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Les 10 Meilleurs Services de Cloud Rendering en 2025

Les 10 Meilleurs Services de Cloud Rendering en 2025

Vous recherchez les meilleurs services de cloud rendering ? Il existe aujourd'hui de nombreux services de cloud rendering sur le marché, mais ils diffèrent par leurs capacités et les logiciels 3D qu'ils prennent en charge. Avant de vous présenter les meilleurs services de cloud rendering, il convient de comprendre ce qu'est le cloud rendering.

Le cloud rendering fait référence à la technologie qui transfère le rendu graphique 2D ou 3D du client au serveur en nuage, l'application du cloud rendering peut grandement simplifier le client. En d'autres termes, grâce aux fonctions d'affichage et d'accès au réseau, les utilisateurs peuvent bénéficier de capacités de traitement graphique de haut niveau, ce qui permet à la même application graphique d'apparaître sur différents terminaux sans distinction.

D'ailleurs, si vous cherchez le service de rendu google cloud, je suis désolé de vous dire qu'au milieu de l'année 2021, Google Cloud a officiellement fermé son service de rendu en ligne Zync render.

1. Fox Renderfarm - Les meilleurs services de cloud rendering

Fox Renderfarm French

Fox Renderfarm est le premier fournisseur de services de cloud rendering du secteur et une excellente ferme de rendu. En activité depuis 2011, Fox Renderfarm s'est forgé une réputation pour la qualité de ses performances, l'excellence de son service client et la flexibilité de ses plans tarifaires. Avec plus de 20 ans d'expérience, l'équipe principale de Pioneer est au service de plus de 400 000 utilisateurs et des plus grandes sociétés d'effets visuels et studios d'animation de plus de 100 pays ou régions, avec des clients comprenant de multiples prix et lauréats d'Oscars. Fox Renderfarm prend en charge le cloud rendering par le CPU et le GPU. Fox Renderfarm prend en charge de nombreux logiciels 3D tels que Cinema 4D, Unreal Engine, 3ds Max, Maya, Arnold, Blender, Redshift et bien d'autres encore. D'ailleurs, Fox Renderfarm offre une période d'essai gratuite de 25 $ pour les nouveaux inscrits.

2. RebusFarm - Services de cloud rendering d'Arnold

RebusFarm - Excellent Render Farm for Blender

RebusFarm a été fondé en 2006 à Cologne, en Allemagne. RebusFarm est conçu pour répondre à la demande croissante de capacités de rendu dans le domaine de l'animation 3D. La ferme de rendu est conçue pour répondre à la demande croissante de capacités de rendu dans le domaine de l'animation 3D. RebusFarm prend en charge toutes les applications 3D courantes, y compris les applications hôtes, ainsi que les applications de rendu secondaires. En outre, l'objectif de RebusFarm est de fournir la plus grande puissance de rendu possible au prix le plus abordable, tout en maintenant une connexion orientée vers le service avec ses clients. RebusFarm offre à Arnold des services de cloud rendering. Chaque nouvel utilisateur reçoit automatiquement un essai gratuit de 25 RenderPoints lors de son inscription.

3. Chaos Cloud – cloud rendering Houdini

Chaos Cloud

Chaos est un leader mondial dans le domaine de la visualisation et de l'infographie. Chaos crée des technologies qui permettent aux artistes et aux designers de visualiser tout ce qu'ils peuvent imaginer. Chaos propose le service de cloud rendering Houdini, qui vous permet de soumettre facilement des travaux de rendu au Chaos Cloud directement à partir de l'interface V-Ray pour Houdini.

4. Garagefarm - Sketchup Cloud Rendering

GarageFarm - Cloud Rendering Blender Render Farm

GarageFarm est une petite équipe de passionnés de technique et de 3D qui, après des années d'expériences douloureuses et horribles en matière de rendu, ont décidé un jour de créer leur propre ferme de rendu. GarageFarm vous permet de télécharger et de gérer facilement vos projets. Il propose un service de cloud rendering Sketchup et offre un essai gratuit pour 25 $.

