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Winners Announced for FGT3D Fox Challenge!

Last edited on: 2022-07-06
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3D Art Competitions

Fox Renderfarm, the leading cloud rendering services provider and CPU & GPU render farm, held a 3D challenge competition called FGT3D FOX Challenge from March 22nd to June 5th.

Winners Announced for FGT3D Fox Challenge 1

The theme of the competition is to create a 3D fox. You can let your imagination run free and create a unique 3D fox. Besides the grand prizes, all works will have the chance to become Fox Renderfarm's mascot and become a representative to meet friends around the world.

The competition was deliberately divided into two groups, one for professionals and one for students, depending on their abilities. From each of these two groups, the judges selected the top three works in the ranking.

The competition has recently concluded successfully and the winners have been announced, so let's take a look at who the winners are and their beautiful and creative foxes.

Professional Category

1st Place

Winners Announced for FGT3D Fox Challenge 2

Title: Fennec Fox Warrior

Created by Alex Salles

What Alex says

I made a rough sketch sculpting in ZBrush, once I got a nice shape I started to add the primary and secondary shapes of the anatomy. I did the reptopology process and Uvs using 3Dcoat. I did a basic painting in Substance Painter to make the textures of the leather, feather and so on. After that I moved to 3D Max and got started working in hair and fur, using Ornatrix. Besides that, I work in the lighting process and the shaders, I used V-Ray to make it. After I got the result that I expected I moved to Photoshop to make the post process.

What our jury says

Ben Cheung: Complete design work, shows off the work well, attention to details. Lighting and fur are very well executed. Love the ears, eyes can be worked more to show more of the fighter spirit, and can add a tad more sss, so that skin tone as a bit of transparency. Lighting can be a bit more dynamic to show 3D space. Otherwise excellent work.

Tom Grimes: Wow! Such a fantastic level of detail in everything in this scene, and the Fennec Fox is a great choice that gives the image a lot of character! Look at that fur, those whiskers, those eyes, the outfit... I could go on, everything has so much detail!

Miho Aoki: The details in this image are fantastic! The fur looks detailed and soft, and other materials and surfaces, like the leather, tree bark and plants, create a contrast with the character. This image has many colors, and the colors work together to enhance the image.

2nd Place

Winners Announced for FGT3D Fox Challenge 3

Title: Little Venice Fantasy

Created by Kay John Yim

What John says

Urban foxes have become a familiar sight in London - they started appearing in the city following World War I, quickly adapting to the once rural areas now developed into housing and transport systems.

In "Little Venice Fantasy" I fantasize an urban fox living among Londoners, settling in a seductively elegant Bohemian interior decorated into her own urban forest.

What our jury says

Frank WANG Yefeng: My top choice for the competition is “Little Venice Fantasy.” This artwork stands out for its astonishing composition, rendering quality, and concept. This fictional Venetian room is transformed to a botanical pantheon of the fox by the artist. It triggers a positive emotion from the viewers and the imaginations of its rich stories! The carefully considered visual effects, reflection, and diffused lighting contribute to the convincedness of the work, and make the viewers want to stay with it for a long time. Amazing job!

Miho Aoki: The fox is looking at the table and looks like waiting. The surrounding looks magical and makes me wonder if something more mystical and fantastic will happen soon.

Tom Grimes: I don't know what story this image tells, but I like that about it, the juxtaposition of the wildflowers growing right inside a room. I like the colors and overall "pop" that this image has.

John's another beautiful work rendered with Fox Renderfarm: Ballerina: A CGI Fantasy Created by Kay John Yim

3rd Place

Winners Announced for FGT3D Fox Challenge 4

Title: Muscle Fox

Created by Lee Ming ng

What Lee Ming says

Sleeping muscle fox, don't wake him up!

What our jury says

Ben Cheung: Nice work! Nice lighting, dynamic character with dynamic lighting. Materials and fur are well done. The facial is also nice. Wondering what kind of pain is he bearing. Defiantly pro and top-notch technically. Just thinking maybe turn up a bit more sss will render the skin a bit more transparent probably will look even more appearing. And don't forget the peach shader, adding that will create some peach effect into the skin. Well done and makes me wondering what kind of interesting story behind the scene.

Student Category

1st Place

Winners Announced for FGT3D Fox Challenge 5

Title: Roufox (روفاکس)

Created by Yahya Khajehi

What Yahya says

A robotic hover fox who can be your sage and agile sidekick in dangerous zones!

What our jury says

Ben Cheung: A bit more complicated design compares to others, well lit, materials are nice, dirt texture is nice, lighting is quite appropriate, next can try to play with highlight in the comp to create more metallic feel, also can put into a darker background to show off the robot, and a bit more dynamic lighting to show more 3D space.

Miho Aoki: The robot looks very mysterious, and the design of the body and the face makes me wonder what the purpose of this robot is. The detail on the textures makes the character look metallic, heavy and believable.

Frank WANG Yefeng: Fascinating design! A turbine-engined fox automaton!! We know it will move. Will it shoot lasers from its eyes?

Tom Grimes: Interesting design, lots of detail and good lighting are what appeal to me here. I am also intrigued as to what this fox robot was built for, what is its purpose? I would love to have seen it in a more complete scene or setting with more of a story to it!

2nd Place

Winners Announced for FGT3D Fox Challenge 6

Title: Vulpes Creaturae

Created by Jessica Chan

What Jessica says

Assembled mechanical fox compiled from found objects.

What our jury says

Ben Cheung: Great design, feels legonish, but is it a boar? Anyway, lighting is nice, GI is nicely executed.

Miho Aoki: The mechanical walking creature is very artistic! It looks made from small parts like screws and tiny blades. The materials on the surfaces are very well done. They look like painted and bare metals.

Tom Grimes: I like the abstraction here, with the colors in particular calling back to a fox. Nice materials and lighting - would love to see this in a full 3D scene, with something that gives a sense of scale (is it large or small, I am not sure!).

3rd Place

Winners Announced for FGT3D Fox Challenge 7

Title: Mod Fox

Created by Sithuka Bihan

What Sithuka says

A modern neon fox who achieving the world.

What our jury says

Tom Grimes: I am really drawn to this image, despite (or perhaps because of) its simplicity. I really love how everything has this wonderful glow, and how cute the fox looks and their expression and pose which somehow makes them look a little timid and vulnerable. Makes me feel like this could come from a video game.

Frank WANG Yefeng: Stylish!

Let's congratulate these award winners! And we are also very grateful to all the participants, your beautiful foxes will be kept in our hearts forever!

As the CG industry's always professional cloud rendering services provider, and a TPN-accredited render farm, Fox Renderfarm is offering a $25 free trial to all new users. We'll be holding regular 3D challenge, so feel free to follow us, and maybe you'll be the next number one!

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