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SIGGRAPH ASIA 2018 | Fox Renderfarm, Not Only A Render Farm

Last edited on: 2022-07-04
Fox Renderfarm News | CG News
SIGGRAPH | Cloud Rendering Farm | cloud rendering

On 4-7 December 2018, SIGGRAPH Asia 2018 are helding in Tokyo, Japan. The annual SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics and Interactive Technology Conference and Exhibition is the premier event for academia, industry and the arts. Companies from all over the world will showcase cutting-edge technologies related to the computer graphics industry.

This year's SIGGRAPH Asia will feature "Crossover" as a theme to showcase the intersection of technology, art, culture and digital industries. In addition to traditional items such as technical papers, emerging technologies, art shows, computer animation festivals, courses, papers, technical posters and conferences, new content will be launched, like Real-time Live, VR Cinema and Product Gallery for viewers. Come to a fresh experience.

As the world's leading visual cloud rendering service platform, Fox Renderfarm has participated in SIGGRAPH Asia for three consecutive years. In the same period last year, Fox Renderfarm received many film and animation studio professionals from all over the world in Bangkok, to answer about cloud rendering technology and achieve cooperation. At the same time, Mr. Zheng Haibin, marketing director of Fox Renderfarm , was also invited to attend the SIGGRAPH ASIA sub-forum CG in China and the Student Volunteer Conference and delivered a speech.

In 2018, Fox Renderfarm participated in the rendering of the film including the movie "Detective Chinatown 2", "Monster Hunt 2", Tsui Hark's ten-year best work "Detective Dee: The Four Heavenly Kings", Zhang Yimou's ink painting movie "Shadow". The Chinese summer blockbusting TV plays "Legend of Fu Yao". The animated films including the "Boonie Bears: The Big Shrink", "Monkey Magic", "The Wind Guardians", “Duck Duck Goose”, and more.

Now, Fox Renderfarm has a computing power up to 500,000 cores per hour, ranking among the top five in the world. One million artists from more than 50 countries and regions are using cloud rendering by Fox Renderfarm. In this exhibition, Fox Renderfarm, no only as a render farm! Fox Renderfarm will not only show the powerful cloud computing capabilities for the participants, but also launch the Raysync, the file transfer acceleration service, with 100 times transmission speed in one second, to improve efficiency for enterprise transmission.

SIGGRAPH Asia 2018 is just around the corner, let us look forward to it! At the same time, everyone is welcome to exchange and consult at the Fox Renderfarm booth (G-10).

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