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V-Ray 6 for Maya, Update 2: Chaos Unveils New Features and Enhancements

Last edited on: 2024-02-28
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Chaos Group

Chaos has released two updates for V-Ray 6 for Maya, the industry-leading renderer for Maya.

Chaos Scatter is a new function for efficiently and easily scattering and instancing objects that are included in the first release, V-Ray 6 update 1. Moreover, it enhances V-Ray GPU and USD operations, incorporates Intel Open Path Guiding for quicker rendering, and includes additional skin glossiness and light decay choices.

The second update, V-Ray 6 update 2, is compatible with MaterialX, which is a standard for material exchange between teams and tools. It also provides you more control over your shadows, camera effects, and decals, and allows you to scatter lights with Chaos disperse in addition to geometry.

With these updates, V-Ray 6 for Maya provides faster and more effective rendering along with increased creative options and connection.

So… What’s up?

Light Directionality Strength

Light Directionality Strength

Image from Chaos

Create stunning scenes with artistic lighting. With Directionality Strength, you can adjust how much a light’s intensity varies with direction, and make your lighting more realistic or dramatic.

Chromatic Aberration

Chromatic Aberration

Image from Chaos

Give your scene a unique and artistic look with chromatic aberration. This post-effect creates a color distortion along the edges of objects, and you can apply it easily from the V-Ray Frame Buffer without using any other software.

Shadow Selects

Create realistic or dramatic shadows with Shadow Selects. You can select any lights in your scene and tweak the color and intensity of their shadows in post-production. This gives you more flexibility and control over your lighting effects.

Faster Animation Rendering

Faster Animation Rendering

Image from Chaos

Speed up your image sequences with V-Ray GPU. V-Ray saves bitmaps between animation frames, so it doesn’t have to reload them every time and boosts your rendering speed significantly.

V-Ray Enmesh

V-Ray Enmesh

Image from Chaos

Create stunning surfaces with intricate patterns using V-Ray Enmesh. Whether you need to make chainmail, fabric, pebbles, fences, or anything else, Enmesh can do it quickly and efficiently. Enmesh follows the UVW space of your objects and uses much less memory than displacement or copying by hand.

As a leading cloud rendering service provider and render farm, Fox Renderfarm is also a partner of Chaos and supports V-Ray and Maya rendering. Fox Renderfarm is now offering a free $25 trial to all new registrants, so let's start rendering!

Source: Chaos

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