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‘Ne Zha’ and ‘Upin & Ipin’ Officially in Running for 2020 Oscar Nomination!

‘Ne Zha’ and ‘Upin & Ipin’ Officially in Running for 2020 Oscar Nomination!


Cloud Rendering Tutorial


Congratulations to the 32 animated features in running for 2020 Oscar nomination. Two of them have chosen Fox Renderfarm’s cloud rendering service, they are, Ne Zha, produced by Chengdu Coco Cartoon and Beijing Enlight Media Co., Ltd; and Ipin & Upin: The Lone Gibbon Kris (short for Upin & Ipin), produced by Les' Copaque Production Sdn. Bhd. Besides, another Chinese animated feature

88th Oscar Nominees

88th Oscar Nominees


Fox Renderfarm News


Each January, all film fans around the world turn their attention to the Academy Awards. Interest and anticipation builds to a fevered pitch leading up to the Oscar telecast in February, when hundreds of millions of movie lovers tune in to watch the glamorous ceremony and learn who will receive the highest honors in filmmaking.View complete list of nominees for 88th Oscars:ACTOR IN A LEADING ROLEB

3 Films Rendered by Fox Renderfarm Eligible for 89th Oscar Best Animation Award

3 Films Rendered by Fox Renderfarm Eligible for 89th Oscar Best Animation Award




The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science (AMPAS) recently released the official notice that 27 animated films participate 89th Oscar Best Animation Award which creates the highest record.To my surprise, 3 of these submitted animated films are rendered by the leading cloud rendering service provider and render farm in the industry, Fox Renderfarm: Monkey King: Hero Is Back (China), Kingsglaiv

Oscars 2017, 'La La Land' Mistakenly Named Best Picture, But 'Moonlight' Wins!

Oscars 2017, 'La La Land' Mistakenly Named Best Picture, But 'Moonlight' Wins!


Fox Renderfarm News


The 89th Academy Awards took place on Sunday night, 26th February, 2017 (PST). 'La La Land', the recently popular film, got 6 awards for Best Actress in Leading Role, Best Directing, Best Cinematography, Best Production Design, Best Original Song and Best Original Score.But... life is full of ups and downs...The presenter at the Oscars took the wrong envelope and mistakenly announced 'La La Land'

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