A Fox Renderfarm Completou o Processo Anual de Avaliação da TPN para 2022!
CG News
Como sua TPN-Acreditada render farm e oferecedor de cloud rendering, a Fox Renderfarm sempre teve o compromisso de fornecer serviços agrícolas rápidos e seguros aos clientes e concluímos o processo anual de avaliação da Rede de Parceiros de Confiança(TPN) para 2022!O que é TPN?A Trusted Partner Network (TPN) pertence e é administrada p

Fox Renderfarm、TPN認定クラウドレンダーファーム
Fox Renderfarm News
Fox Renderfarmは、2019年に新たなマイルストーンに達しました。お客様のプライバシーを保護するため、より安全なクラウドレンダリングファームを構築するための絶え間ない努力とコミットメントにより、Shenzhen Rayvision Technology(Fox Renderfarmの会社)は、MPAAのコンテンツセキュリティベストを無事に完了し、正式にTPN信頼できるパートナーになりました。TPNとは何ですか?信頼できるパートナーネットワーク(TPN)は、2つの主要なエンターテイメント業界の巨人、アメリカ映画協会(MPAA)とサードパーティのエンターテイメント業界評価の世界的リーダーであるContent Delivery&Security Association(CDSA)のジョイントベンチャーです。 MPAAは、効果的な著作権保護の促進、著作権侵害の削減、および市場アクセスの

Fox Renderfarmは、2022年の年間TPN評価を終えました!
CG News
TPN認定のクラウドレンダーファームとして、Fox Renderfarmは常にお客様に迅速で安全なレンダーファームサービスを提供しております。この度は2022年度の信頼できるパートナーネットワーク評価を完了しました。TPNとは?信頼できるパートナーネットワーク(TPN)とは、第三者のエンターテイメント業界評価リーダーであるMotion Picture Association (MPA)によって所有および管理されています。 MPAは著作権保護の促進および海賊版を減らすことで、市場拡大を目的とした、アメリカの非営利団体です。最も権威のある映画およびテレビコンテンツ著作権保護会社の1つとして、TPNはウォルト・ディズニー・スタジオ、ユニバーサル・シティ・スタジオ、ワーナー・ブラザース、Netflixスタジオなどの複合企業にも承認されています。なぜTPNが必要なのですか?コンテンツとデータのセキュ

Fox Renderfarm, 2022년 연간 TPN 평가 프로세스 완료
CG News
폭스렌더팜은 2022년 연간 TPN 평가 프로세스 완료했고 2011년 설립 이래 사용자에게 보다 안전하고 빠른 클라우드 렌더링을 제공하기 위해 노력하고 있으며, 이러한 방향으로 꾸준히 노력할 것입니다. 모든 이용자분의 지지과 사랑에 감사드립니다!TPN이란 무엇인가?TPN(Trusted Partner Network)은 미국 영화협회(MPAA)와 CDSA(Content Delivery &x26; Security Association)가 만든 콘텐츠 보안 인증제도이자 제3자 엔터테인먼트 산업 평가의 세계적인 리더입니다. MPAA는 효과적인 저작권 보호를 촉진하고 불법 복제를 줄이며 시장 접근을 확대하는 것을 목표로 하는 비영리 미국 무역 협회이며 CDSA는 출시 전후에 공급망 전체에서 엔터테인먼트 미디어를 보호하

Fox Renderfarm Desktop Client Version is Released!
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Cloud Rendering Farm
Hello Fox Renderfarm user,First, Thanks for using the leading render farm in the CG industry, Fox Renderfarm. The latest version of Fox Renderfarm Desktop Client is here!Windows version download hereLinux version download hereLet’s check out the new functions of version!1. Allocate GPUs (cards)Setting > General > Allocate GPUs (cards)The default option of ‘Allocate GPUs (

Fox Renderfarm Highlights in 2019
CG News
Cloud Rendering Farm
At the beginning of 2020, let’s take an opportunity to look back at our journey in 2019.First, it wouldn't be possible without the continuous support we get from all of you, for which we're deeply grateful and want to thank you!Here are some of 2019's highlights.=Fox Data=Serving 3,000,000 end-usersRendered 90+ filmsHandled 5,000,000 computing tasksRendered 200,000,000 frames=Fox Events=Marc

Render Farm on Film and Animation Works 2018
Fox Renderfarm News
film works
There are still 18 days from the end of 2018. This year, Fox Renderfarm has achieved a good goal in film and animation works rendering. Below is a collection video of some of the animations and film works that we participated in.The names of the works played in the video are:ShadowDetective Dee: The Four Heavenly KingsLegend of Fu YaoDetective Chinatown IIWolf Warrior 2Ten great III of peach bloss

New Logo Announcement: Fox Renderfarm Unveils a New Look
Top News
Cloud Rendering Farm
Hello, dear friends! We are happy and proud to announce the launch of the new Fox Renderfarm logo as part of the ongoing evolution of our brand.Fox Renderfarm has grown and evolved over the years with the endeavor of our devoted teams and the love and support from every one of you. At the beginning of 2020, we have altered our logo that reflects who we are and symbolize our brand culture and the b

GoCreation Program Is Online Now!
Fox Renderfarm is deeply committed to supporting CG artists and making it accessible to everyone around the world.GoCreation Program, one of the Industry Care Programs provided by Fox Renderfarm, brings the chance to all freelancers in the CG industry to enjoy affordable and secure cloud rendering service.What is the GoCreation ProgramAiming to foster the development of the industry, “GoCreation P

Fox Renderfarm Has Completed The Annual TPN Assessment Process For 2022!
CG News
cloud rendering
As your TPN-Accredited cloud render farm, Fox Renderfarm has always been committed to providing fast and secure render farm services for customers and we have completed the annual Trusted Partner Network assessment process for 2022!What is TPN?The Trusted Partner Network (TPN) is owned and managed by the Motion Picture Association (MPA) a leader in third-party entertainment industry assessments. M

Fox Renderfarm, Your TPN Accredited Cloud Render Farm
CG News
Online Render Farm
Fox Renderfarm has reached another milestone in the year 2022. With the relentless efforts and commitment to build a more secure cloud render farm that better protect the privacy of our beloved customers, Fox Renderfarm has successfully completed MPA’s Content Security Best Practices and officially become a TPN Trusted Partner!What is TPN?The Trusted Partner Network (TPN) is owned and managed by t

E-Meet Fox Renderfarm @ Annecy 2021
Fox Renderfarm News
As one of the most famous international animated film festivals around the world, Annecy 2021 will be held from June 14th to 19th this year.Fox Renderfarm, this best render farm, is so proud to participate in the major international event and looking forward to e-meeting you from June 15th to 18th in Mifa, the International Animation Film Market in Annecy. We would like to invite you to our virtua