청강문화산업대학교의 창의적인 애니메이션 "쿠라토" 감독과의 인터뷰
Fox Renderfarm Projects
Fox Renderfarm Interview
"쿠라토"는 많은 시청자들의 마음과 상상력을 사로잡은 경이로운 단편 애니메이션 영화입니다. 청강문화산업대학교의 재능 있는 학생들로 이루어진 팀 C:GC에 의해 만들어졌습니다. 한국의 이천에서 설립된 청강문화산업대학교는 다양한 컨텐츠 분야에서 젊은 인재들을 양성하는 데 전념하여 존경받는 학교로 우뚝 섰습니다. 업계 최고의 클라우드 렌더링 서비스 제공자이자 렌더팜인 폭스 렌더팜은 프로젝트 "쿠라토"를 후원하고 박주희 감독을 인터뷰하는 영광을 누렸습니다. 저희 클라우드 렌더링 서비스를 이용해 주셔서 감사합니다! 이 인터뷰에서 청강대 애니메이션 스쿨의 예술적인 마인드를 더 깊이 들여다보면서 더 높은 수준으로 창조적인 노력을 하게 된 비결을 알아보겠습니다.CURATOR © Team C :GCFox Rende

An Interview with Chungkang College of Cultural Industries, the Creative Masterminds Behind "CURATOR"
Fox Renderfarm Projects
Fox Renderfarm Interview
"CURATOR" is an awe-inspiring animation film that has captured the hearts and imaginations of numerous viewers. Created by Team C :GC, a group of talented students at Chungkang College of Cultural Industries. Founded in Icheon, South Korea, Chungkang stands tall as a respected institution dedicated to nurturing budding talents across a range of content departments. Fox Renderfarm as the industry's

Interview with Mumbai-based Studio, CG Katha Studios and Their Storytelling Mission
Top News
Fox Renderfarm Interview
CG Katha Studios is a Mumbai-based CG studio representing the vibrant storytelling tradition of India. The company has created an animated commercial video for Impact Mints India’s limited edition cricket-themed mints, which is absolutely stunning!As the industry's top cloud rendering service provider and render farm, Fox Renderfarm has provided the cloud rendering service to the team and he

Fox Renderfarm Customer's Work, Netflix Series 'Oni: Thunder God's Tale' Won Two Prizes at 50th Annie Awards
Fox Renderfarm Projects
The 50th ceremony of the Annie Awards was held on February 25, 2023. Fox Renderfarm customer's work, Netflix series "Oni: Thunder God's Tale" won "BEST TV/MEDIA – LIMITED SERIES" and "BEST PRODUCTION DESIGN - TV/MEDIA". Congratulations!Image via Annie AwardsONI: Thunder God's Tale (Japanese: ONI ~ 神々山のおなり) is an original animation series that premiered on October 21, 2022. It tells a story that in

Fox Renderfarm Projects
animation works
「そのウィッシュを大声で言え!」ほとんどの人が子供の頃「ドラゴンボール」を見たことがあるが、主人公の孫悟空は、願いが叶えられる7つの「ドラゴンボール」を集めるために、世界を旅するというストーリーだ。2021年公開されたCGアニメのコメディ映画『ウィッシュ・ドラゴン』では、7つのドラゴンボールを集めなくても、ピンクの毛むくじゃらのドラゴンを手に入れることできる!Fox Renderfarmでレンダリングされた『ウィッシュ・ドラゴン』は、2021年1月15日に中国で劇場公開され、年内にはNetflixで海外公開される予定だ。Chris Appelhansが脚本と監督を手がけ、ジャッキー・チェンが主演を務めるこの映画は、大きな夢を持ちながらも経済的には恵まれていない大学生のディンと、皮肉屋だが願いを叶える力を持つドラゴンのロン(ジャッキー・チェン)が2人で、ディンの行方不明になった幼なじみを探す

Indian’s Top-Grossing Movie “Baahubali - The Beginning” Rendered by Fox Renderfarm
Fox Renderfarm Projects
As 2015 India’s top budget film, the historical Indian epic blockbuster "Baahubali - The Beginning" has grossed more than $90 million USD worldwide, and has set an all-time domestic box office record for opening day with $7.8 million and opening weekend box office record with $25.6 million, topping the previous record of last year’s "Happy New Year". Current statistics shows that "Baah

Fox Renderfarm Rendered Cloudburst Game Passed Seven Million Downloads
Fox Renderfarm News
Cloudburst Games is a professional network of animators and programmers working to create some of the most entertaining apps for kids and teens. With over Seven million downloads and has hit the top of the charts in many countries. Their family of animal-based apps has an endearing place in the market. After years of developing talking characters, both people and animals, they have delighted mobil

Mission Mangal, Bollywood’s First Ever Space Film Rendered by Fox Renderfarm
Fox Renderfarm Projects
Mission Mangal
Famulus Media &x26; Entertainment, the VFX-producing firm of Mission Mangal, is an entertainment company delivering excellence in Creative Design, Animation and Visual Effects Development.Fox Renderfarm is proud to partner with Famulus Media &x26; Entertainment who was associated with Hope Productions, Cape of Good Films &x26; Fox Star Studios, to present the first ever space film, high end, spac

Award Winning Filmmaker Julio Soto Releases New 3D Animated Feature Film Deep
Fox Renderfarm Projects
Directed by Julio Soto Gurpide, Fox Renderfarm is honored to provide cloud rendering service to "Deep" – a The Thinklab production, which has been sold worldwide with its recent release in North America, South Korea, Mexico &x26; Russia that has gained a lot of popularity among the viewers. The film will also be released in Spain on 3rd November 2017.The film is set in the year 2100 when mankind h

Horror Movie “Boar” Rendered by Fox Renderfarm to be Released Soon!
Fox Renderfarm Projects
boar 2017
Directed by Chris Sun, an Australian horror film producer and produced by Slaughter FX, the horror movie "Boar" that Fox Renderfarm participated in cloud rendering will be released in Australia in November 2017 and will be enjoying its World Premieres on November 23 at the Australia’s Monster Film Festival.The "Boar" film shows Australia's adverse and beautiful natural landscape, yet lurks a dark

"Baahubali 2: The Conclusion" Rendered by Fox Renderfarm Became The Highest-grossing Indian Film in History
Fox Renderfarm Projects
When the historical Indian epic blockbuster "Baahubali: The Beginning" was released on July 10th, 2015, it immediately earned a good reputation worldwide and set a box office record for Indian films of 2015.After the success of "Baahubali: The Beginning", and "Baahubali 2: The Conclusion" broke the record again, it debuted in the US as the third top box-office draw, making nearly $13 million desp

Interview with Chris Buchal Regarding Glass Cage
Fox Renderfarm Projects
Chris Buchal
Glass Cage, a new film about female social issues which produced by Chris Buchal just been released (Check the Glass Cage video at bottom). Chris and his team had overcome so many difficulties and didn't give up the film even under very serious budget problem, what a tough team! And Fox Renderfarm is honorable to offer the cloud rendering power for its VFX part. Here is the interview regarding thi

![Uncovering Best 5 Interior Design Rendering Software [Updated List]](http://static.rayvision.com/media/37_The_5_best_interior_design_rendering_programs_in_2025_273f28cfd0.png?w=1000&q=100)