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Learn V-Ray Partners with Fox Renderfarm to Creat More Amazing Works

Last edited on: 2024-09-25
Trending | Fox Renderfarm Projects
Chaos Group | V-Ray

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication," Leonardo da Vinci once said. Then, Steve Jobs took it as Apple’s product concept. Now, it shows on Learn V-Ray’s video rendered by Fox Renderfarm, the leading cloud rendering service provider and render farm in the CG industry.

Learnvray.com is an authorized training center certified by Chaos Group. In the online area, you can find the 5SRW Course for V-Ray, including V-Ray tutorials and lessons, material to download and all you need to get the 5SRW Certification for V-Ray. 5SRW stands for 5-Step Render Workflow: framing, light balance, materials, final render, post-production and it is a method to learn the photographic approach:

More info here: V-RAY COURSE (online)

As Learnvray.com official partner, Fox Renderfarm rendered countless works for Learn V-Ray’s trainers and students.

Now let’s enjoy the following outstanding works rendered by Fox Renderfarm, included in the short movie:

Industrial Open Space, by Tony Antoun

Prize: Best of March 2016

1. Industrial Open Space - Tony Antoun 1.1

Gravity, by Ciro Sannino

Prize: Installation V-Ray 3 Splash Screen

2. Gravity and 5SRW - Ciro Sannino 2.1

Church on the Water, by Aldo Garcia

Finalist at 3D Awards 2014

3. church on the water

Sofa Room, by Rabih Chehab

Short movie #1

4. Sofa Room - Rabih Chehab 4.1

Ciro Sannino (profile), author and main trainer at Learn V-Ray, said: "Honestly I recently got different proposals from different render farms around the world. I finally decided on Fox Renderfarm because I appreciated a quality that is not so common - availability. Fox Renderfarm guys are always ready to listen to suggestions coming from partners and users, and the customer service team are always online on Skype to help and support in any situation! And no waiting to start the render due to the size of Fox Renderfarm."

Simplicity is more difficult than sophistication. You must pay more effort to make sophistication simple. The philosophy that Fox Renderfarm always sticks to is that technology inspires the arts. With the most professional technical team, the best customer service team and the most powerful computing center, Fox Renderfarm can save more time for users to do more creation.

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