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Interview With Brian Beaudry, The 1st Winner In Renderosity 2018 Animation Holiday Contest

Last edited on: 2024-10-25
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Brian Beaudry | Renderosity

Glad to have an interview with Brian Beaudry, the 1st place winner in Renderosity 2018 Animation Holiday Contest, here is the detail we want to share for everyone, to know more about a good animation hobbyist.

Fox Renderfarm: Hi Brian, congratulation to win the 1st place! Would you please give a brief introduction about yourself?

Brian Beaudry: Yes,my name is Brian Beaudry and I am honored to have won the Renderosity 2018 Animation Holiday Contest.  I am a full-time Musician and work in many local bands and nursing homes entertaining people of all ages. Before music, I worked as an Airbrush Artist painting T-shirts, murals, and paintings. I started working in computer art and animation as a hobby about 20 years ago.

Fox Renderfarm: Wow, very interesting experience. So how did you make the decision to step into the animation industry?

Brian Beaudry: Being an Artist is relaxing and a very fulfilling hobby. I started working in still 3d pictures and worked my way into animations. Being able to bring my characters to life on screen in the comfort of my own home is Amazing. I have learned to work with many 3d software packages.

Fox Renderfarm: That’s awesome! Did you still remember your first work, how does it look like?

Brian Beaudry: My first programs were Bryce and Ray Dream 3d back in 1996. I was working as an Airbrush artist at the time and made some simple still shots for a Cd cover I was working on at the time. Many years passed and about 9 years ago I started back at 3d artwork on the computer.

Fox Renderfarm: I see, so how did you know the Renderosity's contest?

Brian Beaudry: In 2011 I entered my first Renderosity animation contest after finding the forum page and discovering the contest. That year I took 3rd place. I entered the next 2 years taking 2nd and then finally 1st place. During my first years of the contest, I used Vue for my Animations and put the frames together in After Effects. I found Vue to be very slow for rendering and did not enter again until this year. I changed my Animation program to Iclone 7 which handles pbr rendering and improved my rendering speeds by leaps and bounds. Over the years since my last contest I learned many new tricks which helped make the Movie I made this year that won the contest. I designed the main character in Zbrush and textured him in Substance painter. I have collected some great motion captures over the years and assigned them to my character in Iclone.

Fox Renderfarm: Sounds great! You really love animation, you worth to have the prizes. Can you show us your work that won the place in this contest?

Brian Beaudry: I have uploaded a copy of my movie.

Fox Renderfarm: Good for you! Therefore, what inspired you to come out the idea of making this work? Also, what software, renderers, plugins you used in this work?

Brian Beaudry: The contest theme was the ghosts of Christmas past. My idea was to bring life to an old room using magic. My main character is the Armored Knight. The Idea was the magical Christmas Fairies would bring the old room back to life. The Fairies would come down the chimney and everything they passed would be restored. There were old lights being turned on, the once warm fireplace being re-lit, and of course the suit of armor coming to life. I also wrote the song for this animation called “Christmas Fairies” using a Yamaha Mx-61 keyboard and Sonar recording program.

Fox Renderfarm: Fantastic idea! Did you use Fox Renderfarm service previously? If yes, would you share your ideas about us?

Brian Beaudry: I have never used Fox Renderfarm, but now having some credits I look Forward to using it to help me in future projects.

Fox Renderfarm: Thanks, hope our render farm can satisfy you. Anything else you would like to add or say?

Brian Beaudry: I hope in the near future to start work on some videos for some of my original music. Thank you for your time and I hope you enjoy my Movie ”Ghosts of Christmas Past”.

'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jV0xxDGHLZY' this is my animation on youtube.

'www.roadtripniagara.com' -my music website

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