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Razer Ultrabook Rendered by Fox Renderfarm Won CES 2016 Award

Last edited on: 2024-11-28
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CES, the world's biggest and splashiest showcase for the latest and greatest in consumer electronics, is a victim of its own outsize expectations. The best PC award of the 2016 CES award was won by Razer Blade Stealth Ultrabook. Based on the brief of "Duality - Portability & Gaming", CUM(www.cum.md) a creative agency based in Singapore crafted a story for the Razer Blade Stealth with the rendering support of Fox Renderfarm.


Cum is a creative agency based in Singapore, a team of generalist across the entire field from illustrators, and designers to CG generalist. Fox Renderfarm, one of the leading online render farm and cloud rendering service providers in the industry since 2009. Fox Renderfarm serves leading special effects companies and animation studios in over 100 countries including two Oscar winners.


The commercial has been extremely well received with over 600,000 views on Facebook & YouTube within 5 days of its debut. It has swept up official "Best of CES" award, "Best PC" & "People's Choice".


Razer is known for its thin and light gaming notebooks, and the new 12.5-inch Blade Stealth is no exception. But in addition to being compact, it works with an external dock, granting gamers access to a desktop-class GPU along with amenities like Ethernet and four USB ports. Though Razer isn't the first to attempt this sort of setup, the Blade Stealth is notable for eschewing proprietary connectors; instead, it uses Thunderbolt 3, a common standard that allows the dock to work with a wider range of PCs. In a field of PCs at this year's CES that mostly included Skinny-Minnie machines, the one that stood out was the one that didn't compromise on performance. -- Dana Wollman the managing director added.


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