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Interview with Sithuka Bihan, A 16-years-old Student Who Won 3rd Prize in Student Category of FGT3D Fox Challenge

Last edited on: 2023-03-14
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FGT3D Fox Challenge, organized by the TPN-Accredited cloud rendering services provider & the best render farm - Fox Renderfarm, was started in March 2022 and announced winners in June 2022. The challenge was sponsored by some amazing sponsors, including Chaos Corona, Chaos V-Ray, Poliigon, Marmoset, TopoGun, Graswald, Raysync, Textures.com, Texture Box and iCube R&D Group. After the selection by our jury, 3 professional artworks and 3 student artworks were picked and awarded. Congrats to all the winners! And thanks to everyone for participating!

The third place in the Student Category of FGT3D Fox Challenge goes to Sithuka Bihan with his work, Mod Fox.

Interview with Sithuka Bihan 1

“I am really drawn to this image, despite (or perhaps because of) its simplicity. I really love how everything has this wonderful glow, and how cute the fox looks and their expression and pose which somehow makes them look a little timid and vulnerable. Makes me feel like this could come from a video game.” One of our judges, Tom Grimes said.

Let's find out more about Sithuka’s amazing artwork through this exclusive and inspiring interview with Fox Renderfarm!

Fox Renderfarm: Hi Sithuka! We are honored to have you here! First of all, congratulations on winning the 3rd Prize in Student Category of FGT3D Fox Challenge! Could you tell us a little bit about yourself? And how do you feel about it?

Sithuka: Hi, my name is Sithuka Bihan. I am from Sri Lanka. I am 16 years old and I started learning Blender and other techniques about 3 years ago. I've been doing everything to advance in knowledge and advance in this career. I was really surprised to win 3rd place. Really happy.

Fox Renderfarm: What is the inspiration for your work Mod Fox?

Sithuka: I love playing mobile games and also like bright colors. So I came up with a new fox in the low-poly world with neon shading.

Fox Renderfarm: Could you elaborate a bit on your workflow/pipeline of this project? And how long did it take you?

Sithuka: It took about one week. Firstly, I started modeling fox and I rigged it in nearly two days. Thereafter, I started to build the background. I model everything in low poly to make it more like a game environment. After that, I added emission shading. Finally, I composed both background and foreground to complete the artwork.

Interview with Sithuka Bihan 2

© Sithuka Bihan

Fox Renderfarm: Did you meet any difficulties during this project? How did you tackle them?

Sithuka: The main difficulty was choosing between low poly and high poly. I decided to use low poly because of the use of neon shading.

Interview with Sithuka Bihan3

© Sithuka Bihan

Fox Renderfarm: Could you share your educational experience with us? How did you start creating 3D artworks?

Sithuka: I'm a self-taught designer and learner. I started learning when I was 13 years old. I got great knowledge from Youtube videos and books. In the past 3 years, I have enjoyed creating artworks a lot.

Fox Renderfarm: Any artworks or artists inspire you the most?

Sithuka: I am a great fan of many excellent artists, but I am inspired mostly by Izza Artz, Randy Chriz and Jaeyeon Nam.

Fox Renderfarm: What is your career plan as a student in graphic design?

Sithuka: I hope to continue my self-learning and gain experience from freelancing. I hope to study for a diploma in multimedia design. I also wish to have a job in this career in the future.

Interview with Sithuka Bihan 4

© Sithuka Bihan

Fox Renderfarm: How do you feel about Fox Renderfarm’s cloud rendering services?

Sithuka: Very satisfying rendering within a few minutes and great service for everyone in the 3D industry. Plus the platform of Fox Renderfarm is pretty easy to use.

Fox Renderfarm: Anything you want to share with the CG enthusiasts?

Sithuka: Keep up your work and gain experience to achieve maximum potential. Also, trust yourself and do what you love.

Feel free to check out Sithuka’s ArtStation page if you want to know more about him!

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