5. iRender - Services de cloud rendering d'Après Effets

iRender - Great Blender Render Farm

iRender est une société de logiciels basée au Vietnam où les gens, le bonheur et la créativité sont au cœur de toutes les activités qui inspirent la mission de l'entreprise. En tant que fournisseur PaaS et IaaS, elle propose des solutions globales de cloud computing avec des services de location de serveurs GPU pour le rendu 3D (fermes de rendu à distance CPU et GPU), le traitement des données volumineuses ou toute autre tâche à forte intensité GPU. iRender propose différents prix en fonction des serveurs GPU et CPU. iRender propose également des services de cloud rendering d'Après Effets.

6. VFXFarm - Services de cloud rendering CPU et GPU


L'histoire de VFXFarm a commencé lorsque les entreprises traditionnelles de cloud rendering n'ont pas pu répondre à leurs besoins. VFXFarm offre une expérience utilisateur impressionnante, une interface conviviale, un positionnement magnifique, une gestion des couleurs, des applications pour les sites web, Windows et Mac, une synchronisation automatique de la sortie des projets de cloud rendering, et bien d'autres choses encore. Il propose des services de cloud rendering par CPU et GPU.

7. RenderShot - Service de cloud rendering KeyShot


RenderShot est une ferme de rendu KeyShot basée à Vancouver. C'est un fournisseur autorisé de services de cloud rendering KeyShot, alimenté par une équipe et une communauté de passionnés de KeyShot et de développeurs de l'industrie de pointe, fournissant des solutions étape par étape pour tous vos besoins de rendu KeyShot. Il est construit avec de puissants serveurs GPU et CPU qui sont professionnellement optimisés pour permettre aux artistes CG de KeyShot de rendre plusieurs travaux à la fois sans sacrifier la qualité ou le temps.

8. Conductor Cloud Rendering - De bons services de cloud rendering

Conductor Cloud Rendering

Conductor a été développé par des vétérans de l'industrie du divertissement et des experts en développement web SaaS qui partagent l'envie de découvrir et d'utiliser le meilleur de la technologie "cloud". Au cœur de Conductor se trouve l'idée que l'informatique en nuage remplacera la "ferme de rendu" traditionnelle. La plateforme de Conductor a été développée pour atteindre l'évolutivité, la sécurité, la flexibilité et l'accessibilité financière nécessaires à la production de films de premier plan. Conductor offre de très bons services de cloud rendering.

9. GridMarkets - Services de cloud rendering Redshift


GridMarkets est un partenaire de Redshift 3D et fournit le service de cloud rendering de Redshift. Le rendu CPU et GPU est pris en charge. Son prix est de 0,80 $/machine-heure tout compris.

10. SheeIpt - Services de redu en nuage Blender gratuits

SheepIt - Free Blender Render Farm

SheepIt est un service gratuit de cloud rendering Blender. Il se distingue des autres fermes de rendu par le mot "distribué", car le service ne possède pas les machines qui effectuent le rendu, mais s'appuie sur le partage des ordinateurs par les utilisateurs. Par conséquent, les capacités d'une ferme de rendu sont quasiment illimitées. Lorsque les propriétaires de projets ajoutent leurs scènes à la file d'attente, le service divise l'animation en images individuelles pour le rendu, envoie chaque image à un ordinateur connecté et optimise sa sélection en fonction de la mémoire disponible et de la capacité du CPU/GPU. Ce service de cloud rendering est gratuit. Vous pouvez gagner des points en partageant votre ordinateur, et ces points vous donneront accès à des rendus gratuits chez SheepIt.


Fox Renderfarm espère que cela vous sera utile. Il est bien connu que Fox Renderfarm est un excellent fournisseur de services de cloud rendering dans le monde de l'image de synthèse, alors si vous avez besoin de trouver une ferme de rendu, pourquoi ne pas essayer Fox Renderfarm, qui offre un essai gratuit de 25 $ pour les nouveaux utilisateurs ? Merci de votre attention !


