
Interview With Morrigan Flebotte, The 1st Winner In 3D Category Of Renderosity 2018 Holiday Contest

Last edited on: 2019-09-10
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Cloud Rendering Farm | Renderosity | Morrigan Flebotte

Last week, we had a chance to have an interview with Morrigan, the 1st place in 3D Category of 2018 Holiday Contest on Renderosity, which is sponsored by Fox Renderfarm, here is the detailed content as below.

Fox Renderfarm: Hi Morrigan, would you please give a brief introduction about yourself?

Morrigan Flebotte:  I am a middle-aged mother of four school-age children living in the countryside of Alberta, Canada.  Which, I suppose, shows that art can pop up just about anywhere!

Fox Renderfarm: So pride of you, are you currently working as a CG artist?

Morrigan Flebotte:  No, I am a hobbyist.  I have a part-time job as a bank teller, but CG art is my current creative escape, along with writing.  It would be amazing if this was a job; there aren’t many around here!

Fox Renderfarm: How did you make the decision to step into the CG industry?

Morrigan Flebotte: A friend I write with said to me, “Hey, there is this program called Daz – you can make 3D art, and it’s free!”  I liked the idea, because children couldn’t tip it, spill it, or rip it, and it didn’t take up much room.

Fox Renderfarm: Thanks your friend to bring you into the CG world. Did you still remember your first CG work, how does it look like?

Morrigan Flebotte:  It wasn’t too bad, actually – I think if it had been really terrible, I might have been discouraged.  I am always tempted to go back and ‘fix’ things once I have learned a new technique.

Fox Renderfarm: Great!  How did you know the Renderosity 3D contest?

Morrigan Flebotte:  Renderosity is where I put most of my art up for comments, and I like to shop there.  It has a friendly, comfortable feel to the website, so I sort of settled in.  I won the Christmas Contest last year... I wanted to see if it was possible to win again.

Fox Renderfarm: Wish you win it again! What inspired you to come out the idea of making most of your works?

Morrigan Flebotte: I like to tell stories, and so most of my pictures are simply a piece of the story I wanted to tell, to evoke a specific idea or feeling.

Fox Renderfarm: This is a good habit. What's your favourite 3d software, renderers, plugins? Why?

Morrigan Flebotte:  I use Daz3D because it was free, which made it accessible to someone with no background in 3D graphics.  I use the 3Delight renderer because I appreciate the control of lights, and because the results have a more painterly quality.  I have tried reality-based renderers, and I find them very technical and cumbersome to use.  Also, I don’t want to make a poor imitation of reality.

Fox Renderfarm: Did you participate in any other CG competition besides Renderosity Contest?

Morrigan Flebotte:  I have participated in a few previous Renderosity Contests (Hallowe’en one year, and a Beauty Show styled one), and I have won 3 of them (Christmas 2017 and 2018, and the Valentine’s Day 2018).  The Valentine’s Day one was funny – I entered just because I wanted to win a t-shirt!

Fox Renderfarm: Really Cool! Would you please share your ideas for winning the 1st place in the 2018 Holiday Contest on Renderosity?

Morrigan Flebotte:  I’m sorry – do you mean how do I feel about winning, or about the picture?  I was very excited to win – my husband saw the notice first, but didn’t tell me.

Fox Renderfarm: Anything else you would like to add or say?

Morrigan Flebotte: This is the most I’ve talked about myself in years, I would like to say I am very grateful that Renderosity has provided not just a store, but a platform for 3D artists.  The contests have encouraged me a great deal, and having access to new services and software will hopefully aid me in growing my skills.

Fox Renderfarm: Yes, Renderosity is really a good platform, as the leading render farm in the CG industry, Fox Renderfarm is highly appreciated in sponsor these platforms, hope it to help more and more persons to like CG industry, thanks for your time.

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