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Interview with Patrick Vogel, a Designer Thinking about How Futuristic Architecture to Save the Last Nature

Last edited on: 2022-07-04
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Architectural Visualization | CGarchitect Architectural 3Dawards

Exclusive interview about 2019 ARCHITECTURAL 3D AWARDS

What happens, if the ecosystem is going to collapse? How will architecture save the last few bits of nature? Patrick Vogel, a multidimensional designer and creative director, told us his answer through a futuristic 3D architectural work.

Patrick Vogel

  • Patrick Vogel
  • From: Germany
  • Multidimensional Designer
  • Company: ALT/SHIFT

The Prophecy

The Prophecy: Nominated work in Image (Non-commissioned) of CGarchitect 2019 ARCHITECTURAL 3D AWARDS

Patrick Vogel spent 4-5 weeks to finish the creative work The Prophecy, which contrasts the world of the extinct to the world of the living through an architectural Utopia. By creating the image, he wants to point out that architectural visualization can be used for more than selling buildings. It rather can be a tool for portraying political, social and ecological problems, to gain attention and publicity.

patrick-vogel-kommando-malf patrick-vogel-republican-pool-party-2020

Patrick’s Work

Patrick is a 3D designer in the field of visualization, animation, VR, and design & art. With the background of the architect, he found his own 3D/Design studio ALT/SHIFT, an interdisciplinary design studio in Hamburg in 2016. Patrick and his team create high-end visualization, animation and high immersive VR-experiences, and keep their own unique style in creation. Their vision is to be the digital architects who create digital realities.



Here’s the interview between Patrick and Fox Renderfarm.

Fox Renderfarm: Hi, Patrick, would you please give a brief introduction about yourself and your company?

Patrick Vogel: My name is Patrick, I’m a 31-year-old dude from Hamburg City and the founder of ALT/SHIFT. I used to be an architect but hated that boring job. So the decision was clear in 2016: I have to start a 3D/Design Studio. We’re basically doing whatever we want. It just has to be creative. We’re mostly doing ArchViz, Motion Design, Branding and other weird stuff. We do what we love and we love what we do. Ah, I forgot the most important thing. I’m having ALT/SHIFT with my amazing wife Tanja.




Fox Renderfarm: How do you feel about being nominated in The CGarchitect Architectural 3D Awards?

Patrick Vogel: I’m super blown away! Just amazing! I really didn’t expect that. Feels unreal.

Fox Renderfarm: What’s your inspiration for this amazing project of The Prophecy? Why did you select this artwork to participate in the competition?

Patrick Vogel: In general, I’m really interested in the whole climate change discussion and wanted to portray a sinister future scenario about this topic. As I’m doing a lot of ArchViz for commercial projects I am always asking myself if this kind of job is the right thing for contributing to society. The answer is no. We basically selling images that sell houses to people who can afford it. Don’t get me wrong, I love this job, but I was asking myself if it would be a cool idea to use the ArchViz-medium as something that communicates a modern problem. That was also the reason why I participated with that work: I wanted to tell a real story through ArchViz. Not a customer journey.

Other 3D architectural works of Patrick

Other 3D architectural works of Patrick 2

Other 3D architectural works of Patrick

Fox Renderfarm: Could you introduce the lighting design of the project?

Patrick Vogel: That was actually a tough one. I tested like hundreds of lighting setups and HDRIs to get the right “poisoned-world”-look. I didn’t know, what I was searching for and it literally took days to find the right mood.

Fox Renderfarm: We discovered that this artwork is different than the commercial architectural visualization, why do you illustrate the future architecture in this way? Any ideas behind that?

Patrick Vogel: Yes, like I said in one of the answers above: I tried to create something that communicates the climate change problem and shows a possible future, where there is no real nature anymore. Something that can happen. A world that we created for our children. Sounds really dramatic and emo, haha. But basically, that’s it.

Fox Renderfarm: What’s the most unforgettable and interesting part of the creation process?

Patrick Vogel: Staring for hours at the screen and being amazed and scared at the same time… And then realizing that this dystopian piece comes out of my head.

Fox Renderfarm: Did you meet any difficulties when creating this work? And how did you solve it?

Patrick Vogel: I had huge trouble with finding the right light setup and I hope I solved it.

Fox Renderfarm: ALT/SHIFT not only devotes to high-end architectural visualization but also dedicates to multidimensional visual communication like animation and VR, what’s your inspiration for this integration?

Patrick Vogel: Oh yes, we’re doing a lot of different stuff. That’s what keeps us moving forward. We tend to always say YES. Because YES usually leads to way more fun then MAYBE or no. From branding to motion, fashion, cover art – we see ourselves as multidimensional designers with a strong foundation in 3D and CGI.



Fox Renderfarm: What’s the development vision for your company?

Patrick Vogel: We want to create. It’s that simple. At the moment we realize, that we will be forced to grow a little bit – but we want to stay a weird and fancy boutique studio. MY nightmare would be, that I’m not creating stuff on my own anymore – instead just caring about employees, client needs and new business. If that means, that we will stay small and will never have a Lamborghini – I’m happy to pay that price. So the answer in general: We want to become one of the most creative boutique-agencies in the world.

Alt Shift work


Fox Renderfarm: Have you ever used Fox Renderfarm cloud rendering services previously? If yes, how do you feel about it?

Patrick Vogel: Honestly, I never ever used a render farm in my whole career. But I guess, that will change now. And I also guess that Fox Renderfarm would be an amazing partner! So be prepared to welcome us as new customers!

Fox Renderfarm: Any other things you want to share with CG enthusiasts?

Patrick Vogel: Like Nike said: JUST DO IT. Don’t overthink things. Don’t overthink light, composition and so on. Just create CGI more based on how it feels. Not how it’s supposed to look – because somebody set some standards in look and feel.

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