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A Sneak Peek at EEVEE Next in Blender 4.2 LTS

Last edited on: 2024-07-17
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Artists of 3D, unite! Get ready for a revolution in rendering. Version 4.2 of Blender, the most recent Long Term Support (LTS) update, is almost here and brings with it something revolutionary: EEVEE Next. With its enhanced features, this redesigned render engine promises to turbocharge your workflow and make real-time rendering a dream come true.

What's Under the Hood?

Two major issues that the EEVEE Next project set out to address were technological debt and design constraints. The developers want to provide a rendering experience that is faster, smoother, and more visually appealing. To that goal, they streamlined the coding and addressed basic design flaws.

So, what can you expect? Here's a glimpse into the exciting world of EEVEE Next:

Rendering Like Never Before

Rendering bottlenecks are history. With major speed improvements, EEVEE Next lets you design intricate settings and play around with lighting and effects in real-time.

Goodbye, Grainy Shadows

Are pixelated shadows frustrating you? A completely new shadow system is implemented by EEVEE Next, providing sharp, high-quality shadows that give your graphics more depth and realism.

Light Up Your World

With unlimited lights, let your creativity go wild! The prior cap on the number of lights per scene is eliminated by EEVEE Next, allowing you to create complex lighting arrangements without limitations.

A Touch of Magic

EEVEE Next raises the bar for worldwide illumination. You'll be left in complete awe at the breathtaking pictures produced by realistic lighting effects like soft shadows and indirect bounce.

Volumetric Dreams

The atmospheric effects of dust motes dancing in sunbeams and smoke billowing from a chimney are brought to life with remarkable realism by EEVEE Next, which enhances volumetric rendering.

Motion Blur Mania

Improved motion blur allows you to capture the excitement of movement. EEVEE Next adds a hint of cinematic flair to your animations by making sure they appear realistic and fluid.

Depth of Field Delight

Desire to highlight a specific item? With the improved depth-of-field of EEVEE Next, you can get that recognizable cinematic appearance by blurring the background and bringing your subject to life.

Check out the overview from the community:


Real-time rendering appears to have a very bright future ahead of it with Blender 4.2 LTS and EEVEE Next. For 3D artists, it is great news, and with the aid of a render farm, the rendering speeds will be faster than ever before!

As a Blender render farm, Fox Renderfarm provides secure and fast cloud rendering services, supports EEVEE rendering, and is also a member of the Blender Development Fund. If your project's delivery deadline is approaching, why not use our render farm to speed up the final rendering process? Fox Renderfarm offers a $25 render coupon for all to use, sign up and get it!

Source: Blender Developer

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