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Exciting New Releases from Maxon: Redshift 3.5.24 and Cinema 4D 2024.3

Last edited on: 2024-03-05
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Cinema 4D | Redshift

The company that powers the most popular 3D software in the market, Maxon, has been working hard to improve its main products. Let's examine the most recent releases' specifics: Cinema 4D 2024.3 with Redshift 3.5.24.

Redshift 3.5.24: Turbocharged Rendering

Redshift 3.5.24 Turbocharged Rendering

Image from Maxon

Version 3.5.24 of Redshift, the popular GPU-accelerated renderer among artists and studios, has been improved. This is what you should be aware of:

  1. Enhanced Performance: Redshift has been optimized by Maxon to perform better. Aim for smoother interactions and faster renders.
  2. Stability Improvements: Watch out, bugs! Stability enhancements brought about by the upgrade guarantee a more dependable experience.
  3. NVIDIA GPU Support: Redshift now functions well with the newest GPUs from NVIDIA. Celebrate if you're using the newest gear!
  4. Out-of-Core Geometry Handling: This makes it easier to manage big scenes. Redshift is more effective at managing out-of-core geometry.
  5. Better Denoising: Bid farewell to noise. Redshift can now denoise images with more precision.

Cinema 4D 2024.3: A Creative Playground

Cinema 4D 2024.3 A Creative Playground

Image from Maxon

Fans of Cinema 4D, fasten your seatbelts! The 2024.3 release brings new and improved workflow features, such as:

  1. Scene Nodes: A revamp for scene management. Efficient workflows and adaptable organization are made possible by scene nodes.
  2. Node Space: It's never been this easy to connect the dots. Node Space simplifies workflows that use nodes.
  3. USD Support: Working together has never been easier. Better USD support translates into smoother pipeline and software integration.

Cinema 4D 2024.3 A Creative Playground_

Image from Maxon

These upgrades boost your creativity whether you're a Cinema 4D whiz or a Redshift enthusiast. Explore the new features, try out some ideas, and produce some amazing images. We're supporting Maxon as he keeps pushing the envelope!

As a leading cloud rendering service provider and render farm, Fox Renderfarm also supports Redshift and Cinema 4D. Fox Renderfarm is now offering a free $25 trial to all new registrants, so let's start rendering!

Source: Maxon

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