What is Cloud Rendering and How does Cloud Rendering Work?
What is Cloud Rendering and How does Cloud Rendering Work?
What is Cloud Rendering?Cloud rendering is a process where users upload 3D assets to the cloud server to do the computation/rendering, then the cloud server sends the results back to the users. It includes offline rendering (render farm), real-time rendering, and other computations made by the servers in the cloud.How does Cloud Rendering Work?Cloud rendering, or distributed rendering, is the process of rendering 3D files in a cloud rendering service platform, aka a render farm, according to the files and parameter settings provided by the users. The jobs will be distributed to required servers. And the servers will send notifications to the users when the computation/rendering is completed. If you are using the Fox Renderfarm client, rendered assets are set to download automatically to a local folder as chosen by you, while web client users need to download them manually.How Much Time Will I Save with a Cloud Rendering ServiceDifferent projects’ computing times vary considerably. Cloud rendering services provide powerful computing capabilities. Theoretically, the more render nodes are assigned, the shorter the computing time is. For example, distributed rendering provided by Fox Renderfarm can compute a render job with multiple servers together, which can save time drastically. The render job that takes one month to render locally can even be completed in 15 minutes in Fox Renderfarm. The approximate time saved can be calculated in the cost estimator.Here are some projects that also use a cloud rendering services:How to Use a Cloud Rendering Service?Users can package their own customized files, upload the packaged files to the cloud rendering server through the cloud rendering client, make full use of the computer hardware resources in the cluster network, and calculate the complex 3D scene through a large number of computer calculations to generate a preview image or the final animated image for visual effect adjustment or post-production synthesis.Better rendering hardware, lower rendering costs and easier to use. These are the points where cloud rendering has advantages over traditional rendering.Why choose Fox Renderfarm - The Best Cloud Rendering ServiceAs an industry-leading cloud render farm, Fox Renderfarm provides more secure, more reliable, simpler, smarter, and cheaper cloud rendering services. Mass rendering nodes are available for users anytime, anywhere. Both CPU and GPU rendering are supported. Professional 24/7 service team is at your fingertips. And Fox Renderfarm has been widely praised by CG studios, film companies and artists. It is your trusted TPN-accredited render farm. It offers a $25 free trial.Let's take the Maya web submission process as an example, only 4 steps in Fox Renderfarm: submit > analyze > render > download,Click the "Submit" button on the left, select the software for submission> set a project path (Note: select a project path to map the local Maya project path)> select the document for rendering, after that, click "Next".Add software configuration after submitting the job (Note: selection of the rendering system), click "Go Analysis" and wait patiently for the analysis to be completed.Click the job with "Analysis Done", set render parameters and then submit it for rendering (Note: the rendering actually starts only at this job)On the rendering page, click the job > export the file > download.Enjoy your journey with the leading cloud rendering services provider and CPU & GPU render farm, Fox Renderfarm, which offer free $25 trial!
5 Best Cloud Rendering Farms for 3D Projects
5 Best Cloud Rendering Farms for 3D Projects
In today's digital age, cloud rendering has revolutionized the way we create and view stunning visual content. Whether you're a professional animator or an aspiring filmmaker, harnessing the power of cloud rendering can make all the difference in bringing your creative visions to life. But with so many options available, how do you choose the best cloud rendering farm for your 3D projects? Therefore, in this article, we will introduce you to the 5 best cloud rendering farms.Part 1. What is Cloud Rendering?Cloud Rendering, is a model that utilizes cloud computing technology to provide users with remote online 3D rendering services. Users only need to upload their project files to the cloud server through the network, and then they can use the powerful arithmetic power provided by the render farm to perform 3D rendering and download the final files.Part 2. Why Choosing Cloud Rendering Farm for 3D ProjectChoosing a cloud render farm for your 3D project offers several advantages over traditional local rendering methods. Here are some reasons why you should consider using a cloud rendering farm:Advantage 1: Cloud rendering farms enable faster, more efficient rendering than relying only on local hardware because they have access to high-performance computing resources, including powerful servers and GPUs.Advantage 2: The cloud render farms offer the flexibility to easily adjust allocated resources to meet your specific needs, whether you need to render a single frame or an entire animation. This scalability ensures that your project is completed in the expected time schedule.Advantage 3: For small studios or