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3D Sci-Fi Challenge

Last edited on: 2024-09-25
CG Challenges

Tell us what you see when you lift the veil and peek into the dystopian or utopian future worlds. What is your idea of alternative universe and highly altered state of existence? Are there beings out there? What do they look like? What do they do and how do they live? When you step into those parallel planets, does your heart stop due to their colorful beauty or overwhelming fear? Can we take a space lift to travel there? Let the current of questions take you to unimagined places and thrill you with implausible adventures and stories. Ignite the future with a spark of untamed imagination.

We have run a similar challenge last year and have been taken aback by the creativity and effort that went into modeling spaceships, characters, buildings, vehicles, guns and all kinds of concept 3D models that intensified the experience of visiting future worlds. In fact, it's rather addictive, so here we are again, asking you to pull the big guns and show us some back to the future stuff that would make this challenge a roaring adventure.

The best visionary proposals will receive awesome prizes: Substance Indie Packs and Substance Painter / Substance Designer licenses by Allegorithmic, interviews in the magazine by 3D Artist Online, $1000 render coupon by the leading render farm and cloud rendering provider, Fox Renderfarm, 1 Year Professional level Clara.io accounts by Clara.io, store credits by Daz3D, Maxwell Render Suite Node Lock and Learning Edition licenses by Nextlimit, credits and promotional features by CGTrader.

Good luck!

Awards & Prizes

There are two categories of awards in this challenge. Each of them will have one winner and two runner-ups.

Best 3D CG Sci-Fi Challenge Model and Best Portfolio

For the 1st place winners

  • Substance Indie Pack by Allegorithmic
  • Maxwell Render Suite Node Lock license by Next Limit
  • interview in the magazine by 3D Artist Online
  • 1 Year Professional level Clara.io accounts by Clara.io
  • $250 render coupon by Fox Renderfarm
  • $100 store credits by Daz3D
  • 150 credits by CGTrader
  • Promotional features by CGTrader

For the 1st runner-ups

    • Substance Painter or Substance Designer license by Allegorithmic
    • Learning Edition license by Next Limit
  • 1 Year Professional level Clara.io accounts by Clara.io
  • $150 render fee by Fox Renderfarm
  • $50 store credits by Daz3D
  • 100 credits by CGTrader
  • Promotional features by CGTrader

For the 2nd runner-ups

  • Substance Painter or Substance Designer license by Allegorithmic
  • 1 Year Professional level Clara.io accounts by Clara.io
  • $100 render fee by Fox Renderfarm
  • $25 store credits by Daz3D
  • 50 credits by CGTrader
  • Promotional features by CGTrader

Terms & Conditions

Things you must know

  • 3D CG Sci-Fi Challenge will run from the 20th of February, 2015, to the 17th of April, 2015.
  • When uploading your entry be sure to check "sci-fi-challenge" to get your model tagged and counted to the challenge.
  • Cool renderings are optional but we will definitely consider this when judging.

Things you should know

  • Designs uploaded to the gallery are not treated as valid entries.
  • Upon joining this challenge, you agree that your rendering scene might be used by sponsors for marketing (non-commercial!) purposes.
  • You can have as much entry models as you want. By uploading more than 8 entry models you are eligible to enter the Portfolio category too.
  • The challenge is open to everyone, including teams, legal entities and people from all over the world.
  • Participating in the challenge and uploading 3D models to CGTrader platform is free of charge.
  • All the entries must be original and not derivable.
  • Employees and relatives of CGTrader and sponsor teams are not allowed to participate in this challenge.
  • Any existing taxes or duties must be paid by the winner. CGTrader is not responsible for any illegal actions taken by the prize winners.
  • We are independent sheriffs of this challenge, so stick to the rules and don't do anything stupid.
  • Got some questions? Have suggestions? Check for FAQ or drop us a line at info@cgtrader.com.


The judging of the challenge will be performed by CGTrader staff. Winners will be chosen following the requirements below:

Best 3D CG Sci-Fi Challenge Model

  • Quality of the 3D CG Sci-Fi model
  • Uniqueness, innovation, and general achievement in design of the 3D Sci-Fi model
  • Clear and attractive presentation on CGTrader.com

Best 3D CG Sci-Fi Challenge Portfolio

  • Quality of the 3D Sci-Fi portfolio
  • Uniqueness, innovation, and general achievement in design of the 3D Sci-Fi portfolio
  • Clear and attractive presentation on CGTrader.com

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to upload files or only images of my 3D design?

You need to upload files and images of your 3D design in order to participate in the challenge.

I don't want to put my entry model for sale. Do you have any suggestions?

Does earning money from your digital files sounds like a bad idea? Just try to put higher price on it, let's say 300 USD.

I don't want to loose copyrights on my model after it is sold.

There are General, Editorial and Custom licenses for you to choose under which you want to operate. Individuals or companies which bought your model can't use it for commercial purposes if it hasn't been changed. So no worries - you won't loose the copyright.

How can I participate in the challenge?

Design awesome 3D model for 3D CG Sci-Fi Challenge and upload it to CGTrader.

What if I put the required tag on my already published 3D model on CGTrader - do you treat it as a valid entry?

No. Only 3D models uploaded in the period from the 20th of February to the 17th of April 2015 will be treated as valid entries.

Do free 3D models participate in the challenge?

Yes, absolutely. Sharing artwork is always appreciated in the community.

Can I enter with 3D models which participated in other challenges elsewhere?

Yes. There are no restrictions on publishing and selling your models elsewhere.

Do price tags play any importance when entries are being judged?

No. But do not forget that the prices are always judged by the customers.

I want to participate in the challenge so I am going to delete my already uploaded models and upload them again to meet the "publishing period" requirement. Can I do that?

No. We are tracking every deleted and uploaded model, so it is useless to drive-through our requirements of the challenge.

More information on CGTrader:http://www.cgtrader.com/challenges/3d-sci-fi-challenge

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