Maxon Studio: Your New Creative Companion in Video Editing
3D Tool
With the release of Maxon Studio, Maxon has once again lifted the standard in the rapidly changing world of digital content creation. The innovative After Effects template engine and user-friendly interface demonstrate Maxon's dedication to providing content creators with tools that improve their creative potential and expedite their workflow.Introducing Maxon StudioImage from MaxonLaunched on Jun

Maxon Launches Cinema 4D 2023.1
Maxon has released Cinema 4D 2023.1, which brings more useful features to the users.Check out some of the new features:Pyro: you can emit smoke and fire from any Cinema 4D object.OCIO Color Management: in Cinema 4D, the Academy Color Encoding System (ACES) enables content creation without the limitations of small color spaces. If artists have OCIO installed, they can produce in ACES in current or

Maxon Releases News for 2023 Updates
Maxon announced a series of updates to the company's product line on September 7, 2022.With the major update in Fall 2022, Maxon One gains a wide range of new features and enhancements. Cinema 4D, Redshift, Red Giant, Forger, Maxon Capsules and Moves by Maxon will get improvements.According to Maxon, new features of Cinema 4D 2023 will include dramatic simulation advancements, modeling with symmet

CG News
Maxonは2022年9月7日に同社製品群の一連のアップデートを発表しました。2022年秋のメジャーアップデートにより、Maxon Oneはさまざまな新機能と拡張機能を獲得します。Cinema 4D、Redshift、Red Giant、Forger、Maxon Capsules、Moves by Maxonが改良を受けることになります。Maxonによると、Cinema 4D 2023の新機能には劇的なシミュレーションの進歩、対称性を持ったモデリング、アセット管理の改善、OCIOのネイティブサポートが含まれます。Redshiftでは、Redshift CPU用のRounded Cornersの追加、Stacked Materialsの追加、Random Walkモードとボリュームテクノロジーの改善などが予定されています。製品アップデートの詳細についてはMaxonの記事「Maxon One

Interview with MAXON About the Cooperation with Fox Renderfarm
Fox Renderfarm News
Fox Renderfarm is so glad to have the precious opportunity to have an interview with Friederike Bruckert from MAXON about their product Cinema 4D and how the cooperation could benefit both MAXON and Fox Renderfarm, please check the detail interview as below.Fox Renderfarm: Hi, would you please give a brief introduction about Maxon and your product C4D?MAXON: MAXON is a company founded more than 3