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Fox Renderfarm Provides 24 Hour Support for Their Clients

Last edited on: 2025-01-14
Fox Renderfarm News
Fox Renderfarm

Having developed smart processes for specialized service flow and customized rendering solutions, Fox Renderfarm has invested in all the functions and systems of cloud rendering which makes things smooth and easy for the clients. Additionally, Fox Renderfarm now provides 24-hour support for its clients to help and guide them through all the processes of rendering.

Fox Renderfarm’s service team comprises of experienced individuals in computer-generated imagery and graphics. The team members come from different parts of the globe, converging to the vision of providing high-end cloud rendering services through a highly reliable CG rendering platform.

Support engineers of the Fox Renderfarm provide round the clock assistance to customers through the Skype Dialogue. Companies and businesses that are new to Fox Renderfarm can also go through their Introductory Video Tutorial to get the basic idea about the various processes involved. Moreover, tutorial videos are also provided to everyone regarding the two rendering methods used by Fox Renderfarm: Web rendering and client submission rendering.

Fox Renderfarm processes more than 20 million+ celluloid film frames each year with vast support of software and cloud rendering platforms. An employee commented, “Our team pays a lot of attention to understanding the requirements of various projects that we get. Our processes ensure that we know exactly what our clients want. Our hard work is reflected by our success stories: Mr. Hublot, a short 3D animated film that we rendered and provided our technical expertise for; won the Best Animated Short Film award at 2014 Oscars. Apart from that, the highest grossing Bollywood film, Krrish 3 was taken up as a great challenge by our team.”

An official representative of Fox Renderfarm further explained, “Amalgamating CG graphics in animations or films is not an easy task. It requires good communication across all channels and especially when it comes to rendering, clients want to make sure at every step that the product will meet their expectations. Therefore, it became necessary to make our customer support team readily available at all times for our clients.”

About the Company:

Fox Renderfarm was formed in 2010 and was the first company to offer a cloud rendering platform to customers. In fact, the company is known to have pioneered “self-service cloud rendering”. The internet technology company specializes in cluster rendering, parallel computing technology, and provides the computing services needed for cloud rendering. Some of the company’s reputable customers include DreamWorks, SKG, Magic, and American Industrial Light.

For more information, contact:

Skype: foxrenderfarm

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/foxrender

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Global Agent Contact: Evan Zhang

Email: evan.zhang@foxrenderfarm.com

Marketing Contact: Evan Liu

Email: evanliu@foxrenderfarm.com

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