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Global computer-generated animation and visual effects brands to gather at SIGGRAPH Asia 2019

Last edited on: 2019-09-20
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Brisbane, Australia, 20 September 2019 – Some of the world’s leading brands, academic institutions and start-ups have secured their presence at the region’s foremost event for computer-generated animation and visual effects, SIGGRAPH Asia 2019.

Siggraph Asia 2019 in Brisbane

“We are delighted that some of the industry’s most respected brands are supporting SIGGRAPH Asia for its debut in Australia,” says Conference Chair, Tomasz Bednarz. “The Australian market for animation, games, CGI/VFX, interactive media and VR/AR, as well as research in this space, is rapidly growing, and as hosts of SIGGRAPH Asia’s 12th edition, we are excited to show the rest of the world the opportunities Australia presents.”

Siggraph Asia 2019

Sponsors and exhibitors from over 20 countries at SIGGRAPH Asia 2019 include Adobe Research, AWS, Carpe Diem Solutions, Computational Visual Media, Forum8 Co., Ltd, Foundry, Fox Renderfarm, HTC Corporation, Industrial Light & Magic, PIXAR, Qualisys, SideFX HOUDINI Software, Tracklab, Tsinghua University – Tencent Joint Laboratory, UBISOFT, Unity Technologies, VICON Motion Systems, Weta Digital, Xsens and ZQ Racing, to mention a few. They will showcase hardware and services in the categories of computer graphics, interactive and innovative technologies, high-performance computing, as well as education, training and research. The support of these companies underscores the importance of SIGGRAPH Asia 2019 as a learning hub and showcase for emerging technologies in the industry.

"As a long-term sponsor and exhibitor, Fox Renderfarm believes that people contributing to, and attending, SIGGRAPH Asia truly thrive together. They do this by sharing the latest research and techniques, exploring advanced technologies, communicating industry insights, and envisaging a blueprint hand in hand,” commented Rachel Chen, Marketing Director, Fox Renderfarm. “SIGGRAPH Asia is the place for Fox Renderfarm to showcase our fast and secure CPU & GPU rendering solutions and connect to customers from around the world."

SIGGRAPH Asia 2019’s Gold Sponsor, the NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute (DLI), will also be conducting hands-on training workshops over two days on Fundamentals of Deep Learning for Computer Vision and Multiple Data Types. Aimed at developers, data scientists, and researchers, NVIDIA will help participants get started with training, optimizing, and deploying neural networks to solve real-world problems across diverse industries such as self-driving cards, healthcare, online services and robotics. These workshops are open to Platinum (PP), Full Conference (FC), Full Conference 1-day (1D) pass holders, who will be notified on how to register for the workshops.

An additional component within the SIGGRAPH Asia 2019 exhibition is the Start-Up Garage, an initiative that enables small and boutique enterprises to connect with, showcase to, and scale with, brands, investors and senior creatives from around the world. Brisbane, the host city of SIGGRAPH Asia 2019, has a bourgeoning startup community in creative tech, companies that are at the forefront of technological innovation in the fields of animation, games and visual effects.

Participating international academic institutions and universities include Lost Boys – School of VFX (Canada); Ritsumeikan University, College of Image Arts & and Sciences (Japan); Visual Computing Center at KAUST (Saudi Arabia); Victoria University of Wellington and the Wellington ICT Graduate School (New Zealand). Participating Australian institutions include the University New South Wales’ School of Art & Design and UQ Centre for Energy Data Innovation. 

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