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Behind the Pixels: Unmasking the Artistry of Ryuga Tjew

Last edited on: 2024-01-03
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Fox Renderfarm Interview

Introducing Ryuga Tjew, a gifted artist hailing from Canada, making significant strides in the realm of 3D art. Notably, he has earned acclaim for his outstanding piece, "Homeward”, securing the top spot in the student category of our FGT3D New Adventure Challenge. Congratulations are in order! Fox Renderfarm, recognized as a leading cloud rendering service provider and render farm in the industry, was honored to interview Ryuga Tjew.

Join us in this insightful interview as we explore the artistic journey of Ryuga Tjew and uncover the distinctive qualities that set him apart.

Fox Renderfarm: Hi Ryuga Tjew! Thank you so much for accepting our interview! Could you please introduce yourself to our readers?

Ryuga Tjew: Hi everyone! I'm Ryuga, an environment generalist with a passion for creating stunning landscapes and otherworldly environments for VFX. I began learning CGI when I was in architecture studies. I was exposed a lot to the use of computer-graphic software and decided to continue my study in Visual Effects and just finished in 2023 at Think Tank Training Centre in North Vancouver, Canada.

Fox Renderfarm: Congratulations on winning first place in the FGT3D New Adventure Challenge, student category! How do you feel about it?

Ryuga Tjew: Winning first place in the FGT3D New Adventure Challenge feels absolutely incredible! I'm so proud of the work I put into my entry, and I'm so grateful to the judges for recognizing it. This win is a huge boost of confidence and a reminder that anything is possible when you dedicate yourself to your passions.Homeward © Ryuga Tjew

Homeward © Ryuga Tjew

Fox Renderfarm: Could you give us a brief overview of the project that you brought to the FGT3D New Adventure Challenge?

Ryuga Tjew: I was influenced to create a boat-interior CG scene - right after I watched the classic JAWS (1975) by Steven Spielberg. As my aim is to become an Environment Generalist for Visual Effects, it got me thinking that I must deliver some sort of generalist technicality and show my range of skills through a single environment.

Fox Renderfarm: How did you conceive the concept that eventually became the winning submission? 

Ryuga Tjew: I went with a real-life photo for the main concept.  When I see the picture below, I always feel that I can do many things and showcase my skills as an environment generalist. Simply because I can integrate the interior element versus the exterior, I think they are complementary.

© Ryuga Tjew

© Ryuga Tjew

I wanted to give the impression that someone has occupied the boat cabin, not just an empty CG interior. Therefore, I went with more images and modeled more assets. 

Empty CG Interior © Ryuga Tjew

Empty CG Interior © Ryuga Tjew

Empty CG Interior © Ryuga Tjew_

Empty CG Interior © Ryuga Tjew

Empty CG Interior © Ryuga Tjew__

Empty CG Interior © Ryuga Tjew

Fox Renderfarm: The scene you created is full of vibrant colors and intricate details. How did you go about creating the textures and atmosphere for the scene, and what was your creative process like?

Ryuga Tjew: For the texturing, I divided all the 3D assets into 3 categories. Hero asset (anything in a close-up shot), a secondary asset (wall, door, ceiling, etc), and a background asset (exterior elements such as sky, ocean, and anything visible). In that way, I know where I can spend my energy and focus more on a particular area, especially for close-up shots that carry more pixel information.

3D Assets © Ryuga Tjew

3D Assets © Ryuga Tjew

3D Assets © Ryuga Tjew_

3D Assets © Ryuga Tjew

Additionally, I organized the UDIM tiles. I categorized them accordingly by asset’s material. Most of the time, one asset has more than one material. Then I gathered other photos as references. The goal this time is to find an interesting color palette and paint some details on surfaces to tell how the situation inside the cabin.

