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Interview with Nor3d, an Award-winning Architectural Visualization Studio

Interview with Nor3d, an Award-winning Architectural Visualization Studio


Top News

CGarchitect Architectural 3Dawards

Based in Copenhagen, Denmark, studio Nor3d specializes in telling stories built around architecture and creating unique visualizations for each project, along with engaging design, fashion, and art. They use still images, animations, virtual reality, or dynamic images to craft a unique story for each project. Nor3d was nominated for the 2024 CGarchitect 3D Awards in the 'Best Commissioned Image' c

FGT3D The Ruins Challenge Winners Announced!

FGT3D The Ruins Challenge Winners Announced!



3D Art Competitions

Fox Renderfarm, a leading render farm known for its fast and secure cloud rendering solutions, is beyond excited to reveal the highly anticipated results of our FGT3D The Ruins Challenge, which ran from May 22nd to July 20th. This competition saw many inspiring and visually stunning entries, making selection a tough task. A big round of applause to everyone who participated, and congratulations to

The Reallusion Character 3D Contest 2024 Heats Up – Last Chance to Shine!

The Reallusion Character 3D Contest 2024 Heats Up – Last Chance to Shine!



3D Art Competitions

Attention 3D enthusiasts and aspiring character creators! The clock is ticking on the Reallusion 3D Character Contest 2024 and with the sponsorship from Fox Renderfarm, the leading cloud rendering service provider and render farm in the CG industry, this year's competition is bigger and better than ever. With a prize pool exceeding a whopping $45,000 USD and a chance to have your work seen by mill

Pwnisher’s the Internet's Largest CG Challenge Comes Back: Kinetic Rush Challenge

Pwnisher’s the Internet's Largest CG Challenge Comes Back: Kinetic Rush Challenge



CG Competition

Here comes a new challenge for 3D artists around the world! Six months after the last biggest CG challenge on the Internet, Pwnisher brings you a new 3D community challenge, the Kinetic Rush Challenge! Fox Renderfarm, the leading cloud rendering service provider and render farm in the CG industry, is proud to be one of the sponsors of this competition, and we're excited to provide rendering suppor

Kay John Yim - Artist of the Year of Fox Renderfarm 2023

Kay John Yim - Artist of the Year of Fox Renderfarm 2023



CG Competition

2024 is a new and exciting year full of opportunities and new challenges for the CG industry and all 3D artists, and for Fox Renderfarm as well. In the past 2023, we met up with countless amazing works and 3D artists, and here we are proud to announce our 2023 Artist of the Year, Kay John Yim, an architect by day and a CGI artist by night.John has been a continued supporter of Fox Renderfarm's clo

FGT3D Pumpkin Mage Challenge Winners Announced!

FGT3D Pumpkin Mage Challenge Winners Announced!


CG Challenges

3D Art Competitions

In a riot of pumpkins, magic, and phantoms, an exceedingly talented array of artists rose to the FGT3D Pumpkin Mage Challenge - a Halloween-themed CG contest hosted by Fox Renderfarm from Sep. 20 to Dec. 4. Their digital masterpieces breathlessly merge the macabre with the aesthetically mesmerizing, building a whimsical world of the Pumpkin Mage for us.After the selection by our juries, we are now

Polygoniq Announces Winners of 'Into the Future' Challenge

Polygoniq Announces Winners of 'Into the Future' Challenge



CG Competition

The 3D Challenge "Into the Future," which was launched by Polygoniq, has recently ended and the winners have been announced on Polygoniq's Discord. Fox Renderfarm, as a leading cloud rendering service provider and render farm, was honored to be a sponsor of the competition and witnessed the birth of many outstanding entries.The 1st Place: "⁠Missing" by Fractal OrangeThe 2nd Place: "⁠A Sort of Home

Domeble Symetri Student Awards 2023 Reveals Winners

Domeble Symetri Student Awards 2023 Reveals Winners


CG Challenges

3D Art Competitions

Domeble and Symetri, two companies with strong ties to the automotive industry, have joined forces to launch the Domeble Symetri Student Awards (DSSA), a competition for students of 3D design and photography. It aims to encourage and help students around the world to unleash their creativity while giving them access to the best resources for their work.Domeble Symetri Student Awards 2023 started f

This Halloween! Join FGT3D Pumpkin Mage Challenge

This Halloween! Join FGT3D Pumpkin Mage Challenge



3D Art Competitions

Welcome to the whimsical world of the Pumpkin Mage, where pumpkins turn magic into reality. Participate in Pumpkin Mage Challenge and let your artistic talents and 3D rendering skills bring this fantastical vision to life.As the CG industry's leading cloud rendering service provider and render farm, Fox Renderfarm is beyond excited to witness new talents!This challenge is free and open to all skil

New Insane 3D Challenge "Road to Infinity" is Ongoing!

