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Why Choose FoxRenderfarm?

Last edited on: 2022-07-04
Fox Renderfarm News
FoxRenderfarm | Redshift

Fox Render Farm is becoming one of the most notable and credited online render farms in the CG industry. We provide a web-based online platform for users and have more than two thousand render nodes. Therefore, with us, it does not matter where you are present – as long as you are connected to the internet, you can access and enjoy the 24/7 non-stop cloud rendering services that we provide, without any fail.

Fox is extremely user-friendly and hence, rendering tasks can be submitted to our system by following some easy steps. The user’s online system and control panel provided by the Fox Render Farm allows you to monitor the overall rendering progress in real-time. Queuing is not required, as the final rendered file will be presented as soon as the process is finished. Our users can get their HD and Ultra HD animations rendered at full quality through Fox’s system.

With nearly two thousand workstations, the Fox Render Farm is equipped with brilliant hardware specifications. Every functional node has an Intel Xeon I7 3770K processor and an E5645 processor. The I7 3770K processor has the memory capacity of 16 GB while the Intel Xeon processor’s memory varies between 24 and 64 GB. The local network that we use is Infiniband, with a high speed of 20 Gbps and it utilizes the Windows 7 operating system.

Software such 3d Max, Maya, Softimage, Blender and C4D are supported by our rendering farm as well. It also supports render engines like V-Ray, Mental Ray and Final Render.

The cloud rendering service that we offer is our biggest strength. Render farm are usually a structure built on interconnected PCs, which share their memory and processing capabilities to efficiently process CGI rendering. Nodes that are utilized; are advanced in nature; and thus, without too much manual input and manipulation, brilliant computer generated graphics and imagery can be created. Render farms are also highly efficient and that is why, at CG Studios, we use them to examine graphic and special effects.

Traditional render farms are great, but they do not come without their limitations. Space constraints, high maintenance requirements, and expenses associated with these farms could be a huge problem for smaller companies. cloud rendering ensures that the performance of the traditional render farm are amalgamated with lesser costs and user friendly system in order to provide smaller companies with the best rendering option.

3D Art Competitions3D ToolTrailerFox Renderfarm PromotionCloud Rendering FarmAnnecy FestivalMILESTONESFox RenderfarmDesktop ClientBlenderBollywood films3DModels ContestNVIDIASilkroad Digital VisionMalaysian Animated FilmsIndiajoyArchitectural VisualizationCGarchitect Architectural 3DawardsBest cloud rendering servicesRender cloudVFXUpin & IpinGreen BookFox Renderfarm InterviewMission MangalKre8tif!Fox Renderfarm Mini ProgramCGCG Tech Summit Malaysiafilm workscloud renderingGolden Horse AwardShadowVFX BreakdownMorrigan FlebotteVWArtclub Annual *ContestAsswad Mouhamadanimation worksIMax StudioBoonie BearsRenderosityGary S. KennedyEvermotion Challenge 2018Brian BeaudryBobby BalaMohit SanchaniyaKatapix MediaFlying Car ProductionsRazerThe ShipmentFoxRenderfarmCG Tech SummitAlpacalypse ProductionsUnreal Enginepwnisher 3D ChallengeFederico CiuffoliniRalf SczepanIavor TrifonovClarisseCGTS MalaysiaIsotropixC4DTomasz BednarzV-RayCinema 4DMAXONsiggraph cafEvermotion challenge 2017CGTrader Space Competitionfilm of the yearLe Anh NhanPlanet UnknownFox Renderfarm 2017 AchievementsCSFFJulio Sotoboar 2017DeepUnreal Engine render farmChris SunGlass CageMaking Life of Bri' n Chrisanthem studiosThe RookiesPeter DraperMakuta VFXBaahubali 2CG CompetitionenchantedmobCG StudiosAcademy AwardsCGVrayweeklycgchallengeSketchUpsiggraph 2017Chris BuchalSIGGRAPH AsiaLightWaveIndigo RendererStop Motion AnimationV-Ray RTCPU RenderingNVIDIA IrayChaos GroupOctaneRenderRedshiftSTAR CORECICAFVRMr. HublotRibbitGPU RenderingLinuxMonkey IslandLuxRenderHPCRender FarmUnityWORLD LABMichael Wakelam3D RenderingOnline Render FarmAlibabaBaahubaliVAXMalaysia3D AnimationOscarSIGGRAPHCGTraderKunming Asia Animation ExhibitionEvermotionRenderMan
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Global Agent Contact: Evan Zhang

Email: evan.zhang@foxrenderfarm.com

Marketing Contact: Evan Liu

Email: evanliu@foxrenderfarm.com

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