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Christopher 3D Discusses The Exciting New Features in Blender 4.3

Last edited on: 2024-11-08
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Blender, the popular open-source 3D creation suite, is gearing up for the release of version 4.3, which promises many enhancements to improve rendering capabilities. This overview video, produced by Christopher 3D and sponsored by Fox Renderfarm—a fast and secure render farm that supports your Blender projects—highlights some exciting new features. Let’s explore what’s coming up!

New Render Features Overview

New Volume Scatter Functions: This update introduces several new phase functions to the volume scattering node, including the Henyey-Greenstein mode, which allows for more nuanced volumetric effects tailored to various environments. One of the standout features of Blender 4.3 is the new Mi scattering mode, designed specifically for simulating clouds and fog, offering a significant improvement over the previous atmospheric Ray scattering.

Image from Christopher 3D 1

Image from Christopher 3D

Central Cylindrical Camera Type: This new panoramic camera type has been introduced to cater to architectural renderers, enabling the pre-rendering of heavy exterior elements without vertical distortion. This feature is particularly beneficial for artists looking to create accurate architectural visualizations.

Oren-Nayar Diffuse Roughness and Slider: This update enhances the Principled BSDF shader with a new diffuse roughness input slider, allowing for a transition to the more physically accurate Orin diffuse algorithm. This change is set to improve the rendering of rough surfaces, such as concrete and sand.

Image from Christopher 3D 2

Image from Christopher 3D

Metallic BSDF Node: Features two modes: the artist-friendly F82 tint mode and the accurate physical conductor mode. This addition will enable artists to create a wider range of metallic surfaces with greater precision.

White Balance: A white balance function is introduced within the color management system, allowing users to adjust the tonality of rendered images without altering lighting setups. This feature is particularly useful for architectural renderings that require precise color adjustments.

Gabor Texture Node: A new Gabor noise texture node has been added, which is ideal for simulating natural materials like sand dunes.

Image from Christopher 3D 3

Image from Christopher 3D

Linux Hardware Raytracing Support: The update includes support for hardware-accelerated ray tracing on Linux, enhancing performance across platforms.

Utilising Fox Renderfarm to Improve Blender Rendering Speed

Utilising Fox Renderfarm to Improve Blender Rendering Speed

Image from Christopher 3D

Fox Renderfarm, a leading cloud rendering services provider and render farm in the CG industry. supports most popular 3D software, renderers and plugins all over the world, including Blender. For example, this product animation rendered with Fox Renderfarm was completed in just 10 minutes, something that wouldn't be feasible on a local machine. The convenience and speed that Fox Renderfarm offers can be absolutely necessary for a successful project.

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Check out the video to learn more:

Source: Christopher 3D

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