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V-Ray 7 for 3ds Max is Now Available

Last edited on: 2024-11-06
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Chaos has released V-Ray 7 for 3ds Max and shared a range of exciting new features with us, including more accurate lighting, immersive interactive virtual exploration, faster rendering and scene export, and a richer Chaos Cosmos, among others. Let's explore more updates below.

What’s New in V-Ray 7 for 3ds Max

Faster and Stronger Rendering

V-Ray Profiler

Image from Chaos

V-Ray Profiler - Enables users to obtain reports on time used in calculating shaders, volumes, scene exporting, geometry compilation, displacement, bitmap loading, and more. Helps users identify scene hot spots and optimize processes for faster rendering. Sync with Memory Tracker for extended data output.

V-Ray Lister - Enhanced with a new tab for managing and adjusting V-Ray geometry objects encompassing V-Ray Proxy, Fur, Decal, Clipper and more. Through advanced filtering options, users can manage settings, control multiple geometry objects directly from the Lister interface.

V-Ray Scene Converter - The updated V-Ray Scene Converter simplifies the conversion of scenes to V-Ray. Users can selectively convert necessary objects, easily update materials with the new Material Processor, and transition textures to .TX files for peak performance.

More Accurate Lighting

Firefly removal

Image from Chaos

Firefly Removal - The revamped algorithm auto-detects and eliminates bright pixels or 'fireflies' at the time of rendering. This upgrade accelerates overall rendering speed and reduces time to achieve final images.

Enhanced V-Ray Sun & Sky - Improvements to the PRG sky model enable users to produce more authentic stills and immersive animations. It now supports nautical twilight and permits users to render sky at different observer altitudes, reaching heights up to several kilometers.

Immersive Interactive Virtual Exploration

Gaussian splats support

Image from Chaos

Gaussian Splats Support - Users can easily integrate buildings into context and construct and render intricate 3D surroundings with accurate reflections and refractions, courtesy of the newly supported Gaussian splats' scene restructuring. Imbue scenes with splats of real-world environments or objects that are efficient in memory use and rich in detail.

Virtual Tours - Users can directly generate engaging, interactive virtual tours from the V-Ray interface without requiring a third-party application. Seamless creation of panorama virtual tours is possible through automatic hotspot generation owing to direct integration between V-Ray 7's VFB and Chaos Cloud. Users can also customize tours by adding floor plans, personalizing hotspots and transitions, and incorporating context-specific details as well as design elements.

In addition to the ones mentioned above, there are very many other updates, just check out the key features.

Check out the video to learn more:

As a leading cloud rendering service provider and render farm in the CG industry, Fox Renderfarm is also a partner of Chaos and supports V-Ray rendering as well as 3ds Max rendering. Fox Renderfarm is now offering a free $25 trial to all new registrants. Let's start rendering!

Source: Chaos

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