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Aurélien’s Short Film "U 92" Made with Unreal Engine Won "Best Animation" in Evermotion Challenge 2022

Aurélien’s Short Film "U 92" Made with Unreal Engine Won "Best Animation" in Evermotion Challenge 2022


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The Evermotion Challenge 2022 ended successfully and the competition has selected the best entries in four categories, including "Best Animation", "Best Commercial Render", "Best Personal Work", and "Best Unpublished Work". Aurélien Brion's short film "U 92" made with Unreal Engine won "Best Animation" in the competition. Fox Renderfarm, as a leading cloud rendering service provider and render far

Interview With Santiago Vilaseca, Who Won “Best Commercial Render” in Evermotion Challenge 2022

Interview With Santiago Vilaseca, Who Won “Best Commercial Render” in Evermotion Challenge 2022




The Evermotion Challenge 2022 differed from previous ones. Instead of suggesting a topic to contestants and setting 1st, 2nd, 3rd places, the contestants can submit original work in four categories and the best work in each category was selected. Fox Renderfarm, a world-leading render farm and cloud rendering service provider, also a long-term partner of Evermotion, sponsored this competition and

Fox Renderfarm Proudly Becomes a Golden Sponsor of The Evermotion Challenge 2014

Fox Renderfarm Proudly Becomes a Golden Sponsor of The Evermotion Challenge 2014


CG Challenges


Fox Renderfarm, one of the world’s largest cloud computing and cloud rendering solution providers for both the motion picture and animation industries, is proud to be one of the Golden Sponsors of the Evermotion “Summer in the City Challenge” 2014.Total prizes worth €15 859 are on offer and the Challenge will run from September 16th to November 17th, 2014. Contestants are re

Creating a Beautiful Forest Scene With 3ds Max and ZBrush

Creating a Beautiful Forest Scene With 3ds Max and ZBrush


Fox Renderfarm Interview


Fox Renderfarm is committed to making contributions to the CG industry by sponsoring international CG challenges. Evermotion Challenge 2021 came to an end. As one of the sponsors, we are so glad to have the honor and opportunity to have an interview with Ruming Cao, the 2nd place in the competition.His work, As busy as a robot, using the robot as the 'worker' in this scenario, taking a break from

Interview With Shabeer MV, a Versatile 3D Professional, Who Won the 1st Award in The Evermotion Challenge 2021

Interview With Shabeer MV, a Versatile 3D Professional, Who Won the 1st Award in The Evermotion Challenge 2021




Fox Renderfarm: How did you make the excellent modeling and the strong composition? Any references?Shabeer: Since I had only 2 weeks, I had to use a lot of premade assets. There was less modeling in this project, most of the time I was texturing and dressing the scene.First block- out and scene reference.Lighting and composition were mainly inspired by the photo belowGif – WIP Fox Renderfarm: The

How to Build a Minimalist But Pretentious Interior Design in 3ds Max

How to Build a Minimalist But Pretentious Interior Design in 3ds Max




Fox Renderfarm is committed to making contributions to the CG industry by sponsoring international CG challenges. Evermotion Challenge 2021 came to an end. As one of the sponsors, we are so glad to have the honor and opportunity to have an interview with Azat Mammedov, the 2nd award in the competition. His work, The Abode of the Jeweler, is highly praised by the judges for its realistic lighting a

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How To Create A Realistic Doomsday in 3ds Max


CG Challenges


Fox Renderfarm: There are so many details in the image, which make the scene more realistic and attractive, could you show us how you make them?Neil: I'm always referring back to reference images to help achieve realism. I generally add chamfers and imperfections to everything.The biggest stand out for me was the floor. There’s no better way achieving this than using Real Displacement Textures. Th

Tribute To Bravehearts In My Own 2020: Introducing 3D Artist, Reyaz Alankandy

Tribute To Bravehearts In My Own 2020: Introducing 3D Artist, Reyaz Alankandy


Fox Renderfarm Interview


For everyone, 2020 was a tough year.In “My own 2020” Evermotion Challenge 2020, Reyaz Alankandy, the champion of the competition, shows his own 2020 by creating the artwork “Bravehearts”.Bravehearts © Reyaz AlankandyIn this artwork, Reyaz portrays a railway station that used to overflow with bustling life, but during the pandemic, it emptied all except the sanitation w

Interpret 1984 by George Orwell in ArchViz: From Quotation to Creation in 3ds Max

