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Bring the Viking Saga to Life: Take on the Viking Village 3D Art Challenge by Sierra Division

Last edited on: 2024-10-16
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3D Art Competitions

Are you ready to unleash your creativity and bring the ancient world of Vikings to life? The Viking Village 3D Environment Art Challenge by Sierra Division is here, and it’s the perfect opportunity for artists and enthusiasts to showcase their talents. As the leading render farm in the industry, we, Fox Renderfarm, are thrilled to sponsor this inspiring event that dives deep into the realm of 3D artistry.

What is the Viking Village 3D Environment Art Challenge?

The Viking Village 3D Environment Art Challenge invites artists to create a 3D environment that encapsulates the spirit of Viking life, architecture, and culture. Whether you aim for historical accuracy or a stylized reinterpretation, this challenge is your canvas to illustrate the stories of yore.

Challenge Rules

Submission Requirements: Challengers must submit their best Viking Village diorama, including WIPs and wireframe, breakdown, and render by November 29 at 23:30 UTC.

Eligibility: Participants must be 18 years of age or older.

Registration: Free but mandatory to enter. Challengers must have a Discord account to register for the contest. Join their Discord server.

Timeline: Registration begins on October 14, 2024.


To take part in the Challenge, you will need to first join their Discord Server and then register on the forum with that same Discord account. Once you are signed-in, create a new discussion post under the Viking Village: 3D Challenge section where you will post the deliverables listed below:

Work-in-Progress: Throughout the challenge, share your creative process, including reference gathering, sculpting, texturing, and more.

A 3D Diorama or Small Environment: Viking Village scene.

Final Submissions: Your final entry must include at least:

  • 1 Beauty Render: A high-quality render that showcases your Viking Village diorama in full glory.
  • 1 Wireframe View: A detailed wireframe to highlight your modeling skills.
  • 1 Breakdown View: An insightful look into the textures and materials used, providing a comprehensive understanding of your work.
  • Grey Lighting Scene Render: No Albedo map. Has Lighting, Normals, Roughness, Metalness. (Detail Lighting if using Unreal Engine)


  • Diorama Scale: Participants can choose the scale they want to work with. You can even build a full environment if you wish.
  • Minimum submission image resolution: 1920x1080px / JPEG format (Maximum 3840x2160).
  • All submissions must include your legal name, the title of your work, and the Challenge logo.


First Place: Enjoy a one-on-one mentorship with industry legend Jacob Norris, plus a one-year subscription to the ultimate 3D artist toolkit, including Adobe Substance 3D, Marmoset Toolbag, Dash, and Rizom UV Virtual Spaces. But wait, there's more! Score a $200 gift card to the Sierra Division Store, elevate your online presence with a one-year ArtStation Pro account, and unleash your rendering power with a $300 Fox Renderfarm render coupon.

Second and Third Place: While the first-place prize is legendary, we're not forgetting about our valiant runners-up! Second and Third-place winners will also receive a one-year subscription to the 3D artist toolkit, a gift card to the Sierra Division Store, an ArtStation Pro account, and a Fox Renderfarm render coupon.

Don't miss your chance to be crowned the Viking Village champion and win these epic prizes! Winners will be announced on December 16, 2024.

Viking Village 3D Art Challenge by Sierra Division

Image from Sierra Division

Fox Renderfarm: Empowering Your Artistic Vision

At Fox Renderfarm, we understand the importance of having powerful tools to bring your visions to life. Our state-of-the-art rendering solutions are designed to support artists in creating stunning, high-quality 3D environments. By participating in the Viking Village 3D Environment Art Challenge, you not only stand a chance to win amazing prizes but also get the opportunity to experience the seamless rendering capabilities of Fox Renderfarm.

We can’t wait to see the incredible 3D environments you create for the Viking Village 3D Environment Art Challenge. As the market-leading render farm that provides cloud rendering solutions, we’re committed to empowering artists and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. Let’s embark on this epic journey together and celebrate the art of 3D rendering.

Source: Sierra Division

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