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Wishing You a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Wishing You a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!


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Fox Renderfarm

As the holiday season is finally upon us, Fox Renderfarm wants to wish you aMerry Christmas & Happy New YearThank you for your continued love & support!Fox Renderfarm will continue to providefast, secure, affordable, and easy-to-use cloud rendering servicesfor all CG artists.Last year, we achieved significant milestones thanks to your unwavering trust. As a leading render farm in the indus

Fox Renderfarm、TPN認定クラウドレンダーファーム

Fox Renderfarm、TPN認定クラウドレンダーファーム


Fox Renderfarm News


Fox Renderfarmは、2019年に新たなマイルストーンに達しました。お客様のプライバシーを保護するため、より安全なクラウドレンダリングファームを構築するための絶え間ない努力とコミットメントにより、Shenzhen Rayvision Technology(Fox Renderfarmの会社)は、MPAAのコンテンツセキュリティベストを無事に完了し、正式にTPN信頼できるパートナーになりました。TPNとは何ですか?信頼できるパートナーネットワーク(TPN)は、2つの主要なエンターテイメント業界の巨人、アメリカ映画協会(MPAA)とサードパーティのエンターテイメント業界評価の世界的リーダーであるContent Delivery&Security Association(CDSA)のジョイントベンチャーです。 MPAAは、効果的な著作権保護の促進、著作権侵害の削減、および市場アクセスの

Fox Renderfarm Supports X-Particles Now!

Fox Renderfarm Supports X-Particles Now!


Fox Renderfarm News

Fox Renderfarm

As a leading render farm in the CG industry, Fox Renderfarm is committed to providing fast and secure cloud rendering service for customers around the world, and now we support one more plugin, INSYDIUM's X-Particles!Image via INSYDIUMX-Particles is built seamlessly into Cinema 4D like it is part of the application. It’s compatible with the existing particle modifiers, object deformers, Mograph ef

Fox Renderfarm Supports Forest Pack And RailClone Now!

Fox Renderfarm Supports Forest Pack And RailClone Now!



Fox Renderfarm

As a leading render farm in the CG industry, Fox Renderfarm is committed to providing fast and secure cloud rendering service for customers around the world, and now we support iToo's Forest Pack and RailClone!Forest Pack is a powerful scattering plugin on the market for 3ds Max. It provides a complete set of tools for scattering and art directing scene assembly, capable of rendering huge amounts

Fox Renderfarm Provides 24 Hour Support for Their Clients

Fox Renderfarm Provides 24 Hour Support for Their Clients


Fox Renderfarm News

Fox Renderfarm

Having developed smart processes for specialized service flow and customized rendering solutions, Fox Renderfarm has invested in all the functions and systems of cloud rendering which makes things smooth and easy for the clients. Additionally, Fox Renderfarm now provides 24-hour support for its clients to help and guide them through all the processes of rendering.Fox Renderfarm’s service tea

Sitara: Let Girls Dream, a Film Calls for Investing in Young Girls’ Dreams

Sitara: Let Girls Dream, a Film Calls for Investing in Young Girls’ Dreams


Fox Renderfarm Projects

Fox Renderfarm

Do you know that 1 in 3 girls in developing countries will be married before 18? Do you know that there are 12 million girls every year forced into child marriage, losing their ability to dream? It is what Sitara: Let Girls Dream, a Pakistani animated short film rendered with Fox Renderfarm, hopes to grow awareness about.Trailer of Sitara: Let Girls Dream Released on 8 March 2020 on Netflix, Sitar

GoCreation Program Is Online Now!

GoCreation Program Is Online Now!




Fox Renderfarm is deeply committed to supporting CG artists and making it accessible to everyone around the world.GoCreation Program, one of the Industry Care Programs provided by Fox Renderfarm, brings the chance to all freelancers in the CG industry to enjoy affordable and secure cloud rendering service.What is the GoCreation ProgramAiming to foster the development of the industry, “GoCreation P

Fox Renderfarm Supports Anima® Now!

Fox Renderfarm Supports Anima® Now!