Interpret 1984 by George Orwell in ArchViz: From Quotation to Creation in 3ds Max




Fox Renderfarm: The submitted piece is a long vertical image with a strong silhouette and contrast. Could you introduce the idea behind the composition? And how did you realize your composition idea step by step?Sergey: The idea here is in impending urbanization. In this background, for this, I made a city with walls going to the sky in the background. Because of this, I chose a vertical image.To

Interview with Le Anh Nhan: The 2nd Winner of Evermotion Challenge 2017

Interview with Le Anh Nhan: The 2nd Winner of Evermotion Challenge 2017


CG Challenges


As one of the sponsors of Evermotion challenge 2017, we are so glad to have the honor and opportunity to have an interview with Le Anh Nhan, the 2nd winner of last year's competition. His work Hello_MD-2027 is highly praised by the three judges. Here are the detail interview as below:Fox Renderfarm: Hi Le Anh Nhan, would you please give a brief introduction about yourself?Le Anh Nhan: Hello Fox Re

Evermotion Challenge Takes You to the Secret Garden

Evermotion Challenge Takes You to the Secret Garden


CG Challenges


Fox Renderfarm always made contributions to education and CG industry, not only launched GoCloud program to help the small teams realize their dreams, but also sponsored many different kinds of international CG challenges. Evermotion Challenge is one of the most popular challenges in the world. After Evermotion Challenge 2015, Fox Renderfarm sponsored Evermotion Challenge 2016 - The Secret Garden

Fox Renderfarm Sponsored Evermotion Challenge 2015 Result Announced

Fox Renderfarm Sponsored Evermotion Challenge 2015 Result Announced


CG Challenges


Evermotion had a remarkable architectural renderings challenge "Evermotion Challenge 2015"Evermotion has been in the market since 1998 and now its portal is one of the biggest in the CG world. Evermotion earned a stable position in the CG world with thousands of customers. Evermotion creates and develops products that help CG artists with their 3D visualizations by speeding up their workflow and i

3D Art Competitions3D ToolTrailerFox Renderfarm PromotionCloud Rendering FarmAnnecy FestivalMILESTONESFox RenderfarmDesktop ClientBlenderBollywood films3DModels ContestNVIDIASilkroad Digital VisionMalaysian Animated FilmsIndiajoyArchitectural VisualizationCGarchitect Architectural 3DawardsBest cloud rendering servicesRender cloudVFXUpin & IpinGreen BookFox Renderfarm InterviewMission MangalKre8tif!Fox Renderfarm Mini ProgramCGCG Tech Summit Malaysiafilm workscloud renderingGolden Horse AwardShadowVFX BreakdownMorrigan FlebotteVWArtclub Annual *ContestAsswad Mouhamadanimation worksIMax StudioBoonie BearsRenderosityGary S. KennedyEvermotion Challenge 2018Brian BeaudryBobby BalaMohit SanchaniyaKatapix MediaFlying Car ProductionsRazerThe ShipmentFoxRenderfarmCG Tech SummitAlpacalypse ProductionsUnreal Enginepwnisher 3D ChallengeFederico CiuffoliniRalf SczepanIavor TrifonovClarisseCGTS MalaysiaIsotropixC4DTomasz BednarzV-RayCinema 4DMAXONsiggraph cafEvermotion challenge 2017CGTrader Space Competitionfilm of the yearLe Anh NhanPlanet UnknownFox Renderfarm 2017 AchievementsCSFFJulio Sotoboar 2017DeepUnreal Engine render farmChris SunGlass CageMaking Life of Bri' n Chrisanthem studiosThe RookiesPeter DraperMakuta VFXBaahubali 2CG CompetitionenchantedmobCG StudiosAcademy AwardsCGVrayweeklycgchallengeSketchUpsiggraph 2017Chris BuchalSIGGRAPH AsiaLightWaveIndigo RendererStop Motion AnimationV-Ray RTCPU RenderingNVIDIA IrayChaos GroupOctaneRenderRedshiftSTAR CORECICAFVRMr. HublotRibbitGPU RenderingLinuxMonkey IslandLuxRenderHPCRender FarmUnityWORLD LABMichael Wakelam3D RenderingOnline Render FarmAlibabaBaahubaliVAXMalaysia3D AnimationOscarSIGGRAPHCGTraderKunming Asia Animation ExhibitionEvermotionRenderMan
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