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Fox Renderfarm Highlights in 2019

Last edited on: 2024-09-19
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At the beginning of 2020, let’s take an opportunity to look back at our journey in 2019.

First, it wouldn't be possible without the continuous support we get from all of you, for which we're deeply grateful and want to thank you!

Here are some of 2019's highlights.

=Fox Data=

  • Serving 3,000,000 end-users
  • Rendered 90+ films
  • Handled 5,000,000 computing tasks
  • Rendered 200,000,000 frames

=Fox Events=

Fox Renderfarm Highlights in 2019 8

March 15th, Shenzhen, Fox Renderfarm's CG Salon, 'To know the past, the present and the future of Japanese CG industry in 60 minutes'

Fox Renderfarm’s CG Salon is set to build a communication platform for the CG industry. The speaker, including Mr. Luo Jun (CEO and founder of Pixeland Digital Production) and Mr. Tetsuya Ogawa (Corporate Planning Director of CGCG STUDIO Inc.), introduced the development of the CG industry in Japan and Asia.

SIGGRAPH 2018 Computer Animation Festival Electronic Theater

April 13th, Shenzhen, SIGGRAPH 2018 Computer Animation Festival Electronic Theater (Shenzhen Tour)

The event was held by Fox Renderfarm and co-organized with ACM SIGGRAPH Shenzhen Chapter and Rong De Culture. As the leading cloud rendering platform, Fox Renderfarm always works closely with SIGGRAPH and promotes the development of CG and interactive technology.

The 15th China International Animation Festival

April 29th, Hangzhou, Fox Renderfarm @ The 15th China International Animation Festival

Ben Cheung, Deputy General Manager of Fox Renderfarm, was invited to participate in the 15th China International Animation Festival – 2019 China Young Director Animation Pitch Contest & the Launch of Young Director Support Program, organized by Xihu District People's Government, Zhejiang Animation Industry Association and Wuhu Animator Space.

CG Tech Summit

May 19th, Shenzhen, Fox Renderfarm's CG Salon, 'The beauty of CG Technology'

Fox Renderfarm's CG Salon, ‘The beauty of CG Technology’ was successfully held in Shenzhen. The event is co-organized with ACM SIGGRAPH Shenzhen Chapter and the International Chinese Association of Computer-Human Interaction(ICACHI). Dr. Jos Stam, Dr. LiWei (Chair of ICACHI), and Mr. Jelo Wang (CEO of FACEGOOD) were invited to share their CG insights and experiences with the audience.

Fox Renderfarm @ SIGGRAPH 2019

July 28th - August 1st, Los Angeles, Fox Renderfarm @ SIGGRAPH 2019

SIGGRAPH 2019 was successfully held in Los Angeles, which appealed to researchers, artists, and professionals who live and breathe computer graphics and interactive techniques. Fox Renderfarm was honored to be one of the exhibitors and sponsors and showcased our fast and secure cloud rendering solutions and connected industry players from all around the world.

Fox Renderfarm @ Kre8tif! 2019

September 3rd - 6th, Malaysia, Fox Renderfarm @ Kre8tif! 2019

Fox Renderfarm participated in Kre8tif! 2019, an annual digital creative content industry event in Malaysia, aiming to spark innovation and exploration of major trends across the creative sector. We received a large number of CG enthusiasts and had good communications with them regarding our powerful cloud rendering service.

Small Steps Get Us to Far Away Places Along the CG Journey

October 15th, Beijing, CG Tech Summit, 'Small Steps Get Us to Far Away Places Along the CG Journey'

The CG Tech Summit was successfully held in Beijing, aiming to promote the CG industry communication and creating opportunities for cooperation. The speakers including Mr. Justin Jiang Hui (Senior Producer), Mr. Harry Lam (PIXOMONDO VFX Supervisor), Mr. Huang Shuo (CEO of Dagong Technology), Mr. Jacky Ke Jiang (Independent Animation Director), and Mr. Peng Cheng (CEO of Ecoplants).

Fox Renderfarm @ VFX Summit 2019

November 20th - 21st, India, Fox Renderfarm @ VFX Summit 2019

VFX Summit 2019, the country’s largest VFX event hosted by Indiajoy, successfully held in Hyderabad, India. As one of the sponsors and exhibitors, Fox Renderfarm treasured very much the chance of exploring business opportunities and discussing industry insights in VFX Summit 2019.

Fox Renderfarm Highlights in 2019 10

December 1st, Shenzhen, CG Tech Summit

Several Senior TDs were invited to the CG Tech Summit held by Fox Renderfarm. They shared their experiences and insights in the tools development and pipeline management with CG enthusiasts.

=Fox Projects=

Malaysia's TOP 3 animated film

As for the film rendering, Ejen Ali: The Movie, BoBoiBoy Movie 2 and Upin & Ipin: Keris Siamang Tunggal, together are Malaysia’s Top 3 local animated films, they all have chosen Fox Renderfarm, the TPN-accredited cloud render farm, as their exclusive cloud rendering partner.

Chinese's TOP 3 film

Nezha, the Chinese animation film ranked as the NO. 1 at the China animation film box office, together with Wolf Warriors 2 and The Wandering Earth, ranking top 3 box office smashes in China, were all rendered with Fox Renderfarm.

=Fox Content Protection=

Fox Renderfarm has completed the annual TPN assessment process for 2022

In September, Fox Renderfarm has successfully completed MPAA’s Content Security Best Practices and officially become a TPN Trusted Partner.

Thank you for your support and love in 2019 and we'll do our best to make you proud in 2020! Professional and secure cloud rendering services will be provided for all the customers continually.

Wishing you an amazing 2020 with countless inspiration and happiness!

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Email: evan.zhang@foxrenderfarm.com

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Email: evanliu@foxrenderfarm.com

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