New Insane 3D Challenge "Road to Infinity" is Ongoing!



CG Competition

Last week, the YouTube channel Bad Normals, also the organizer, announced a new 3D community challenge "Road to Infinity". The last competition "Default Cube Render Challenge" attracted a lot of participants and many excellent artworks were born. As soon as the new contest came out, it caught the attention of many people and this time comes with great prizes. As a leading cloud rendering service p

Ready for Your New Adventure? The 9th FGT3D Challenge Is Open for Submissions

Ready for Your New Adventure? The 9th FGT3D Challenge Is Open for Submissions



CG Competition

"Adventure is worthwhile in itself." This time, we want to jump into adventures created by 3D artists all around the world. Where does it take place? Did it happen for real or imagined? Tell your wonderful stories through 3D renders! We encourage all free creativity within the theme. It's time to set off!The 9th FGT3D Challenge, themed "New Adventure", organized by the best render farm and cloud r

Interview with Sithuka Bihan, A 16-years-old Student Who Won 3rd Prize in Student Category of FGT3D Fox Challenge

Interview with Sithuka Bihan, A 16-years-old Student Who Won 3rd Prize in Student Category of FGT3D Fox Challenge



3D Art Competitions

FGT3D Fox Challenge, organized by the TPN-Accredited cloud rendering services provider &x26; the best render farm - Fox Renderfarm, was started in March 2022 and announced winners in June 2022. The challenge was sponsored by some amazing sponsors, including Chaos Corona, Chaos V-Ray, Poliigon, Marmoset, TopoGun, Graswald, Raysync, Textures.com, Texture Box and iCube R&x26;D Group. After the select

3D Art Competitions3D ToolTrailerFox Renderfarm PromotionCloud Rendering FarmAnnecy FestivalMILESTONESFox RenderfarmDesktop ClientBlenderBollywood films3DModels ContestNVIDIASilkroad Digital VisionMalaysian Animated FilmsIndiajoyArchitectural VisualizationCGarchitect Architectural 3DawardsBest cloud rendering servicesRender cloudVFXUpin & IpinGreen BookFox Renderfarm InterviewMission MangalKre8tif!Fox Renderfarm Mini ProgramCGCG Tech Summit Malaysiafilm workscloud renderingGolden Horse AwardShadowVFX BreakdownMorrigan FlebotteVWArtclub Annual *ContestAsswad Mouhamadanimation worksIMax StudioBoonie BearsRenderosityGary S. KennedyEvermotion Challenge 2018Brian BeaudryBobby BalaMohit SanchaniyaKatapix MediaFlying Car ProductionsRazerThe ShipmentFoxRenderfarmCG Tech SummitAlpacalypse ProductionsUnreal Enginepwnisher 3D ChallengeFederico CiuffoliniRalf SczepanIavor TrifonovClarisseCGTS MalaysiaIsotropixC4DTomasz BednarzV-RayCinema 4DMAXONsiggraph cafEvermotion challenge 2017CGTrader Space Competitionfilm of the yearLe Anh NhanPlanet UnknownFox Renderfarm 2017 AchievementsCSFFJulio Sotoboar 2017DeepUnreal Engine render farmChris SunGlass CageMaking Life of Bri' n Chrisanthem studiosThe RookiesPeter DraperMakuta VFXBaahubali 2CG CompetitionenchantedmobCG StudiosAcademy AwardsCGVrayweeklycgchallengeSketchUpsiggraph 2017Chris BuchalSIGGRAPH AsiaLightWaveIndigo RendererStop Motion AnimationV-Ray RTCPU RenderingNVIDIA IrayChaos GroupOctaneRenderRedshiftSTAR CORECICAFVRMr. HublotRibbitGPU RenderingLinuxMonkey IslandLuxRenderHPCRender FarmUnityWORLD LABMichael Wakelam3D RenderingOnline Render FarmAlibabaBaahubaliVAXMalaysia3D AnimationOscarSIGGRAPHCGTraderKunming Asia Animation ExhibitionEvermotionRenderMan
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Global Agent Contact: Evan Zhang

Email: evan.zhang@foxrenderfarm.com

Marketing Contact: Evan Liu

Email: evanliu@foxrenderfarm.com

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