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Les 9 meilleurs sites de modélisation 3D gratuits en 2025

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Voulez-vous apprendre la modélisation 3D ? Certains logiciels de modélisation 3D sont très puissants, mais ils sont souvent payants. Blender est un logiciel 3D gratuit. Cependant, si vous ne souhaitez pas télécharger de programme et simplement modéliser, découvrez ces sites de modélisation 3D qui vous permettent de créer en ligne.

Le meilleur fournisseur de services de rendu cloud et ferme de rendu GPU & CPU, Fox Renderfarm, vous partage 9 des meilleurs sites de modélisation 3D gratuits.

1. SketchUp - Site de modélisation 3D gratuit

SketchUp - Site de modélisation 3D gratuit

SketchUp est un puissant logiciel de modélisation 3D destiné à un large éventail d'applications de dessin et de conception, notamment l'architecture, la décoration d'intérieur, etc. SketchUp Free est un logiciel de modélisation 3D gratuit basé sur le web, capable de réaliser tout ce que vous pouvez imaginer sans avoir à télécharger quoi que ce soit. Mais SketchUp Free est plus limité que les versions payantes telles que SketchUp Go, SketchUp Pro et SketchUp Studio. Cependant, il s'agit toujours d'un très bon site web de modélisation 3D gratuit.

2. Tinkercad - Site de modélisation 3D gratuit

Tinkercad - Site de modélisation 3D gratuit

Tinkercad est une application web gratuite de conception 3D, d'électronique et de codage d'Autodesk. Il s'agit d'un site web de modélisation 3D en ligne très populaire, doté d'une interface conviviale et très facile à utiliser. En outre, c'est une plateforme populaire pour la création de modèles imprimés en 3D, car elle peut facilement exporter des fichiers STL pour l'impression en 3D.

3. Vectary - Site de modélisation 3D en ligne

Vectary - Site de modélisation 3D en ligne

Vectary est un outil de modélisation 3D gratuit conçu pour aider à créer, partager et personnaliser des designs 3D. Vous n'avez pas besoin de télécharger ou de coder, vous pouvez faire de la modélisation 3D directement dans votre navigateur. L'une des caractéristiques de Vectary est qu'il est possible d'utiliser la RA pour améliorer la réalité. Si vous devez demander un espace de travail, une version payante est disponible, mais la version de base est toujours gratuite.

4. Modèle en ligne avec Figuro

Modèle en ligne avec Figuro

Figuro est un outil de modélisation 3D en ligne gratuit destiné aux artistes 3D, aux développeurs de jeux, aux concepteurs, etc. Avec Figuro, vous pouvez créer des modèles 3D rapidement et facilement.

5. Site de modélisation 3D gratuit - SelfCAD

Site de modélisation 3D gratuit - Selfcad

SelfCAD est un logiciel de modélisation 3D qui vous permet de concevoir, modéliser, sculpter, esquisser, rendre et animer en 3D. Il propose un logiciel de modélisation 3D gratuit pour les étudiants et les amateurs. Avec SelfCAD, vous pouvez également faire de l'impression 3D facilement.

6. Third Design - Site de modélisation 3D

Third Design - Site de modélisation 3D

Third Design est un logiciel de modélisation et d'animation 3D en ligne et gratuit. Vous pouvez l'utiliser pour créer rapidement des modèles et des animations 3D. Il fournit des modèles gratuits pour vous aider à faire de la modélisation 3D facilement. Si vous souhaitez que d'autres personnes commentent vos dessins en 3D, vous pouvez partager un lien non répertorié avec elles afin d'obtenir des commentaires pertinents. La version de base de Third Design est gratuite et une version payante plus avancée est disponible pour les professionnels et les entreprises.

7. SculptGL - Site de modèles 3D gratuits

SculptGL - Site de modèles 3D gratuits

SculptGL est un site web et une application de modélisation 3D gratuits axés sur la sculpture 3D. Il permet de créer des personnages à partir de formes de base. Le processus de sculpture d'un personnage ressemble à la sculpture de l'argile. Mais ce logiciel de modélisation 3D en ligne vous permet de donner vie à vos personnages.

8. 3DSlash - Site de modélisation 3D facile

3DSlash - Site de modélisation 3D facile

3D Slash est un programme de modélisation 3D très facile à apprendre et à utiliser, avec une interface simple. 3D Slash fonctionne d'une manière qui le fait ressembler à un jeu Minecraft. Les utilisateurs se servent d'un ensemble d'outils pour créer des modèles en "découpant des cubes". 3D Slash est basé sur le web, mais la version de bureau est également disponible. La version de base est gratuite.

9. Modélisation 3D en ligne avec Clara.io

Modélisation 3D en ligne avec Clara.io

Clara.io est un logiciel gratuit et complet de modélisation, d'animation et de rendu 3D en ligne qui fonctionne dans votre navigateur web. Il prend en charge le rendu dans le cloud à l'aide de VRay, ce qui vous permet de générer des rendus réalistes.

