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Interview with Blender Artist Whatheheckgg, Winner of Cyber City Challenge

Last edited on: 2025-02-12
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3D Art Competitions

In the ever-evolving world of digital art, there are countless creative minds pushing the boundaries of imagination. One such artist is Whatheheckgg, also known as Leo, who has been honing his skills with Blender for approximately five years. Beginning his journey as a GFX designer, Whatheheckgg transitioned into the realm of 3D modeling, which has now become his primary focus. His dedication and talent were recently recognized when he secured third place in Kaizen's Cyber City Challenge, marking his debut in the 3D rendering contest scene.

Sponsored by the leading cloud rendering service provider and render farm in the CG industry, Fox Renderfarm, this competition showcased Whatheheckgg's innovative approach to creating vibrant and immersive cyberpunk environments. In this interview, we delve into Whatheheckgg's artistic journey, his experiences in the competition, and his vision for the future.

Fox Renderfarm: Hi Whatheheckgg! We are honored to have you here! Please introduce yourself first to our readers. 

Whatheheckgg: Hey there! My username is Whatheheckgg, or you could call me Leo. I have been working with Blender for around 5 years now. However, I only recently got into making renders like the one I did for the Cyber City competition. I’ve always enjoyed digital art, starting out as a GFX designer. After a few years in GFX, I moved into 3d modelling and that's where I find myself today.

Fox Renderfarm: Congratulations on winning 3rd place in Kaizen's Cyber City Challenge! How do you feel about it?

Whatheheckgg: It feels great! This was the first 3d render competition that I have entered so it feels really nice to know that my work is improving and others enjoy it!

Fox Renderfarm: Where did you get the inspiration to create this artwork and what are your references?

Whatheheckgg: So I’ve watched lots of YouTube videos and movies that contain sci-fi scenes like the one I created for this competition. For this specific scene, I took pictures from Unsplash as inspiration, especially for the neon signs. Furthermore, the idea of an alleyway came from the Max Hay video for cyberpunk renders.

Fox Renderfarm: Can you share with us the creation process of your work and the pipeline? How long did it take you? 

Whatheheckgg: So normally I start with brainstorming potential themes and ideas I could pursue. For this specific one, I knew I wanted to create an alleyway of sorts. So I went online and found some inspiration to get my brain going. After confirming the camera angle and overall vibe that I want, I start modelling. Of course, I’ve used some free models in this render and I would say that it has helped a lot with speeding up the workflow. Overall, I finished this render in around 7 hours on and off. 

After / Before post-production in Photoshop:

Cyberpunk Alleyway © Whatheheckgg.webp

Before post production of Cyberpunk Alleyway © Whatheheckgg.webp

Production of Cyberpunk Alleyway © Whatheheckgg.webp

© Whatheheckgg

Fox Renderfarm: In your work, the use of lighting is impressive. Can you share how you set it up?

Whatheheckgg: In my scenes, I always include a spotlight of some sort. I choose a color and then crank up the power so it captures the whole scene. Furthermore, the neon signs scattered around this piece also help light it up. And as always, I add a volume cube to include some additional foggy effects.

I also think I should mention that the ground is quite reflective and I’ve heard a lot of feedback from others about it. I was meant to go for a wet concrete look, but however, I increased the color ramp too much, making it overly reflective. However, it also helps with the lighting as it reflects the bright surfaces, adding a further sci-fi/futuristic feel.

Fox Renderfarm: Have you met any challenges when creating this work? And how did you overcome it?

Whatheheckgg: For this specific piece, I didn’t really meet many challenges. However, the main thing that is always difficult to perfect for me is lighting. It is either too bright or too dark and it's very hard to find a perfect inbetween. For this render, I knew I wanted a blue/purple color and vibe so I just played around with the power, radius and positioning of the spotlights.

Fox Renderfarm: Are there any artists whose work has inspired you? How have they influenced your style?

Whatheheckgg: Max Hay was the first person I saw on my FYP and he is the one that has gotten me into creating 3d renders. Like him, I also enjoy fantasy/sci-fi environments and watching him create beautiful scenes has just inspired me to try the same.

Fox Renderfarm: Have you learned any new 3D techniques recently? How do you improve your professional skills?

Whatheheckgg: Recently, I’ve learnt how to do some more advanced texturing such as edge wear and carvings. The main way I improve my skills would be by watching videos and tutorials from other artists and following along to timelapses.

Fox Renderfarm: Have you tried or heard about Fox Renderfarm’s services before? What is your impression of our cloud rendering services?

Whatheheckgg: I have heard a lot about Fox Renderfam’s services but unfortunately never had the chance to try it before, but I do plan on using the prizes from this competition! 

Fox Renderfarm: Can you offer some advice for those looking to enter the 3D world?

Whatheheckgg: Start making something. You can watch 100 tutorials and still not understand if you aren’t opening Blender or any other software and actually playing around. I remember when I first started out, it took me half an hour to figure out how to move! Mainly, just like most other things in life, it is about the practice and hours you dedicate to creating 3D art. The more you practice, the better you will get. And of course, never give up.

Fox Renderfarm: Do you have any plans to explore further opportunities in the 3D industry? 

Whatheheckgg: After I finish school, I intend to pursue a full-time career in the 3D industry whether it is CGI or some other form of 3D art design. 

Thanks again to Whatheheckgg for accepting our interview! Wishing new heights in your studies and professional career!

Whatheheckgg’s social media: https://x.com/LeoXiao819172

Learn more about Kaizen's Cyber City Challenge here:

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