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FGT3D 'Easter Egg' Challenge Winners Announced

Last edited on: 2022-07-04
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We are happy to announce the winners of the Fox’s Got Talent 3D Challenge themed on 'Easter Egg'!

From Feb. 26th to Mar. 30th, we received several artworks from various countries. After three rounds of discussion and election by jury, three artworks were picked and would be awarded. Congrats to the winners and honorable candidates, but also to everyone who was taking part.

The prize covers fast and easy cloud rendering services provided by Fox Renderfarm and a huge amount of textures and models provided by texturebox.com. We will contact the winners during the next few days.

Now let's see who are the winners!

1st place - The Art of Easter Eggs

Surjendu Das will receive prizes:

  • Fox Renderfarm: $500 render coupon
  • Texture Box: Patreon membership x 3 months

Surjendu Das

Artists: Ritam Chatterjee & Surjendu Das

Artwork Name: The Art of Easter Eggs

Software and plugins used: 3ds Max 2019, Substance Painter, Vray Next, Photoshop

Caption: It has always been fun to explore our creative ideas, while we are at home. So I tried to portray the same idea through this artwork, where someone is being creative and painting the Easter Eggs in his own artistic styles while at home. And he is also feeling lucky to share his process with us.

2nd place - Easter Land

Sai Dinesh Komanduri will receive prizes:

  • Fox Renderfarm: $300 render coupon
  • Texture Box: Patreon membership x 2 months


Artist: Sai Dinesh Komanduri

Artwork Name: Easter Land

Software and plugins used: Blender, ArmorPaint and Photoshop

Caption: Bunny has painted the Eggs and went into the bunny house to get ready for Easter.

3rd place - Wrong Easter Egg

Maged Atef will receive prizes:

  • Fox Renderfarm: $200 render coupon
  • Texture Box: Patreon membership x 1 months


Artist: Maged Atef

Artwork name: Wrong Easter Egg

Software and plugins used: Blender, Zbrush, Substance Painter

Caption: Someone was surprised by this big egg, so they collected and painted it. To their surprise, it turns out to be a dinosaur's egg that just hatched, so they run for their life.

Honorable Mention - The Moment

Roy Bou Samra will receive prizes:

  • Fox Renderfarm: $100 render coupon

The moment by Roy (1)

Artist: Roy Bou Samra

Artwork Name: The Moment

Software and plugins used: 3ds Max 2016, V-Ray 3.60.03, Photoshop CC 2017

Caption: The concept of this image is mainly related to the history of the Easter egg.

It started with Saint Mary Magdalene when she talked with Caesar about Jesus’ resurrection.

She picked up a hen's egg from the dinner table to illustrate her point of resurrection but Caesar told her that it is impossible for a human being to return to life as it is impossible for the egg to turn red. At the moment, immediately the egg turned red in her hand. (The moment is represented in the picture when the egg started to turn red. That's why the name of the image is " The moment".

The Romans, Chinese, Egyptians and Persians all cherished the egg as a symbol of the universe. (They are symbolized by the egg pieces surrounding the main egg).

In this project, I tried to combine the present that we are living now (which is the black background in the picture), with the meaning of the Easter egg which gives us hope for the future ( in the black background there is no edges, no guidelines but there are two white spaces that represent hope).


Fox Renderfarm Texture Box

Thanks to all the participants. We really appreciate your imagination and hard work. Meanwhile, A big thank you goes to our sponsors. Finally, we’d like to thank our jury revealing FGT3D ‘Easter Egg’ Challenge winners. Congrats to winners again!

Who’re our next winners? We hope to see you in the next FGT3D challenge!

NOTE: Fox’s Got Talent campaign keeps going. Welcome to share your artwork rendered with Fox Renderfarm and be our April winner! For more info https://www.foxrenderfarm.com/fox-got-talent.html

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