individual artists, investing in specialized rendering hardware can be expensive. Cloud rendering farms offer a cost-effective alternative by offering a "pay-as-you-use" pricing model. You only pay for the resources you use, with no upfront hardware investment or ongoing maintenance costs.Advantage 4: Cloud rendering farms support a wide range of industry-standard 3D software and plugins. This ensures compatibility with your preferred software tools for seamless integration and rendering without any compatibility issues.Advantage 5: Cloud rendering farms enable easy collaboration among team members, regardless of their physical location. Project files and render settings can be shared and accessed remotely, streamlining the workflow and facilitating efficient teamwork.Advantage 6: Reputable cloud rendering farms prioritize data security and backup measures. They utilize robust infrastructure and data protection protocols to ensure the safety of your project files.Advantage 7: For large cloud rendering farms, they have data centers located in various regions of the world. This global presence allows you to choose the nearest data center, minimizing latency and ensuring fast data transfer during the rendering process.In short, choosing a cloud rendering farm for your 3D projects gives you greater rendering power, scalability, cost-effectiveness, software compatibility, collaboration capabilities, reliability, security, and global availability. These advantages can dramatically improve your rendering workflow and help you achieve high-quality results efficiently.Part 3. 5 Best Cloud Rendering Farms for 3D Projects1. Fox RenderfarmCost: CPU from $0.0306 to $0.051 per core hour; GPU from $0.9 to $1.8 per node per hourCPU and GPU rendering: YesSupported software and plugins: 3ds Max, Maya, Cinema 4D, Blender, Unreal Engine, Arnold, V-Ray, Octane, Renderman, Redshift, Clarisse, anima®, Corona, Forest Pack, RailClone, X-ParticlesTransfer tool: RaysyncCustomer support: 24/7 Live customer care & technical supportSecurity and reliability: TPN-accredited partnerFree trial: $25 free trial for new users2. RebusfarmCost: CPU 9.93 cent/GHzh; GPU 3.72 cent/OBhCPU and GPU rendering: YesSupported software and plugins: 3ds Max, Cinema 4D, Maya, Blender, Lightwave 3D, Softimage, SketchUp, Rhino 3D, Arnold, Modo, Octane, Mental Ray, Redshift, V-Ray, Corona, MaxwellTransfer support: AspreaCustomer support: 24/7 friendly human supportFree trial: $25 free trial for new users3. Ranch ComputingCost: CPU € 0.016/GHzh; GPU €0.008€/OBhCPU and GPU rendering: YesSupported software and plugins: 3ds Max, Cinema 4D, Maya, Blender, E-on Vue, LightWave 3D, Indigo, Maxwell, Houdini, Arnold, Octane, Redshift, V-Ray, Corona, Renderman, Fstorm, Mantra & KarmaTransfer tool: RanchsyncCustomer support: Available Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm (UTC +1 / Paris, France) to answer your questions by email/phone; also available evenings and weekends on requestFree trial: €30 free trial for new users4. GaragefarmCost: CPU $0.02/Ghz hour; GPU $0.0033 per OB hourCPU and GPU rendering: YesSupported software and plugins: 3ds Max, Cinema 4D, Maya, Blender, E-on Vue, LightWave 3D, Rhinoceros3D, Arnold, Modo, Redshift, V-Ray, Corona and moreCustomer support: Technical support online 24/7Free trial: $25 free trial for new users5. iRenderCost: As low as $1 per node/hourCPU and GPU rendering: YesSupported software and plugins: Since it is a PaaS render farm, it supports almost all softwareTransfer tool: GpuHub SyncCustomer support: 24/7 live chatConclusionEach cloud rendering farm has its own advantages and which one to choose depends on various factors. The free trial they offer is a great opportunity to test their rendering speed and quality as well as their services. Choose the cloud rendering farm that best meets your needs and use it to speed up the rendering process of your 3D projects.
The Importance of Cloud Rendering for 3D Animated Movies
The Importance of Cloud Rendering for 3D Animated Movies
Rendering is the process of generating 2D images or animations based on 3D models or scenes. In 3D animation, rendering is a crucial step, but it often requires a significant amount of work. Some movies, if rendered locally, may even take hundreds of years to complete. Therefore, in order to ensure that 3D animated movies are released in a timely manner, many animation companies and studios will choose a reliable render farm to accelerate the rendering process. Using cloud rendering technology, the rendering of a 90-minute 3D animated movie can be completed in less than a month, instead of hundreds of years.What is Cloud Rendering?Cloud rendering is the process of offloading computationally intensive rendering tasks to remote servers in the cloud, where the computational resources needed to render 3D images or animations are provided on a pay-per-use basis. It is important in 3D animation because it helps to significantly reduce rendering time and improve efficiency, while also providing greater scalability and flexibility.Benefits of Cloud RenderingIn addition to increasing rendering speed and efficiency, cloud rendering helps to reduce hardware and software costs while also delivering superior quality renders due to the availability of high-end hardware and rendering software. In addition, cloud rendering