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Interview with Professional 3D Artist Todor Vladev, Second Place Winner in the Hum3D Sci-Fi Industrial Zone 3D Challenge

Last edited on: 2023-11-22
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Fox Renderfarm Interview

The Hum3D Sci-Fi Industrial Zone 3D Challenge focuses on the theme of science fiction and industrial design, allowing participants to explore futuristic settings. Todor Vladev, a professional 3D artist who is experienced in creating industrial-themed 3D art, won second place in the competition. Congratulations to Todor! Fox Renderfarm as the industry's top cloud rendering service provider and render farm, was honored to sponsor this contest and interview Todor.

Let’s take a look at the creation process behind Todor’s stunning 3D render “Interplanetary Pioneers” in this interview.

Interplanetary Pioneers © Todor Vladev

Interplanetary Pioneers © Todor Vladev

Fox Renderfarm: Hi Todor! Thank you so much for accepting our interview! Could you please introduce yourself first to our readers?

Todor: Hi, thank you for selecting me for an interview. My name is Todor, and I've been involved in 3D art professionally and personally for quite some time. In my free time, I enjoy working on personal projects and engaging in outdoor activities such as bike riding and bouldering.

Fox Renderfarm: Congratulations on winning second place in the Hum3D Sci-Fi Industrial Zone Competition! How do you feel about it?

Todor: It feels great to be among the top 3 winners of the competition. For me, it's about being part of a great community of artists and for my art to be recognized amongst other great 3D artists.

Fox Renderfarm: Can you tell us about the inspiration behind your work “Interplanetary Pioneers''? How did you come up with this idea?

Todor: At first, I wasn't sure what I wanted to create. The inspiration behind “Interplanetary Pioneers” comes from sci-fi movies such as “Aliens”, “Prometheus” and “Star Trek” and some sci-fi action first person shooters like “Quake 2”, “Doom” and “Dead Space”. I wanted to create an atmospheric environment that is grungy, worn, and old, a place that has been lived in, a space station that has been floating through space for a long time. I also wanted to make the image with a cinematic feel, as if straight from a sci-fi movie.

Fox Renderfarm: Could you please tell us about your pipeline for this work? And how long did it take you?

Todor: First, I researched and gathered inspirational images for ideas of what I want to achieve. I also study lighting examples to determine the mood of the image. I start by blocking out the scene with basic modeling and setting up preliminary lighting to get the overall mood. Then, I proceed to detail and texturing the assets while simultaneously adjusting the lighting to achieve the desired atmosphere. Once all that is done, I add the finishing touches, make any necessary lighting adjustments, and then perform some post-production to achieve the final image.

Modeling and scene setup © Todor Vladev

Modeling and scene setup © Todor Vladev

Modeling and scene setup © Todor Vladev

Modeling and scene setup © Todor Vladev

Check out Todor's pipeline in more detail here: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/8b1dLQ

Fox Renderfarm: The metal texture in your work is so realistic! Can you tell us how you achieved all the different complex textures and details?

Todor: That was the main challenge for me in the competition. I needed to capture the right look and feeling as if the space station is very old and well-used. The metal textures were created in Substance Painter by blending different materials, painting details, and adding decals and grunge to surfaces to achieve the desired appearance.

Texturing models in Substance 3d Painter - Walls © Todor Vladev

Texturing models in Substance 3d Painter - Walls © Todor Vladev

Texturing models in Substance 3d Painter - Floors

Texturing models in Substance 3d Painter - Floors © Todor Vladev

Fox Renderfarm: There are several different character figures in your work, can you tell us about the blocking and the relationship between them?

Todor: I aimed to create a bustling atmosphere while keeping the focus on the two main characters, the space pilots. I wanted the space station to feel alive, teeming with activity. Picture engineers maintaining corridors and machinery, workers welding pipes and metal plates, others having lunch and chatting, a briefing room where new missions are discussed, and astronauts making their way to the space hangar.

Interplanetary Pioneers © Todor Vladevz

Interplanetary Pioneers © Todor Vladev

Interplanetary Pioneers © Todor Vladevz

Interplanetary Pioneers © Todor Vladev

Fox Renderfarm: How did you achieve the overall atmosphere through the use of colors, materials, and lighting setup in your work?

Todor: Lighting played a pivotal role in this image. Achieving a moody space environment presented challenges. For instance, if the lighting is uniformly distributed, the scene lacks depth and narrative. To convey the right mood, I focused on highlighting key features of the space station. The colors emanating from the briefing room, the distant corridor—these accentuated secondary elements. The primary lighting source from the space hangar on the right underscored a crucial part of the story, while simultaneous lighting from the left emphasized the path of the astronauts navigating the bustling space station corridors. This deliberate arrangement drew the viewer's attention to secondary elements such as corridors, hallways, the briefing room, and workers welding.

Base model and lighting © Todor Vladev

Base model and lighting © Todor Vladev

Base model and lighting © Todor Vladev

Base model and lighting © Todor Vladev

Fox Renderfarm: Are there any challenges that you encountered during the process of creation? If so, how did you overcome them?

Todor: The creation process didn't pose many challenges. I had a clear vision of what I wanted to achieve within the given timeframe.

Fox Renderfarm: Are there any moments you enjoyed during the creation process? And what was the most memorable?

Todor: Yes, lighting is the most enjoyable part of the creation process for me. It offers freedom and creativity, opening up numerous possibilities. I also find post-production to be quite enjoyable.

Fox Renderfarm: We see that you have done many industrial-themed works in the past too, why do you choose to stick to this theme? Any favorite works that you would love to share?

Todor: I'm drawn to the grungy look and feel of those environments. As a child, my dad used to take me to his workplace in shipyards and ship engine rooms. I would imagine myself on a spaceship, surrounded by control panels, blinking lights, and immersed in the smell of engine oil and grease. The moody lighting and the bustling activity in those places left a lasting impression on me.

Late Night Snack © Todor Vladev

Late Night Snack © Todor Vladev

Outpost Planet © Todor Vladev

Outpost Planet © Todor Vladev

Mission to Minerva © Todor Vladev

Mission to Minerva © Todor Vladev

Fox Renderfarm: Any artworks or artists that inspire you the most?

Todor: My inspiration comes from concept art in sci-fi games and movies, with a particular appreciation for Ian Hubert's work. His creations encompass amazing sci-fi and cyberpunk environments, along with captivating animations.

Party Tug © Ian Hubert

Party Tug © Ian Hubert

Fox Renderfarm: Have you tried Fox Renderfarm’s cloud rendering services before? If so, how do you feel about Fox Renderfarm’s cloud rendering services?

Todor: I haven't really tried Fox Renderfarm’s cloud rendering services before. But I know the services are quite good and useful for big and small projects too.

Fox Renderfarm: Any future plans in mind?

Todor: Not at the moment. I've recently begun exploring Unreal Engine 5 and I am eager to create more amazing work and animations using this platform.

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