UDIM tiles © Ryuga Tjew

UDIM tiles © Ryuga Tjew

UDIM tiles © Ryuga Tjew_

UDIM tiles © Ryuga Tjew

UDIM tiles © Ryuga Tjew__

UDIM tiles © Ryuga Tjew

UDIM tiles © Ryuga Tjew___

UDIM tiles © Ryuga Tjew

Fox Renderfarm: The large window on the left side offers a view of the ocean. How did you simulate the outside environment, such as the moonlight reflecting on the water, and what considerations did you take into account to make the exterior look realistic through the window?

Ryuga Tjew: For the ocean, I used V-Ray Water. V-Ray Water is a procedurally generated texture. It can be used along with Vector Displacement in order to simulate waves on the surface of the water on a single plane.

© Ryuga Tjew_

© Ryuga Tjew

For the lighting, I still use real-life photographs as a reference. When I follow a photo, nothing will go wrong because it is what is.  This part is mainly done in compositing, I matched the light intensity for each light.

© Ryuga Tjew___

© Ryuga Tjew

Fox Renderfarm: Lighting plays a crucial role in emphasizing focal points. How did you use lighting to draw attention to specific elements within the cabin, such as the desk, book, or the painting on the wall?                                                   

Ryuga Tjew: Contrast is the key to getting the pronounced-shape objects. The light versus dark should be visible. This aspect will be determined by light position, direction, and intensity. Depth of field and volumetric fog will enhance it.

© Ryuga Tjew____

© Ryuga Tjew

© Ryuga Tjew_____

© Ryuga Tjew

Fox Renderfarm: How long did it take you to complete this piece from concept to final render, and which part was the most time-consuming? Why?

Ryuga Tjew: As for the submission for the FGT3D Challenge, I only submitted 1 shot that I feel most confident about. In reality, I had 7. I started to work on this before the challenge was published because it’s actually for the final project at my school. Since I worked non-linearly, I can assume that 1 shot that I submitted could be done in 5 to 7 weeks. From modeling, texturing, lighting, rendering, and compositing. I had lucky timing when the challenge was announced. The most time-consuming is rendering, I have no render farm. This project is meant for a full demo reel.

Fox Renderfarm: The ship's cabin includes a variety of objects, from a computer on the desk to books on the shelf. How did you decide on the level of detail for each object, and were there specific challenges in rendering certain items realistically?

Ryuga Tjew: While working on a close-up shot, I determine how close the camera will ever get to the object. The rule that I adopt is to double the final resolution of the piece in texture resolution. If my screen output is 2K, then UV tiles are going to be 4K. The pieces that I see on my Maya screen should be doubled in my UV view.

Fox Renderfarm: Can you share a specific moment or project in your career that was a turning point or a significant learning experience for you?

Ryuga Tjew: Well, frankly to say, this project is the most significant for my learning experience so far. It showcases all my abilities in a single project completely.

Fox Renderfarm: As a 3D artist, the field is constantly evolving. How do you keep your skills sharp and stay informed about the latest trends and technologies in the industry?

Ryuga Tjew: I try to be flexible and always open to different industry trends, workflows, and technologies. These drives for continuous learning empower me to adapt quickly to new challenges. One challenge sometimes can be solved with different approaches.

Fox Renderfarm: Have you had any experience with Fox Renderfarm's cloud rendering services in the past? If you have, what is your opinion of our cloud rendering offerings? 

Ryuga Tjew: Not yet until now, but I’m going to try it soon for my next rendering as I have been granted some credits by Fox Renderfarm. Thank you very much! I’m really excited to try it.

Fox Renderfarm: Do you have any ongoing projects or future plans at the moment?

Ryuga Tjew: Definitely a yes! Also currently I am learning Houdini by SideFX.

Fox Renderfarm: Looking ahead, what are some goals or aspirations you have for your career as a 3D artist? Are there specific challenges you hope to tackle in the future?

Ryuga Tjew: I aim to blur the lines between reality and CGI, crafting environments so realistic that they become indistinguishable from photographs. This could involve simulating complex natural phenomena, intricate textures, and dynamic lighting with a high level of accuracy.

Thanks again to Ryuga Tjew for accepting our interview! Wishing new heights in your professional career!!

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