Top News

Fox Renderfarm

Fox Renderfarm is committed to providing fast and secure cloud rendering service for customers around the world, and now we support the software Anima®, the 3D people animation and crowd simulation application, for rendering on our platform!Anima® 4 is the people and crowd animation application developed specifically for architects and designers that will help you create amazing 3D animate

Fox Renderfarm New Year Special Offer 2022

Fox Renderfarm New Year Special Offer 2022


CG News

Fox Renderfarm

Start your new year with a special offer from Fox Renderfarm!Thank you for your support and trust all the time. At the beginning of 2022, we provided New Year's gifts for all Fox Renderfarm users.NEW YEAR SPECIAL OFFER:Recharge $10, Get extra $50 CPU Render Coupon!Valid from January 24th to February 13th (UTC+8).Details:Coupon’s validity time: 1 month.Each user can enjoy the reward ONCE only.As th

Fox Renderfarm Looks Forward to E-meeting You at SIGGRAPH 2021

Fox Renderfarm Looks Forward to E-meeting You at SIGGRAPH 2021




SIGGRAPH 2021 is the premier conference for computer graphics and interactive techniques worldwide. As an exchange of knowledge, a source of entertainment, and an opportunity for recognition, SIGGRAPH 2021 continues to serve the community as a place to proudly share passions and celebrate contributions.Fox Renderfarm will exhibit at SIGGRAPH and we would like to invite you to our virtual booth for




Fox Renderfarm News

Fox Renderfarm

Fox Renderfarm is deeply committed to supporting education and wishes to contribute to the development of the CG industry. Which is why we’re proud to announce that Fox Renderfarm has built relationships with PIXL VISN Media Arts Academy and offers its students an affordable pricing scheme to support educational purposes.WHAT IS RENDERING?Rendering is the process of generating a photorealistic or




CG News

Fox Renderfarm

平素より、Fox Renderfarmをご利用いただき誠にありがとうございます。この度、Fox Renderfarmウェブページを韓国語にも対応いたしました。お知らせいたします。リンク https://www.fox****renderfarm.com/kr/ にアクセスするか、英語のWebサイト https://www.fox****renderfarm.com/ にアクセスしてページ右上部にある言語ナビゲーションバーの(한국어)をクリックしてください。今後も内容の充実化を進めて参りますので、どうぞよろしくお願い申しあげます。

3D Art Competitions3D ToolTrailerFox Renderfarm PromotionCloud Rendering FarmAnnecy FestivalMILESTONESFox RenderfarmDesktop ClientBlenderBollywood films3DModels ContestNVIDIASilkroad Digital VisionMalaysian Animated FilmsIndiajoyArchitectural VisualizationCGarchitect Architectural 3DawardsBest cloud rendering servicesRender cloudVFXUpin & IpinGreen BookFox Renderfarm InterviewMission MangalKre8tif!Fox Renderfarm Mini ProgramCGCG Tech Summit Malaysiafilm workscloud renderingGolden Horse AwardShadowVFX BreakdownMorrigan FlebotteVWArtclub Annual *ContestAsswad Mouhamadanimation worksIMax StudioBoonie BearsRenderosityGary S. KennedyEvermotion Challenge 2018Brian BeaudryBobby BalaMohit SanchaniyaKatapix MediaFlying Car ProductionsRazerThe ShipmentFoxRenderfarmCG Tech SummitAlpacalypse ProductionsUnreal Enginepwnisher 3D ChallengeFederico CiuffoliniRalf SczepanIavor TrifonovClarisseCGTS MalaysiaIsotropixC4DTomasz BednarzV-RayCinema 4DMAXONsiggraph cafEvermotion challenge 2017CGTrader Space Competitionfilm of the yearLe Anh NhanPlanet UnknownFox Renderfarm 2017 AchievementsCSFFJulio Sotoboar 2017DeepUnreal Engine render farmChris SunGlass CageMaking Life of Bri' n Chrisanthem studiosThe RookiesPeter DraperMakuta VFXBaahubali 2CG CompetitionenchantedmobCG StudiosAcademy AwardsCGVrayweeklycgchallengeSketchUpsiggraph 2017Chris BuchalSIGGRAPH AsiaLightWaveIndigo RendererStop Motion AnimationV-Ray RTCPU RenderingNVIDIA IrayChaos GroupOctaneRenderRedshiftSTAR CORECICAFVRMr. HublotRibbitGPU RenderingLinuxMonkey IslandLuxRenderHPCRender FarmUnityWORLD LABMichael Wakelam3D RenderingOnline Render FarmAlibabaBaahubaliVAXMalaysia3D AnimationOscarSIGGRAPHCGTraderKunming Asia Animation ExhibitionEvermotionRenderMan
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Business Consulting

Global Agent Contact: Evan Zhang

Email: evan.zhang@foxrenderfarm.com

Marketing Contact: Evan Liu

Email: evanliu@foxrenderfarm.com

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