Annecy International Animation Film Festival is the world’s largest event dedicated to animation, along with the Mifa, the professional meeting place for the animation industry. The 2023 edition of Annecy Festival will be held from Sunday 11th June to Saturday 17th June, and its Film Market (Mifa) will be from 13th to 16th June.
2023 accreditations are open now, reserve your accreditation and prepare your trip! Experience the buzz of the event and reconnect with the Mifa professionals by getting your accreditations now!
As the best render farm and TPN-Accredited cloud rendering service provider in the CG industry, Fox Renderfarm will also participate in this significant international event and looking forward to meeting & communicating with you.
Image via Annecy Festival
Take a look at the different offers available and choose the one that best suits your needs:
1. For professionals or teachers in animation
Enjoy all the Annecy Festival 2023’s programmes (Competition, Special Programmes, Screening Events, etc.) with Festival Accreditation.
In addition to the Festival’s programmes, attend the various meetings, Work in Progress, Making of, Conferences, Studio Focus, and more with Festival+ Accreditation.
Attend all the Festival and Film Market’s events to discover all the industry’s productivity with Mifa Accreditation.
2. For students
Enjoy a Students Accreditation that gives you access to all content that is especially for you, at the Festival and Mifa, in order to better prepare your future career.
3. For buyers
Buyers, investors, or distributors in the field of animation, film, audiovisual or multimedia, enjoy access to all events and a dedicated area with Buyers Accreditation.
4. For media
Cover the event as a journalist or blogger with Journalists Accreditation.
5. For Press Officer
To learn more:
The 2023 edition poster
Besides, the Festival unveiled its 2023 poster which was designed by the Animator and Director Jorge R. Gutierrez, who will also be one of the jury members.
Image via Annecy Festival
An aficionado of Mexican culture and folklore, he has created a genuinely joyous and heart-warming firework display of references announcing a very colourful edition!
Check out Jorge’s inspiration and creative process.
Can’t wait to see you at Annecy Festival 2023! Hope we can have a fun time there!
Source: Annecy Festival