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Tribute To Bravehearts In My Own 2020: Introducing 3D Artist, Reyaz Alankandy

Last edited on: 2025-03-13
Fox Renderfarm Interview | Top News | Trending

For everyone, 2020 was a tough year.

In “My own 2020” Evermotion Challenge 2020, Reyaz Alankandy, the champion of the competition, shows his own 2020 by creating the artwork “Bravehearts”.

Bravehearts - Reyaz Alankandy

Bravehearts © Reyaz Alankandy

In this artwork, Reyaz portrays a railway station that used to overflow with bustling life, but during the pandemic, it emptied all except the sanitation workers busy in the task.

Made with 3ds Max, Corona Renderer, Photoshop, the award-winning artwork shows a proud tribute to these brave warriors for their selfless hard work. As Reyaz said, while the world hid, some rose to fight back, to stand a chance against the virus.

As a freelance 3D artist specialized in architectural and interior visualization, Reyaz created many excellent artworks, and he adores every challenge and new opportunity along his archviz journey. In the interview with Fox Renderfarm, the largest cloud rendering services provider in the CG industry, Reyaz talked about how he created the work and his career experience.

Reyaz Alankandy

  • Reyaz Alankandy
  • Freelance 3D Artist
  • 3D Visualizer

Fox Renderfarm: Hi Reyaz, could you give us a brief introduction about yourself?

Reyaz: Hello. My name is Reyaz Alankandy. I’m a freelance 3D artist based in India. Previously, I’ve worked as a 3D Visualizer at an architectural firm in Dubai for 5+ years. Being an ardent fan of the ArchViz industry, I’m keen on any updates and trends and strive continuously to better my works. My interests include photography and traveling.

Fox Renderfarm: Congratulations on winning first place in Evermotion Challenge 2020, how do you feel about it?

Reyaz: Absolutely happy and humbled to my core. It was a brilliant subject Evermotion put forth and honestly, I couldn't afford to miss it. The results stunned me to see it topped the competition. Probably the best start to my own 2021.

Bravehearts © Reyaz Alankandy

Fox Renderfarm: As this year’s theme was ‘’My own 2020’’, what inspired you to create the work Bravehearts?

Reyaz: I’d owe the credit to my lockdown and quarantine experience. As we know, 2020 restricted our lives in the most uncomfortable ways possible. Even then, our social workers strived to control and tame the chaos. It helped me shape the concept and channel the visual as a tribute to them and their sacrifices.

Fox Renderfarm: How long did you take to finish the work? Did you meet any challenges?

Reyaz: Approximately ten days. I was freelancing alongside. I wanted to keep the visuals as authentic as possible. So I went down to the particular railway station a couple of times to pick up reference images of textures and details one might miss at plain sight. And these work and visits were interrupted for a while since I tested covid positive. So my reference stack included a pre and a post covid collection.

Bravehearts © Reya Alankandy

person - Bravehearts © Reyaz Alankandy

Fox Renderfarm: The train and the train station are so realistic, could you tell us how you built the station and the perfect details?

Reyaz: I built most of the structures -including the train- from scratch since it was hard to find the specific models. So it was background and platform first, then props like benches and symbols and finally the train - which I modeled only the part necessary to the view and not the entire thing. I’d check in with my reference collection now and then to get the deets right.

Bravehearts © Reya Alankandy

modeling - Bravehearts © Reyaz Alankandy

Fox Renderfarm: The atmosphere is so great which delivers a sci-fi ambiance, could you introduce how you make the scene full of sci-fi, such as the lighting and color?

Reyaz: As I mentioned in my tutorial, I intended a cinematic mood for the scene. Hence the Corona Volumetric Effect came in handy. Moreover, I maintained a neutral temperature to the lighting and the naturality of the lights visually present in the scene. The coloring was more of a trial-and-error process with test renders and personal preference.

Some test renders - Bravehearts © Reyaz Alankandy

Some test renders - Bravehearts - Reyaz Alankandy

Some test renders

Fox Renderfarm: Could you briefly share with us your work experience along your archviz journey?

Reyaz: Even as a teenager, I was inclined to the 3D world and magical CG visuals via computer games. It guided me throughout my studies and helped me while starting as a visualizer. With the right perspective, props and lights, it's easier to predict the final results and that is my basic formula. I utilized my time in a Dubai based architectural firm to gain much of the industrial knowledge on the exterior, interior, landscaping and kept an eye open for any new software, technologies, and inspirations. Currently, as a freelancer, I enjoy the diverse, multicultural projects I’m approached with as well as any creative challenges on my way.

A-Frame House © Reyaz Alankandy

A-Frame House © Reyaz Alankandy

Fox Renderfarm: As a 3D Artist specialized in architectural and interior visualization, do you have any suggestions for CG artists to improve their CG skills?

Reyaz: Observe and PRACTICE! Most of the responses I receive after any 3D post are queries on the basic how’s and what’s and shortcuts to a 3D visual. There is NO FORMULA or shortcut. One needs to observe the moments, colors, materials and mostly the ‘imperfect’ textures of everyday life to yield a realistic frame. Collecting photographic references and practicing the software are the most essential tools of a 3D visualizer. I’d encourage you to recreate photographs and old paintings to grasp the color value information. Staying updated on software and snatching tips from tutorials helps elevate the pace.

After The Rain © Reyaz Alankandy

After The Rain © Reyaz Alankandy

Fox Renderfarm: Any other things you want to share with the CG enthusiasts?

Reyaz: Creating the perfect visual is an ART. I’d suggest staying inspired and absorbing international CG trends regularly. There are many great platforms offering tutorials, tips and challenges - for FREE- to advance oneself. It is crucial to remember that this is not just about the tools, but about one's own creativity. And creativity and aesthetics flow free only through regular practice. Try a variety of scenes and play with different moods. Breakaway from continuous styles and discover your niche. And always remember to have fun with it.

Retro Tram © Reyaz Alankandy

Retro Tram © Reyaz Alankandy

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