Fox Renderfarm espère que vous trouverez le meilleur site de modélisation 3D pour créer votre propre travail en 3D ! Il est bien connu que Fox Renderfarm est un excellent fournisseur de services de rendu cloud dans le monde de la CG et si vous cherchez une ferme de rendu pour un programme 3D, pourquoi ne pas essayer Fox Renderfarm, qui offre un essai gratuit de 25 $ aux nouveaux utilisateurs ? Merci de votre lecture !


Learn How to Make a Handheld Fan in 3D
Learn How to Make a Handheld Fan in 3D
Today, Fox Renderfarm, the industry's leading cloud rendering service provider and render farm, will bring you a 3D tutorial that explains how to make a handheld fan. Let's get started right now.First import the image, use the straight line tool to draw the length of the handle, then use the rotational molding tool to create the handle and add a cover.Generate a rectangle using the center point, adjust it to the appropriate size, and then generate a circular runway. At this point, use the fitting tool to get the appropriate shape.Select the circular runway that was just generated, hold down Shift to extrude the faces on both sides and add a cover, then use the shell tool to shell both sides.Copy the inner edge line of the shell, extrude the face and add the cover, pull off the inner face to keep only the outer side, and then chamfer to generate the outer layer of the shell that needs to be hollowed out.Use curves to draw the edge shape of the connecting axis, then use rotational molding to generate the surface, and then add the cover to generate the solid.Connect the rectangle diagonal, use the diagonal to generate a round tube, and adjust the angle and thickness of the tube so that the angle and thickness of the tube match the reference picture.Draw a diagonal line again and use the Line Array tool to array along this line, where the number of arrays is 18.Use the object intersection line function to select the round tube and the shell to be hollowed out, determine whether the position matches by the object intersection line, adjust the position and then cut to get the hollowed out object.Use the Rectangle tool to generate a runway circle, adjust it to the right size, then cut and combine it with the hollow object and offset it inward to get the solid. The same can be done for the outer runway circle, here you need to make a copy of the hollow object for backup.Use the mirror tool to mirror the hollowed-out model made in the previous step to the back, then use the method in the fourth step to get an unhollowed-out shell, generate a rounded rectangle and cut it according to the second reference picture, then use the combination tool to combine, and finally offset the surface to get the solid.Use a rectangle to frame the size of the button, then use a straight line to connect the midpoint of the rectangle, next use the center point tool to generate a circle, and squeeze the circle to the right size and adjust the height of the button.Split the button and the handle for spare, and then chamfer the top of the handle for the next step.For the base, again using the rotational molding tool. First draw the edge shape using curves, then rotate the shape and cap it to create a solid.Now perform the Boolean split between the handle and the base, then detach the surface. Next, copy the edge line, move the inner circle downwards, use the double rail sweep to generate the surface and combine it to obtain the base shape.Use the center point circle and rectangle tools to generate the button and indicator light shapes on the handle, extrude the solid and then perform a boolean split with the handle to get the handle shape and the indicator light.Use the Rectangle to create the runway circle and rotate it 45° to get the "x" below, then use the Trim tool to trim off the excess lines and combine them. After extruding the surface, use the Boolean split tool to split it to get the "x" icon.Now create the circular texture on the button. First abstract the structure line to get a button-sized circle, then generate a circle solid at the circle node, and use the Array Along Curve tool to make an array. Arrange the five columns in sequence according to the image and mirror them to get the desired texture. Finally, we use Boolean split to get the button shape.Chamfer the intersection of the button and the handle, and chamfer the intersection of the handle and the base.Use the curve to draw the fan shape, then use the XN tool to generate the surface, and array along the center point. The number of arrays here is 5. Adjust the fan blade position and extrude the fan blade solid.Check the model and chamfer it to complete the model.The next step is to render the product. First, divide the product into four layers, one for the orange object, one for the flesh-colored object, one for the metal connection, and one for the self-illumination. Then start rendering.First adjust the model position by aligning the model to the ground in the Advanced Options.Set the model materials to the model in turn. Note that you need to turn down the metallic shine of the metal joints in order to get a frosted look.Adjust the self-luminous material on the handle to the right intensity in accordance with the light, and choose white as the color.Set the setting options in the image to Press Exposure, High Contrast, and Photography.Change the background color in the environment settings. Use the straw tool to absorb the image color, turn down the brightness of one light in the HDR editor, hit the light on the hollow surface, adjust the shape of the light to rectangle, and then hit a main light on the left side of the product to make a shadow appear on the right side.Adjust the object position in the camera, lock the camera, and finish the rendering.Source: YBW
How to Speed Up 3D Rendering?
How to Speed Up 3D Rendering?
