set off the volume of the building (so does it look better?)

Finally, add a nameplate, um, or you can also attach a glass cover, work ~ (put the phone across)

Wow, the effect looks great!
So when you don't know how to add details, what you should do is find some references to see how the real manual models are placed. Remember, look at it!

It's not hard to find out, if you still have a perfect attitude in the case of ensuring the degree of completion, then you need to pay attention to the lighting and composition (or shooting angle).
From: Rifle Graphics
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