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Winners from CGtrader 3D Sci-Fi Challenge Sponsored by Fox Renderfarm

Last edited on: 2021-04-19
CG Challenges

One more challenge has come to an end. The end of the challenge means the start of the extremely difficult models’ evaluation process. Lots of high quality designs, dozens of discussion and just six places for the winners.

We’ve selected the best ones, because it is what we have to do, but huge applause goes to all the participants! Looking through the models uploaded for the challenge it is no-brainer to see that our community of designers is improving and growing so fast. Keep up the pace!

Best 3D Sci-Fi models:

Spaceship by IterateCGI

What the winner gets: Substance Indie Pack by Allegorithmic, Maxwell Render Suite Node Lock license by Next Limit, interview in the magazine by 3D Artist Online, 1 Year Professional level Clara.io accounts by Clara.io, $250 render fee by Fox Renderfarm, $100 store credits by Daz3D, 150 credits byCGTrader, Promotional features by CGTrader.

1st runner-up

Wolfobot by CGmobile

What the winner gets: Substance Painter or Substance Designer license by Allegorithmic, Learning Edition license by Next Limit, 1 Year Professional level Clara.io accounts by Clara.io, $150 render fee by Fox Renderfarm, $50 store credits by Daz3D, 100 credits by CGTrader, Promotional features by CGTrader.

2nd runner-up

Venator Mechanical Battle Robot by Castiglionemarco

What the winner gets: Substance Painter or Substance Designer license by Allegorithmic, 1 Year Professional level Clara.io accounts by Clara.io, $100 render fee by Fox Renderfarm, $25 store credits byDaz3D, 50 credits by CGTrader, Promotional features by CGTrader.

Best Sci-Fi portfolio

Portfolio by Harlyk


What the winner gets: Substance Indie Pack by Allegorithmic, Maxwell Render Suite Node Lock license by Next Limit, interview in the magazine by 3D Artist Online, 1 Year Professional level Clara.io accounts by Clara.io, $250 render fee by Fox Renderfarm, $100 store credits by Daz3D, 150 credits byCGTrader, Promotional features by CGTrader.


1st runner-up

Portfolio by Lordlight

The Eye

What the winner gets: Substance Painter or Substance Designer license by Allegorithmic, Learning Edition license by Next Limit, 1 Year Professional level Clara.io accounts by Clara.io, $150 render fee by Fox Renderfarm, $50 store credits by Daz3D, 100 credits by CGTrader, Promotional features by CGTrader.


2nd runner-up

Portfolio by 3dmaster

Sci-Fi Robots

What the winner gets: Substance Painter or Substance Designer license by Allegorithmic, 1 Year Professional level Clara.io accounts by Clara.io, $100 render fee by Fox Renderfarm, $25 store credits byDaz3D, 50 credits by CGTrader, Promotional features by CGTrader.

Cyber Dog

A huge Thank You goes to our sponsors: Allegorithmic, 3D Artist Online, FoxRenderfarm, Clara.io, Daz3Dand Nextlimit!

Regarding the prizes winners will be contacted by CGTrader’s staff.

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