As the last procedure to complete the CG work, 3D rendering is time-consuming and patience-consuming, but very important. Many newcomers to the 3D industry may not understand why 3D scenes take so long to render, and what factors are related to the speed of 3D rendering. In this article, Fox Renderfarm, the leading cloud rendering service provider and render farm in the CG industry, will discuss with you how to improve the speed of 3D rendering.3D rendering is slow because it involves various aspects working together, such as your software, renderer, graphics card, RAM, etc., so it takes a lot of calculations to form the final render. So the rendering speed is actually mainly related to your computer configuration, the software used and the scene or model, which are several factors.How to Improve 3D Rendering Speed?1. Upgrade Your MachinesRendering relies heavily on the CPU performance and RAM of your computer. Low computer specs will result in long rendering times. If you want to render faster, you need a more powerful processor, as well as upgrading your RAM.2. Upgrade Your SoftwareVarious 3D software and their renderers basically receive an update at regular intervals, and each update results in a faster and better rendering experience. So if you have the idea to speed up rendering, it is better to update all your software to the latest version. Of course, it is worth noting that in addition to the optimization of rendering features, other functions or stability of the new version should also be taken into consideration.3. Optimize Your Scenes and ModelsRemove or hide models, objects, and faces that are not visible to the camera.Adjust mapping, reduce the use of shadow mapping, remove displacement mapping, and use geometric and bump mapping whenever possible.Reduce lighting and optimize lighting parameters.4. Use Cloud Rendering to Speed Up RenderingThe magic of cloud rendering lies in the ability to use multiple machines at the same time to help you render your scene, and it in the end compresses hours of rendering time into minutes.If you have to maintain high quality rendering and it causes long rendering time, it is also recommended to use cloud rendering farms to help you out with batch rendering and extremely fast rendering in the cloud. Of course, there are many render farms on the market, and we recommend you to experience them all. Many render farms offer a certain amount of free trial, so you can use them just by signing up.The leading cloud rendering service provider and render farm in the CG industry, Fox Renderfarm offers a $25 free trial for new users who sign up. Fox Renderfarm has helped render the work of countless clients worldwide, so if you are still plagued by rendering times for your current 3D projects and want to speed up rendering quickly, try Fox Renderfarm!
Top 9 Free And Best 3D Modelling Websites in 2025
Top 9 Free And Best 3D Modelling Websites in 2025
Do you want to learn 3D modeling? There are some 3D modeling software that are very powerful, but often require you to pay for them. Blender is a free 3D software. But if you don't want to download the program and just model, then get to know these 3D modeling websites that allow you to model online.The best cloud rendering services provider and GPU & CPU render farm, Fox Renderfarm will share with you 9 best and free 3D model sites.What is Cloud Rendering or Cloud-based Rendering?Top 10 Free And Best Cloud Rendering Services1. SketchUp - Free 3D Modeling WebsiteSketchUp is a powerful 3D modeling software for a wide range of drafting and design applications, including architecture, interior design, etc. SketchUp Free is free web-based 3D modeling software capable of making anything you can imagine without having to download anything. But SketchUp Free is more limited than paid versions like SketchUp Go, SketchUp Pro, and SketchUp Studio. However, it is still a very good and free 3D modeling website.2. Tinkercad - Free 3D Model SiteTinkercad is a free web application for 3D design, electronics and coding from Autodesk. It is a very popular online 3D modeling website, with a friendly interface and very easy to use. In addition, it is a popular platform for creating 3D printed models, as it can easily export STL files for 3D printing.3. Vectary - Online 3D Modeling SiteVectary is a free 3D modeling tool designed to help create, share and customize 3D designs. You don't have to download or code, you can do 3D modeling directly in your browser. One feature of Vectary is that you can use AR to enhance reality. If you need to request a workspace, then a paid version is available for you to choose from, but the basic version is always free.4. Model Online With FiguroFiguro is a free online 3D modeling tool for 3D artists, game developers, designers and more. With Figuro you can create 3D models quickly and easily.5. Free 3D Modeling Site - SelfCADSelfCAD is a 3D modeling software that allows you to design, model, sculpt, sketch, render, and animate in 3D. He offers a free 3D modeling software program for students and hobbyists. With SelfCAD you can also do 3D printing easily.6. Third Design - 3D Modeling WebsiteThird Design is a 3D modeling and 3D animation creation software which is online and free. You can use it to quickly create 3D models and 3D animations. He provides free models to help you do 3D modeling easily. If you want others to give comments on your 3D designs, you can share an unlisted link to them so you can gain meaningful comments. Third Design's basic version is free and a more advanced paid version is available for professionals and businesses.7. SculptGL - Free 3D Model SiteSculptGL is a free 3D modeling website and application focused on 3D sculpting. It allows you to create characters from basic shapes. The process of sculpting a character looks like sculpting clay. But with this 3D online modeling software it helps you to bring your characters to life.8. 3DSlash - Easy 3D Model Site3D Slash is a 3D modeling program that is very easy to learn and use, with a simple interface. 3D Slash works in a way that makes it feel like a Minecraft game. Users use a set of tools to create models by "cutting cubes". 3D Slash is web-based, but of course the desktop version is also available. The basic version is free.9. Online 3D Modeling With Clara.ioClara.io is a full-featured and free online 3D modeling, animation and rendering software that runs in your web browser. It supports rendering in the cloud using VRay, which allows you to generate realistic renderings.Fox Renderfarm hopes you can find the best 3D modeling website to create your own 3D work! It is well known that Fox Renderfarm is an excellent cloud rendering services provider in the CG world, so if you need to find a render farm for 3D program, why not try Fox Renderfarm, which is offering a free $25 trial for new users? Thanks for reading!
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