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Fiery, a CGI Fantasy Made by Kay John Yim

Last edited on: 2023-10-12
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animation works

Kay John Yim, an architect by day, CGI artist by night, again created an amazing CGI animation, Fiery, which is the September featured entry in our FGT Art Campaign.

In John's Fiery, adorned in a fiery kimono, Kitsune and her feline companion journey through the ethereal realm beyond the torii gate, where they discover a radiant landscape of vibrant Ginkgo trees, and their path softly illuminated by a carpet of fallen leaves.

final still

Final Still


Final Still


Final Still

In creating this beautiful animation, he used Houdini, Axiom Solver, Redshift, Marvelous Designer, CharacterCreator, iClone, Premiere, Rhino and rendered with Fox Renderfarm's cloud rendering service to speed up the animation rendering to get the final image.

Breakdown 1


Breakdown 2


WIP (Rhino)

WIP (Rhino)

WIP (Houdini Vellum + Axiom Solver)

WIP (Houdini Vellum + Axiom Solver)

WIP (Axiom Solver)

WIP (Axiom Solver)

WIP (Redshift)

WIP (Redshift)

WIP (Houdini Axiom Solver)

WIP (Houdini Axiom Solver)

WIP (Houdini)

WIP (Houdini)


Final Still Clay Render


Final Still Clay Render


Final Still Clay Render

John has posted a YouTube video showing the animation and how it was made in detail.

In the production of 3D animation, for complex scenes, it may take several weeks to render using your local computer, such as John's 3D animation. However, with resources of a render farm, which owns hundreds of computers rendering the 3D animation simultaneously, the final render results can be obtained in a few hours. This is why many famous CGI animation studios choose to use cloud rendering to accelerate their rendering process.

The fast and secure cloud rendering service shortens the animation production cycle, accelerating the creation of works and providing opportunities to modify the final images. Since 2011, Fox Renderfarm has been committed to providing the best cloud rendering service, working together with our users to create excellent works.

Learn more about John: John's personal site, Instagram, Artstation.

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