enables accessibility and collaboration, allowing multiple users to work on a project simultaneously from different locations.How Cloud Rendering WorksThe workflow of cloud rendering typically includes the following steps: uploading 3D scenes, allocating computing resources, rendering, and downloading and transferring.Uploading scenes: Users package their 3D scenes and assets (including models, textures, animations, etc.) and upload them to the cloud rendering platform.Resource allocation: The cloud rendering farm processes the rendering workload based on the user's needs and allocates corresponding computing resources. It distributes the scenes across multiple servers to simultaneously process different frames or sections, improving efficiency.Rendering process: The cloud rendering platform starts the rendering process, including simulating lighting, applying textures, calculating shadows, and other necessary computations.Downloading and transferring: Once rendering is complete, the final images are available for users to download and transfer back to their local computers from the cloud rendering platform.Key Considerations for Using Cloud RenderingWhen considering using cloud rendering, there are several key factors to take into account:Cost: The pricing for each cloud rendering service provider varies, and you should determine whether to use their services based on your budget.Scalability: If your project is complex, you need to consider the cloud rendering farm's ability to handle high-demand rendering projects and its flexibility in available computing resources.Security: For project security, you need to ensure that the cloud rendering service provider has strong security measures in place to protect your 3D assets and sensitive data.Network Connectivity: A fast and reliable internet connection is crucial for efficient cloud rendering. In addition to evaluating the render farm's transmission and download capabilities, it is also necessary to consider your own network speed.Rendering Software Compatibility: Check the compatibility of the cloud rendering service with the 3D software used for the project. Ensure that the service supports the necessary formats and features required for specific rendering workflows.Customer Support: Human support is important, as this can save you time and effort in rendering. A competent cloud rendering service provider provides timely and reliable technical support.Performance and Render Quality: Each rendering farm has some differences in rendering speed and quality, so you should also evaluate them in this regard. In addition to viewing user reviews, you can also conduct rendering tests through the free trial offered by the service provider.Examples of Cloud Rendering in PracticeMany major studios and production companies in the industry have embraced cloud rendering solutions to enhance their rendering capabilities. Here are some examples:Pixar Animation Studios: Known for its groundbreaking animated films such as Toy Story, Pixar has utilized cloud rendering extensively. They leverage cloud resources to render complex and highly detailed scenes, enabling faster turnaround times and increased efficiency.Industrial Light & Magic (ILM): As one of the most renowned visual effects companies, ILM has integrated cloud rendering into its workflow. Cloud rendering enables ILM to handle the massive computational requirements of their projects effectively.DreamWorks Animation: DreamWorks Animation employs cloud rendering for its feature films, including the Shrek series, Kung Fu Panda, and How to Train Your Dragon. By leveraging the scalability and flexibility of cloud rendering solutions, DreamWorks Animation can efficiently allocate resources to meet rendering demands during peak production periods.These examples highlight how major studios and production companies have successfully incorporated cloud rendering into their workflows, enabling them to tackle ambitious projects, improve efficiency, and achieve high-quality visual results. For independent animators and small studios, utilizing cloud rendering technology allows them to compete on a larger scale.Leading Cloud Rendering Service: Fox RendefarmFox Renderfarm is a well-known cloud rendering service provider and render farm in the CG industry. We are committed to providing the best, fastest and safest rendering services to all our customers, making them satisfied and confident with us. Fox Rendefarm supports CPU and GPU rendering on a pay-as-you-go basis with 24-hour human service and TPN security certification. The $25 trial gives all new users the opportunity to evaluate the reliability of Fox Renderfarm's cloud rendering service.ConclusionWith the advancement of technology, cloud rendering will have greater development potential and practicality in the future, which is also very beneficial for the development of 3D animated movies. If you are hesitant about cloud rendering, why not try the services offered by Fox Renderfarm? The $25 trial gives all new users the opportunity to evaluate the reliability of Fox Renderfarm's cloud rendering service.
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Global Agent Contact:Gordon Shaw

Email: gordon@foxrenderfarm.com

Marketing Contact: Rachel Chen

Email: rachel@foxrenderfarm.com

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