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Uncovered VFX Magic, "Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 2" VFX Breakdown Reel

Last edited on: 2024-08-06
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VFX Breakdown

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 2 continues the adventures of Captain Christopher Pike and the crew of the starship Enterprise in the 23rd century. In this Season, Captain Pike and the USS Enterprise crew navigate uncharted territories, facing moral dilemmas, personal conflicts, and galactic mysteries. Pike grapples with his foreseen fate, while Spock confronts his dual nature. The show combines thrilling action with character development, exploring themes of exploration, ethics, and camaraderie. Many viewers commend the series for its engaging storytelling, which blends action-packed adventures with thought-provoking ethical dilemmas. The series’ visual effects are also highlighted, praising their quality and immersive experience.

Ghost VFX artists in Copenhagen have proudly worked on both seasons of the show. And Ivan Kondrup Jensen, who won an Emmy Award for his visual effects on Star Trek: Discovery in 2021, once again led Ghost VFX's team in Copenhagen to deliver stunning visual effects for Season 2. Their work mainly involved intricate CG (from amazing alien environments on planets to abstract dimensional creatures and odd anomalies) and the creation of the alien creature villains known as the Gorns.

Image from Ghost VFX

Image from Ghost VFX

"The final episode is often a challenge due to an ever increasing complexity and the sheer volume of shots. Both the younger more agile "Gorn younglings" and the larger, heavier "adult Gorn" character are seen in an EV suit fighting our heroes in the final scene. The Gorns were initially filmed as either puppets or as a costume, but we ended up replacing or enhancing a good portion of them, mostly to allow for more dynamic body and facial motion." - VFX Supervisor Ivan Kondrup Jensen

Check out the VFX breakdown reel by Ghost VFX:

Source from Ghost VFX

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